Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


Well-Known Member
maybe 5 days

sometimes takes longer to show watch for shriveling pistils browning like when ripe to chop

a safty if you got plenty of spunk dust again in 3 or 4 days same places re-dust her


Well-Known Member
My very first seed run i pollinated a platinum og clone with unknown male pollen. Got too eager and chopped early, no viable seeds, all preemie.

Learned my lesson ;) Wait till seeds are nice and brown :)


Well-Known Member
B you kinda the same race except your finishing and PB is starting and its his first seed run
I meant being in the same boat as far as knowing if the seeds are there or not. Best thing I learned is to let nature take its course....and wait! LOL

Although my Hawaii 5-0 I pollinated is drying and 2 beans were in the bag so that was a good feeling. So I should have some Hawaii 5-0 x Cougar. Still waiting on the others which are coming down today and tomorrow.




Well-Known Member
B gluck

Bill member the wine comercial we srve no wine befor its time a big fat guy dont member the name wil come later sometimes days later
i say all that to say -we will cut no pollenated branch from its roots before its 6 weeks are up


Well-Known Member
not to many ill be getin tired of them and redy to go
i used to think old was acurse to be old
now i realize its a blessing

THANKS youg men


Well-Known Member
nutin planned busy time on wifes job numbers close for budgets and shit
home late -i m a big boy ill get over it -got sumtin set up for Saturday
i had sum errends to run today i picked up a cupcake gona put one candle
wont hold 62 celebrat -on a miny scale -but i been stayin extra crispy baked all de day
yeeaaahh boooyyyeeeeeeeeee