Attitude Seedbank sucks

I don't know how many seed bank review sites I've seen where some will bash and rant on about one or the other bank with nasty feedback posts. While others will insist they're perfectly happy with their order delivery from the very same seed banks. I was surprised to see one site that had some nasty comments about highgrade seeds though I researched them and found they got good reviews before I ordered from them about a year ago and was quite pleased with their customer service, speed of delivery, stealth and genetics with a rapid 95% sprout ratio (very fresh seeds) on several strains I ordered.
Sometinmes there's a bad apple in the batch of orders from any bank, no matter how reputable.
Attitude seeds are "sold for educational and souvenir purposes only"

once you germ then its to bad. i would tell you the same thing.
well heres the deal isisyogi... and please take this constructively...

the fact that you got your entire order goes only to show that the attitude does NOT suck... it most likely was either user error... or a bad batch of seeds...

it happens...

i can understand your frustration but the logistics of your argument "the attitude sucks" and then you just posted a thread about how you received your shipment from them is completely contradictory which in FACT only shows that they do NOT suck ;)

try contacting the breeder directly or im sure if you had the insurance on the order the attitude may be able to do something for you... but not with "your attitude" ;)

just playin with you lol but seriously call them up and explain in a nice professional manner that you had problems with the seeds that were damaged (if they were in the first place) and that you would like to be a long standing customer and you would like to use them and not use another seedbank and just be plain nice and you just may be surprised on the response you can get just by being nice ;)

good luck with the grow next time ;)
Anyway, Attitude is a waste of money, they do not back up their products.

Attitude is in the U.K. It is legal there to sell and own seeds, but not to germinate and grow them. Due to legalities Attitude cannot talk about germination issues or growing issues etc. Doing so could cost them their business and someone might end up in jail. It is too big of a risk to take for one dissatisfied customer who could have gotten help from them if the dissatisfied customer knew how to talk around the issue while still being clear in what they were saying.

Over the last few years or so I have known two people who purchased seeds from Attitude (both times cheap seeds from low-grade breeders) and had terrible germination rates. When it happened to the first he sent an email about the unacceptable germination rate and did not even receive a response of any sort.

He bitched like you and I asked him if he'd never seen "Goodfellas" or never watched any episodes of "The Sopranos?" He didn't have a clue what I was hinting at so I told him. I said if he'd ever watched any mob movies or TV shows he would have noticed how the mobsters will talk about things they have going on or did but never in a direct way where if it was overheard/taped could be used as evidence or clue about some ongoing criminal enterprise. Did you talk to the guy about the thing, you know pork chop boy, not a friend of ours, a friend of theirs?

My friend tried again and wrote something along these lines. On such and such a date I placed an order for one of your novelty items, order number (or maybe he said tracking number, I don't remember) for such and such an amount and it was shipped on such and such a date. Upon arrival I unpacked my order and tried to use it and found it was totally inoperative. I have purchased many similar novelty items in the past and am very familiar with their operation and in this case there is no doubt that that the cause of it's failure was a manufacturing flaw.

He received a replacement pack of seeds with a couple of that month's freebies add to it.

When it happened to my second friend I told him the same thing and said how my other friend did it and received replacement seeds. He knew him too and asked him what he wrote, he wasn't as creative as the first, and he got the idea, wrote almost the same thing and he received replacement seeds and there were also a couple of that months freebie seeds with them.

You cannot expect any employee of Attitude to talk about, either in person or on the telephone, or discuss in emails or letters, anything that is illegal. Attitude could be closed down and people could go to jail. For as massive as their sales numbers are they would rather have the odd unhappy customer, like you, bitching about them than risk being closed down and some people possibly going to jail. They know that for every one person like you who claims Attitude is terrible there will be 25, 50 or 100 who will respond saying they have used Attitude many times and never had any problems whatsoever and that will more than counter the amount of bitching one person will do now and then.

But if you know how to talk to them, how to talk around the issue so nothing even borderline illegal is said or needs to be said in reply, but you are still able to make yourself totally understood, then you have a chance of receiving replacement seeds plus a few extra as an apology for the first not living up to your expectations.

Last Updated: Nov/27/11

Greetings growers this is for medical marijuana users and those who can use the information legally. Seedbank ratings are farther down and the links to growing information are near the end. The seedbank update has now racked up over 13 continuous years of service to growers and seed buyers. Many people count on it to avoid the many many ripoffs who are out there. It would not be possible without you, the buyer who sends in your report.

I've been getting a lot of complaints about bcbuddepot. Most of the complaints were about non delivery or very slow delivery like several months. A few complaints were about quality of seeds. They will remain in the not recommended section. The high rated seedbanks have been in business for years and years and try to satisfy their customers. That's how they get their good ratings.

The post office in the USA often gets funny about delivering letters. People many times use a fake name to get orders sent to them. The trouble is that the letter carrier may not deliver it if they do not recognize the name. Before you send your order, send a letter to yourself using the name and see if it arrives. Then make your order. Ask the company first if they send to your country. If no reply, do not order.

If you have bought from a seedbank send in your report so that other people will know how good or bad it was. No seeds are sold from this site. This center is only for information. You may also send in a grow report on a variety you grew out.

To reach me write to [email protected] remove the ZZZ. Please do not write me at, only at the email address listed without the ZZZ.
This group I've heard good things about. Those with four stars or more are the most reliable. They will send to most countries. I've tried to list those that ship worldwide. Those with a relatively low rating may just be new to the ratings. It takes a while to earn a good rating. A 1/2 means they are half way to the next star.

I keep getting bad reports on bc bud depot. Non delivery or poor quality seeds if they do arrive.

Attitude 4 star 1/2 (F****1/2)
Bluenose 3 star (***) (2)
Dr. Greenthumbs 4 star (F****) (1,2,3)
Hemp Depot 4 star and 1/2 (F****1/2) (1,2,4,)
Hemcy 4 and 1/2 star (F****1/2) (1,4)
Highland 2 star and 1/2 (**1/2)
Joey Weed 4 star and a half (F****1/2) (1,2)
Klozit King 3 star and 1/2 (***1/2) (1,2)
Natural Mystic 3 star and 1/2 (***1/2)
Peakseeds BC 4 star and 1/2 (****1/2)F
Seedboutique 3 stars and 1/2 (F***1/2) (1) 2 star and 1/2 (**1/2)
Tambu 3 star (S***) (1,3)

The limited area seedbanks and a list of bad ones to avoid will be found farther down

Check out the new and unrated seedbanks at the New page. These are seedbanks I've heard good things about but haven't had enough reports on to make a rating.

I don't have time to answer individual questions so I usually just tell people to do some reading. I have information on my site and links to other sites with even more info.

Would you like to see your grow report in the SU? Please include the name of the strain, where obtained, how it grew, potency and yield. Tell us the names of other strains you grew or smoked for comparison. Cultivation tips and news items are also welcome. You can get credit under any name you prefer or stay anonymous. If you like I will rewrite it for you.

To reach me write to [email protected] (remove ZZZ)
This is a report on which seedbanks are reliable and give good service. I also list some bad ones to stay away from (crooks). Reports from people who have ordered from cannabis seedbanks are welcome. That's what this is based on, reports from people like you. You can send your report to me at [email protected] (remove ZZZ) If you send a report please state what bank you ordered from, how long it took and roughly how far away you are from them. I'd like to know if the packaging was stealty (well hidden) and what method used and if any seeds were crushed. Any other info you think is important will be appreciated. Reports on how the crop turned out are good too.

I don't rate companies on price, that's up to you to compare. The more stars, the more reliable. F = faster than average, no letter = average, S = slow.
I have a system of additional ratings. They are a one (1) for accepting payment by money order or certified check without charging extra for it. A two (2) will be given for free stealth shipping. A three (3) will be given for accepting credit cards. This leaves a paper trail but is quick and easy. (4) indicates that they use PGP code for privacy on request. A five (5) means Western Union is accepted. A six (6) indicates customer complaints about seed quality. An example of the new rating might be Ed's seeds (***) (1,2) which means three stars and he gives free shipping and takes money orders with no extra charge.

These seedbanks send to certain countries only.

Dr Chronic 3 star and 1/2 (F***1/2)
Pukka 2 star (**) (1)
Sensi Seed 4 star and 1/2 (****1/2)
Nirvana Shop3 star and 1/2 (***1/2)
Seeds of Passion2 star (**)

These are seed breeders and wholesalers primarily. While they have a good reputation, I don't have enough information about their mail order seed business to make a rating.

Bros Grimm
Dutch Passion
Homegrown Fantaseed
KC Brains
(and many others)

This is the rip-off section. The following seedbanks I've heard many bad things about. They are NOT recommended. aka means also known as. X means they seldom or never send the product. N means sending non viable seeds (non sprouting seeds) M indicates they send very inferior seeds or nothing at all

A-1 Seedbank (X,N)
BC Seeds (X,M)
Beeoo (X)
Fairlight (X,N)
Greenmanspage (X,M) (X) Software Services aka Cannabis4u aka Medical hemp aka [email protected] [L.Pafort] (X)
Richies Seedshack (X)
Stinkey's (X)
Weedseed (X)
Pot a Gold (X)

These seedbanks are not recommended due to excessive complaints. This is a judgement call and some customers have said they were satisfied. The nature of the complaints are as follows: 10 = non delivery, 11 = very poor customer service, 12 = inferior quality or misrepresented seeds, 13 = unethical conduct by seedbank owner.

BCbuddepot (11, 10)
Bullmall aka (10, 11) (10) Ganjaland (10)
Greater Harmony (10)
Kindseed (10)
Laughing Moon (10, 11)
Seedbank Co uk (11) (10)
Topseeds (10)
to Bricktop...
about this section of your post... On such and such a date I placed an order for one of your novelty items, order number (or maybe he said tracking number, I don't remember) for such and such an amount and it was shipped on such and such a date. Upon arrival I unpacked my order and tried to use it and found it was totally inoperative. I have purchased many similar novelty items in the past and am very familiar with their operation and in this case there is no doubt that that the cause of it's failure was a manufacturing flaw.

that is why i told him to use the keyword "damaged items" since they are souvenirs for those who are under draconian legal systems ;)

be nice but dont mention they didnt germinate...

cause like many have said here and i didnt want to add to the broken record but hey one more time may suffice ;)
My germination rate with Attit. bought seeds is close to 100%... they could do better on the stealth shipping. After getting my ship. from Sannies... lets just say that there are better ways to hide intent instead of a lousy :dunce:coffee mug or tshirt:dunce::sleep:.
Jar Man...your answer is right on!...Even if you're a steady customer of a reputable seedbank, eventually you're gonna get a bad batch of seeds...I've found that a polite email explaining the situation will get you the results you desire. There are good, reputable seedbanks out there. Personally...I've had great success with Herbie's Headshop. Whenever I had a problem, they corrected it...nice thing about them is they don't charge you to re-ship a replacement order. BTW...their stealth shipping is top notch.
On nearly every web page on RIU there is an ad for Attitude. Within 5 minutes of me posting a thread of my experience with Attitude, RIU had erased the thread. Conflict of interest with an advertiser I'm guessing.

Anyway, Attitude is a waste of money, they do not back up their products. An entire package of 5 fem 8 Ball Kush were duds and another seed as well. Wrote to them stating my dissatisfaction, they replied with what amounts to 'too bad.'

I won't be spending my money with them any longer.

EDIT- found my thread in a different area, not sure how that happened. Can't edit the title of this thread, nor do I know how to erase completely. Oops!

Bottom line, Attitude sucks and isn't worthy of your hard earned cash. I find it funny that when I went to edit, Attitude was being advertised at the bottom of this post.

