Beware of Noob Answers!!!


Well-Known Member
Does it count if you explain that while you don't know for sure, but you have recently read quite a few articles claiming one thing or another...? Because if that still counts then I'm was me....ooooohhhhhh I let people know up front like this is what the internet has told me and this is where I found it...and newb growers are awesome for helping one poster to another--"my plant looks like this is it this or that"..."aw man it's this...happened to me last week and this is how i fixed it"...So experiences are constantly being is how you learn...does it suck that when you are more experienced you are hounded with the same questions over and over and over? So why shouldn't a new person save you some typing by throwing up a link...? Eh, whateva... I don't know what I am doing, or if I am doing well at all...all I know is that I enjoy doing it, I am learning everyday, and in the end I get to smoke some weed that is better than I can buy so---...


Well-Known Member
i hope your talking actual growing experience and not internet forum post's lol, tons of you so called guru's with thousands of posts are the ones to watch out for, just because you post 10,000000 times on an internet forum doesnt give you actual experience, and iv seen some newbs with nicer plants than the so called experienced growers lol... just saying

Yes, I am talking about actual growing experience. The amount of posts means nothing to me. It could be an high school student that has nothing better to do and post on here with zero growing experience.


Well-Known Member
Does it count if you explain that while you don't know for sure, but you have recently read quite a few articles claiming one thing or another...? Because if that still counts then I'm was me....ooooohhhhhh I let people know up front like this is what the internet has told me and this is where I found it...and newb growers are awesome for helping one poster to another--"my plant looks like this is it this or that"..."aw man it's this...happened to me last week and this is how i fixed it"...So experiences are constantly being is how you learn...does it suck that when you are more experienced you are hounded with the same questions over and over and over? So why shouldn't a new person save you some typing by throwing up a link...? Eh, whateva... I don't know what I am doing, or if I am doing well at all...all I know is that I enjoy doing it, I am learning everyday, and in the end I get to smoke some weed that is better than I can buy so---...

The way to do it, IMO. I wouln't be telling one person how to do it in hydro systems etc. I would mention them to take my advice with a grain of salt or where I have learned this information from. That was back in the day when I was clueless. Now days I don't really do that since I can pretty much tell what is wrong half of the time or it would be better to add a question mark to see if it is the case and not be so firm on your answer unless this or that person has experienced this themselves.


Well-Known Member
The best Nitrogen source is Human urine! The best source of Cal-Mag is Egg shells! Use a flea collar at the base of the plant to control infection. Inject NPK into the main stem! That feels good. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
wow the ignorance of the OP for starting this thread, what an asshole and to everyone that agreed is an asshole as well, people are people, we make mistakes we give out info, whatever is the cause in the end a true grower will learn and master his own ways, how the fuc* you gonna go around getting mad at people who give misguided info? thats fucke* up!, its the way of a human being, as it is with every living creature, your sharing stuff you may know, so somebody does it and they screw up, then then another person does it differently and they all three learn from it, stop pretending your almighty jesus, no one is perfect, get that shovel out of your asses,

peace and prosperity and individuality is better.
Hahaha look who is talking bro!? I believe in God and Jesus so no need to go insulting him! People make mistakes, however the ones who have never grown anything shouldn't be giving advice or anything stating that is a fact. I have seen so many people giving wrong advice that is way off base even a person with 1 or 2 grows can tell. The point of this forum is to help eachother as best as one could. This is just as warning to other new growers to take noob posts with grain of salt. Again people do make mistakes but one who never grown should not even be helping at all but to sit back and listen and learn. So who is the ass now?


New Member
I for one try to remain the utmost humility in posting advice. I do not give an answer if I have not had experience with the issue. And when I do answer it is because I have had not only experience but have also spent much time researching the same issues. What I find most infuriating are the people who know better who seem to purposely give erroneous information to others. Why? Was it no fun pulling legs off of spiders and flies when you were a kid? Also not a big fan of the "Get some Cal/Mag" posts. Mother Ganja does not piss Cal/Mag all frikken day long. It is not miracle cure for every issue a plant has.


New Member
Some answers are very obvious though. If a newbie is asking about something very basic or very vague like "Do my seedlings need ALL of the nutes I bought" or " What do I need to do a successful 1st grow, help?" And which of us has never seen either one of these right? Then I suggest reading, studying, planning, and acting BEFORE they germinate a single seed. But then you see the same peeps 2 weeks later with 6" tall seedlings with 1 yellow set of true leaves wondering where they went wrong. Some people just cannot be helped. But that does not mean they need to be slammed, harrassed, and humiliated. Just sayin'


New Member
Some answers are very obvious though. If a newbie is asking about something very basic or very vague like "Do my seedlings need ALL of the nutes I bought" or " What do I need to do a successful 1st grow, help?" And which of us has never seen either one of these right? Then I suggest reading, studying, planning, and acting BEFORE they germinate a single seed. But then you see the same peeps 2 weeks later with 6" tall seedlings with 1 yellow set of true leaves wondering where they went wrong. Some people just cannot be helped. But that does not mean they need to be slammed, harrassed, and humiliated. Just sayin'
Hey, Thanks for the props on this post Potpimp. I was thinking about this one and I realized that ANYBODY can learn how to grow cannabis. Perhaps the people that fail learn by that failing? I admit that I have never had a totally perfect start to finish grow. 9 finger leaves everywhere, greener than Kermits ass, with 1/2 oz budz at each node. It was through failure that I continued to learn and I still learn every day. Because in trying to encourage other's I take the time to learn how to help them.

Brings to mind a great quote "Every person is my better, in that I may learn from them."


Well-Known Member
you know what bugs me more than people who give bogus answers? People who think that only they know everything... and people who don't get that a forum is meant for the exchange of ideas. I had someone e-yell at me... because I gave a differing answer about pH than they gave. It made me never want to use this sight again. I got over that in about a month.


New Member
Advice from someone that's been here for 2 months.:wall: How many successful grows have you had? Where are the pix?

I agree 100% with the OP; ignore the info from noobs; they will have you growing autos under LEDs, driving rusty nails through the stems, pissing on them for fertilizer and drowning them with mole-asses. It's NOT a fucking weed; it's an herb; the term "weed" was coined by hippies, not horticulturalists or botanists. If all the "expert growers" here stopped posting, I can damn well assure you there would be a lot of people without pot to smoke. It's not a matter of being on a high horse; it's a matter of giving proper, useful information.
Aw common potpimp, I'm newwww toooo.. should I stop giving advice? :D


Well-Known Member
It is annoying when you see things like "I think it might be nute burn but i'll let the experts confirm"

I only reply to things i have first hand experience in so if anyone is giving misinformation, you can easily correct them.

Like a while ago where a guy flamed me for saying what he thought were buds were just new branches.
He replyed with abuse saying plants can't grow a branch from a branch from a branch
when they can infact that is how they grow. You just rarely see it get that far.

He also created a thread
about me saying not to take my advice and warned against others giving misinformation.

Everyone disagreed with him :) he didn't reply to that thread again lol

have a read: