Beware of Noob Answers!!!


Active Member
I have to totally canker here. The internet is full of mis-information. Big deal its' free; it isn't worth the electrons it sits within (does it make sense). Like when I was starting out as a carpenter apprentice back in the late 60's. Give me a book and I knew it all. Quit my first job and went off on my own. Next 15 years was a total learning experience. See it in the "kids" today too. One can always tell a newbie by the way their pie hole is always flapping.
I also want to thank all of the experience here (as well as other sites). By searching and reading, one can save a lot of time, expense and aggravation getting some advice before jumping in full throttle.
thanks again...


Well-Known Member
Some people have to keep there ego in check ,you wouldn't be one of them would you.
Dude! put your pride aside. This thread has nothing to do with pointing fingers at anyone. The point is to be aware that some people who have never grown can and will give wrong advice to people who are having problems. It is better to allow the ones that have experienced these certain problems. I wouldn't give anyone an answer to their problems or help them if I have never experienced the problem myself. It is all in the experience. I have read the C. Book from cover to cover and expected to do great and my results was shit until after my 2nd grow I started to get what each plant needs. It is all in the experience. Simple as that nothing more to it


Well-Known Member
..its like the advice to boil the roots of your plant while its upside down, so the thc in the roots travels up into the buds...i actually heard this more than once.

anyone else remember "advise" like that? :D


Well-Known Member
And I don't agree with you.

"I'm not a doctor, I just play one on television. Now what seems to be the problem with your stomach?"

Common sense can only go so far. If you don't grow, you don't know... regardless of what you've read or think you know.

What do you do if someone takes your advice but it doesn't work? Can you explain what they did wrong? Why it didn't work? Can you offer any alternatives? Can you at least say, "it worked for me in the past." No, you can't even say that.

Hands-on experience with even just one grow will teach you more than a stack of books.
Exacty!!! Straight to the point!


Well-Known Member
Dude! put your pride aside. This thread has nothing to do with pointing fingers at anyone. The point is to be aware that some people who have never grown can and will give wrong advice to people who are having problems. It is better to allow the ones that have experienced these certain problems. I wouldn't give anyone an answer to their problems or help them if I have never experienced the problem myself. It is all in the experience. I have read the C. Book from cover to cover and expected to do great and my results was shit until after my 2nd grow I started to get what each plant needs. It is all in the experience. Simple as that nothing more to it
I meant people like myself it was not a comment directed at anybody else.The old saying loose lips sink ships comes to mind.


Active Member
I urge anyone who reads and believes the boiling roots advice and other crazy tips, to go ahead and try it. i like the rusty nail through the stalk trick, haha.. Common sense aint that common.


Well-Known Member
I wanted to say thanks to you guys. I never expected to get this many posts in less than 36 hours, wow. I am surprised to see over 100 posts. Even though I disagree or agree with some of the posts on here. I am not the best grower out there, very far from it.. At least I try to be honest and help the ones that need/want help from the experienced growers in their department. I have never completed an Hydro grow myself and I wouldn't go too far and try to help the ones with hydro problems as I have no experiece in that area yet. Soil is a different story, I have done over 7 grows in soil and I know an def when I see the ones I have experienced. I don't make lbs out of 1 light which I am trying to perfect at the moment. I can grow some dank but not large amount. enjoy some of these pictures.



Well-Known Member
I meant people like myself it was not a comment directed at anybody else.The old saying loose lips sink ships comes to mind.
Putting it this way, you might be right. It is all about spreading the love and give valid information to help others. It just pisses me off when some are quick to judge or try to act like they are better than others when this site is all about learning experience and feedback.


Well-Known Member
i just don't care enough .... i find out what i want ... if anyone asks me something i'll ansa them if i know ... or say i don't know... who cares who knows what and whos saying this and that??? i don't think i'm better then anyone else and i don't brag myself up as the internets best source of information inhaleindica.


Well-Known Member
I wanted to say thanks to you guys. I never expected to get this many posts in less than 36 hours, wow. I am surprised to see over 100 posts. Even though I disagree or agree with some of the posts on here. I am not the best grower out there, very far from it.. At least I try to be honest and help the ones that need/want help from the experienced growers in their department. I have never completed an Hydro grow myself and I wouldn't go too far and try to help the ones with hydro problems as I have no experiece in that area yet. Soil is a different story, I have done over 7 grows in soil and I know an def when I see the ones I have experienced. I don't make lbs out of 1 light which I am trying to perfect at the moment. I can grow some dank but not large amount. enjoy some of these pictures.
You really did create a monster with this thread.

The same deficiencies actually look slightly different between a soil and hydro plant. So I always give the disclaimer that I'm strictly hydro before trying a guess at a soil person's solution. There's nothing wrong with an experienced soil grower giving his two cents on a hyrdo grow, just so long as that same disclaimer is mentioned in reverse. I think most sensible growers either steer clear of giving cross platform advice or give some sort of disclaimer.

Your pix are impressive. I think that says it all. The long months I spent as a 'shadow' researcher here on RIU, it was pretty easy for me to tell who I should take seriously by their pix. No, pix of your accomplishments? Then whatever you say is put on the back burner in favor of the guy with dank nug shots. It's really a simple equation.


Well-Known Member
says it all to within reason... i think common sense is key also ... you know your grow, enviroment, budget ... blah blah blah take advise when its needed and when its not take it and say thanks anyway :-) thats the way i roll


Well-Known Member
..its like the advice to boil the roots of your plant while its upside down, so the thc in the roots travels up into the buds...i actually heard this more than once.
anyone else remember "advise" like that? :D

Here's a classic: Flushing your soil makes your bud taste and burn better.



Well-Known Member
I just ran into someone who thought they had root rot because of bad advice they got from a poster with no grow journal or pix.

This guy was freaking out because someone here at RIU told him he has root-rot because his roots are just slightly off-white.

Of course I intervened and told him he does NOT have root rot.

Saving RIU hydro growers from freaking out due to bad advice. That's what I do.


Well-Known Member
I find it funny that you laugh. Keep harvsting unflushed buds, it only makes mine more desirable...
Lol I have done both flush and no flush and I don't see any difference in that for soil. Hydro I can't really say since I am just starting my first hydro grow.


Active Member
Knowledge is power motherfuckers. The world is yours.
It's not the forces of gravity that pulls the crystals out of the buds when you hang them upside down, it is because they see everything upside down for a bit and it makes them scared, so the crystals come out to block the plants eyes from seeing their world turned upside down. It's ok though, noob mistake, you'll learn sometime.....
Lol. Well I heard that if you harvest under a full moon and walk around the plant 4 1/2 times with your finger in your belly button, the trichs will have twice as much thc.
before or after you harvest? does it matter which finger of which hand?
LOL this is funny. The General consensus is your weak hand is sometimes better, especially if you sit on it first until it goes numb. Definitely the index finger; anything else would just be ridiculous. Oh and its counter-clockwise, to help unscrew the aural vortex from the northern hemisphere.


Active Member
Just read this thread from page 1-12. I found myself laughing, confused at the misinterpretations of others posts, a little bewildered also. I have to say for a bunch of stoners that we are on this site...sure as hell like to argue a lot. Alright, so here is my piece. I am a noob, I don't have any full grows under my belt. I am currently growing two plants in a hydro system indoors. When I first started. I thought "this is going to be easy at first, then turn into a challenge." Well I was wrong, it's not as easy as I thought it would be. Before I started I read a couple growers guides. I researched a bit, and took in a little information from a guy I know who has 5 years of outdoor/indoor, hydro and soil growing under his belt. This information was useless to me at the start of my grow. Why? Because I have no experience. I killed my first plant by over feeding it. I felt like such an idiot. I even came on here and asked for help and I got some guy, I don't know who and won't point fingers, I noticed he had over 1k posts and a couple grow journals. I thought his advice was pretty legit. I followed it, and failed. So then I started up another plant and right away I researched some more on feeding and such. Because of my failure I learned what not to do next time. I have had no problems since and I have been growing these two plants for a little over a month. Anyway. The guy I know who has 5 years of grow experience. I used to smoke the bud he grew, at first it started out pretty good. The it just kept getting better and better until the point where I remember taking one hit out of a 2 foot bong and 15 mins later I was sitting back against the door and locked there. Then his bud started to get worse. So my point is you can have experience and still be learning and making mistakes. We make mistakes so we can learn from them and that is what makes us human. Yes, there is quite a bit of misinformation on this site. But there is a TON of good information as well. I have given out information, only on what I know from the little experience I have. I only gave advice once or twice. We should all be thankful for the great growers who share their knowledge with the noobs (me being one) and we shouldn't beat down on the people who give out misinformation, but gently correct them.
People who don't have much knowledge need to learn to sit back and learn from the experienced growers or at least go off and research! It is so annoying when people who barely grow or never have grown buds, trying to give newbies answers to their grow problems. Why waste people's time when they are really trying to grow their own dank? I don't get people who do this just for the heck of it or is it pride? Stop acting like you know it all and be the person that learns or helps others grow better dank. Spread the love!

If you never grown or don't know what your doing.... do us a favor keep your opinions to yourself and allow the experienced ones to chime in.....

over grow the government!

i hope your talking actual growing experience and not internet forum post's lol, tons of you so called guru's with thousands of posts are the ones to watch out for, just because you post 10,000000 times on an internet forum doesnt give you actual experience, and iv seen some newbs with nicer plants than the so called experienced growers lol... just saying