Well, Frankly attitude is entry level gentics for most! they make most of there money off noobs. I cant hate, just how things are... There are better places to buy seeds. But in attitudes defence they not really responsible for your misfortune. They are not breeders, they just sell other peoples seeeds for a profit. Its like a dealer! You can say oh, I didnt get high... Well not his problem... Sorry to be a downer, jus my 2 cents. Peace
Well of course they didn't help. Say the seed was cracked and ask for a replacement. Don't say, "hey I am trying to grow these things and it's not working."
Attitude can't legally help you in that department, remember...these are souvenirs. If you can't play by the rules here don't complain.

I'm personally grateful they ship all my orders successfully as the middle man in about 11-12 days to the west. And for the free stuff.
From what I hear east coast people get deliveries sooner.
If you buy Craftsman a lawn mower from Walmart and it breaks down, would you really blame Walmart, or the ones who actually manufactured the equipment?
Well, Frankly attitude is entry level gentics for most!

Attitude carries roughly 100 different breeder lines, many of them long time well established highly successful extremely skilled breeders. It is not; "entry level genetics for most."

Some breeder lines are, but then what a customer picks is not the fault of a seedbank so if someone is new to growing or just ignorant when it comes to who are skilled breeders and who are not and they pick from Nirvana's line or Green House Seeds line rather than from Mr. Nice Seeds line or De Sjamaan's line or one of the many other top breeder lines that does not mean that; "Attitude is entry level genetics for most."

The only people who could believe that would be Cali people who desperately need to believe that EVERY strain that comes out of California is way better than EVERY other strain in the world, and by people who have just enough time in growing to think they know it all but who in fact still know dick.

I found it rather amusing that after talking about; "entry level genetics" in your signature line is a Gage Green Genetics add and a link to an Alphakronik and Tga Grow show. Thanks for the big laugh.

You sure seem to have a fondness for breeders who repeatedly use the same F2 in many to most of their crosses and in their strain lineage often times when a strain in a cross is listed it says "probably" behind it because even the breeder is unsure about what went into their strain.

But then I guess that some people might actually like mystery genetics and having more different phenotypes than Connie Hamzy had dicks in her heyday rather than having stable uniform strains.
On nearly every web page on RIU there is an ad for Attitude. Within 5 minutes of me posting a thread of my experience with Attitude, RIU had erased the thread. Conflict of interest with an advertiser I'm guessing.

Anyway, Attitude is a waste of money, they do not back up their products. An entire package of 5 fem 8 Ball Kush were duds and another seed as well. Wrote to them stating my dissatisfaction, they replied with what amounts to 'too bad.'

I won't be spending my money with them any longer.

EDIT- found my thread in a different area, not sure how that happened. Can't edit the title of this thread, nor do I know how to erase completely. Oops!

Bottom line, Attitude sucks and isn't worthy of your hard earned cash. I find it funny that when I went to edit, Attitude was being advertised at the bottom of this post.

agreed, they have no customer service what so ever....they SUCK!...

Attitude actually has very good customer service. You simply have to understand the legalities they must abide by due to being in the UK and how to not cross them but still clearly state your dissatisfaction.

If someone understands the legalities and is clever enough, they will be helped. But if someone does not understand the legalities and or is not clever enough, then they will not be helped. Attitude is not going to risk being shut down and possibly someone, or several, going to jail because an occasional customer will insist on openly discussing illegalities.
Attitude carries roughly 100 different breeder lines, many of them long time well established highly successful extremely skilled breeders. It is not; "entry level genetics for most." Some breeder lines are, but then what a customer picks is not the fault of a seedbank so if someone is new to growing or just ignorant when it comes to who are skilled breeders and who are not and they pick from Nirvana's line or Green House Seeds line rather than from Mr. Nice Seeds line or De Sjamaan's line or one of the many other top breeder lines that does not mean that; "Attitude is entry level genetics for most." The only people who could believe that would be Cali people who desperately need to believe that EVERY strain that comes out of California is way better than EVERY other strain in the world, and by people who have just enough time in growing to think they know it all but who in fact still know dick. I found it rather amusing that after talking about; "entry level genetics" in your signature line is a Gage Green Genetics add and a link to an Alphakronik and Tga Grow show. Thanks for the big laugh. You sure seem to have a fondness for breeders who repeatedly use the same F2 in many to most of their crosses and in their strain lineage often times when a strain in a cross is listed it says "probably" behind it because even the breeder is unsure about what went into their strain. But then I guess that some people might actually like mystery genetics and having more different phenotypes than Connie Hamzy had dicks in her heyday rather than having stable uniform strains.
nigga what???? Dude pleaze... Im not gonna get pizzy here, but cmon! most of the best breeders on attitude are out of stock e.g mr.nice and dj short etc! Not saying you cant score anything good by any means! I know i had gotten good stuff and cool shirts as well! Personally, I ve never had a problem with them at all! But , dont be coy and act like attitude does not make a pretty penny off Noobie growers! Im not hating here, just saying there are better vendors at way better prices. Furthermore, Im a tester for Gage green! There genetics are fine and many seasoned grower that i know stand by the work. Every breeder must test strains b4 they hit market. And just because they are f2 does not reflect quality in any way! Maybe a little less variation, but that's it. bottom line.... And alphakronik is great, jay roller is a great dude and the genes are there and worthwhile to say the least! Ive been in this line of work for a long time man! I know whats up! there is no need to make pejorative remarks about breeders and fellow forum members who see things different from you! What qualifies you to judge my grows and my genes or breeders that i know personally! I am beyond happy with these said genes! I m not paid to make remarks about this in any way! I volunteer and in return i get great genes...I have spent years building a set up and learning the art and im still learning day by day! And by that logic, I started at the bottom and got my genes through the tude and other vendors. Now I have moved up a few notches and have access to better things. sounds like you are desperately trying to cling to something here! Like I said, im trying to be positive and not incendiary here! Peace dude:peace:
On nearly every web page on RIU there is an ad for Attitude. Within 5 minutes of me posting a thread of my experience with Attitude, RIU had erased the thread. Conflict of interest with an advertiser I'm guessing.

Anyway, Attitude is a waste of money, they do not back up their products. An entire package of 5 fem 8 Ball Kush were duds and another seed as well. Wrote to them stating my dissatisfaction, they replied with what amounts to 'too bad.'

I won't be spending my money with them any longer.

EDIT- found my thread in a different area, not sure how that happened. Can't edit the title of this thread, nor do I know how to erase completely. Oops!

Bottom line, Attitude sucks and isn't worthy of your hard earned cash. I find it funny that when I went to edit, Attitude was being advertised at the bottom of this post.

See what happens when you jump in with both feet and have no clue what in the hell you are talking about? ^ is a perfect example.
The kid is right, Attitude sells a product that they don't even try to stand behind! I know they are a seedbank and they are the middle man but what if I sold you a brand new TV and everything I told you it did it didn't do. When you returned it to me and asked for a refund I told you to call the maker of the TV it isn't my fault! You call the make of the TV and they tell you that they can't help you cus you don't live in Amsterdam. I am not trying to bash the Tude, just know that if you buy from them you get what you get! It is an endless road if the beans you get don't look anything like they are advertised as! If you know that when ordering from the Tude you will avoid being dissapointed. Other seedbanks will replace beans if you have trouble with germination or hermie's, and 50% of the time that is the growers fault rather than the seeds/strain!
The kid is right, Attitude sells a product that they don't even try to stand behind! I know they are a seedbank and they are the middle man but what if I sold you a brand new TV and everything I told you it did it didn't do. When you returned it to me and asked for a refund I told you to call the maker of the TV it isn't my fault! You call the make of the TV and they tell you that they can't help you cus you don't live in Amsterdam. I am not trying to bash the Tude, just know that if you buy from them you get what you get! It is an endless road if the beans you get don't look anything like they are advertised as! If you know that when ordering from the Tude you will avoid being dissapointed. Other seedbanks will replace beans if you have trouble with germination or hermie's, and 50% of the time that is the growers fault rather than the seeds/strain!

Not the same thing at all.Try comparing apples with apples and not kiwi fruit......
And no the op is not right,my 1 and only order that had a issues was taken care by attitude.
The op i am sure did not handle the email in the way it should have been handled.