Lace and Frills <3

buddha webb

New Member
A Floret of Broccolli.A Spark of Lemons.A Part of Cabbages.A Drope of Mandarins.A Craft of Lettuce.A Caroo of Cucumbers....

Im makin them up,if you didnt know go to hospitalbongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie................B


Well-Known Member
Did you eat your vegetables today buddha?

Fruits and vegetables are essential to maintaining a healthy diet.

buddha webb

New Member
I start with bananas,and enter the world of Pineapple mid morning,then crashing into a new horizon of mixed fruit shake late afternoon,with spliff!!
Ganjames i also eat my veggies in fried rice and thai currys,but (and dont be angry) probably not enough..but i eat my fried chicken like a proffesional...breast of course!no skin! but fried in a coating of fuckin hungry ,but its late here and im up a hill somewhere!!! fridge is full of water,,,got Bananas!!!


Well-Known Member
I start with bananas,and enter the world of Pineapple mid morning,then crashing into a new horizon of mixed fruit shake late afternoon,with spliff!!
Ganjames i also eat my veggies in fried rice and thai currys,but (and dont be angry) probably not enough..but i eat my fried chicken like a proffesional...breast of course!no skin! but fried in a coating of fuckin hungry ,but its late here and im up a hill somewhere!!! fridge is full of water,,,got Bananas!!!
same here, I'll eat the occasional raw bell pepper or some celery but the only time I really get a good vegetable mix is in a stir fry or in a curry.

fruit is a who other story, i can't get enough of that shit.. especially avocados, i could eat those things all day.

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
same here, I'll eat the occasional raw bell pepper or some celery but the only time I really get a good vegetable mix is in a stir fry or in a curry.

fruit is a who other story, i can't get enough of that shit.. especially avocados, i could eat those things all day.
avocado with pico de gayo salsa and tostitos... and a coke


Pickle Queen
i never said your opinions werent relevant, of course they are yours and i would not wish to remove them, just theyre not just. and if your argument is that because you didnt use that particular word but only inferred it, thats pretty poor too. the fact you wont even deny thats what you meant is bad but hey.

i believe she's obviously sane and competent enough to operate a computer and post threads, so why are you trying to mother her? maybe her social skills as you put it would improve if you didnt poison her against any man that compliments her. I heard an anecdote of someone close to my family, the father of a family friend. He'd gone to a supermarket and a kid in a shopping cart smiled at him and so he smiled back. The father of the kid decided to ask the man what he was smiling at, then continued to harrass him at the checking out aisle. Like you "inferring" he was a pedophile (but not mentioning that word most likely, like you). This resulted in the man locking himself away in his house for a while after being so hurt. I wonder what that kid learned from the experience. I wonder also what you as kurois self-appointed pseudo-mom are teaching her?

I feel ridiculous discussing an adults choices but that's what you've forced me to. I would tell buddah to know better but the same reason kuroi feels comfortable showing fairly anonymous pics here is the same reason buddah feels comfortable complimenting them.
Does kuroi post because she's comfy with her body or seeking approval from others that THEY approve of her body, that is the point right ;)
Again i never said anything negative to anyone, only tried to help kuroi when she was upset over her own actions, muffin i think u need a few bowls lol :) Ur missing what i'm trying to say an assuming something else, Ur stuck on the pedo thing not me. I was only saying that regardless of what she looks mental age is what counts, kuroi is one of the smartest young women on this site, but she is not very confident with her own looks, u can say what u want sweety but facts are facts, i'm just reading HER own words. U have twisted mine to fit ur own views ;)


Well-Known Member
You know to me this entire thread is the best example of why to never post pics on the web. Nothing good will ever come of it. IMO, she has been posting pic after pic forever to get some kind of approval she desperatly needs and doesn't get somewhere else, and she in some way gets off on bragging about her sex life even though she's barely old enough to be legal to be doing it in the first place. Its down right strange, even though I myself got sucked in (pardon the pun) on occasion.

The web is forever...there is no such thing as having a lawsuit and having something pulled down, unless you have millions of dollars for lawyers. Once up, it belongs to the world, and not to you, sorry.

This is a good lesson for her, maybe it will stop here before she really fucks up and puts something up that will ruin her life for good. If an employer down the road sees her face on facebook or something, and then comes acoss her screen name, everything she has ever posted, including pics, bragging about eating pussy and blowing guys all day, and all those strange pictures that yes, pedo's get off on looking at, and all the talk about drugs is going to keep her from getting a real job.

Even posting pics of gardens is crossing the line for me. You won't see my shit on here ever. Web addresses can be tied to physical addresses is my understanding from people who know that stuff.

You'd think that with the the scandals of our children "sexting" and the terrible legal problems resulting from it would keep people from doing what she and others have been doing.

People like me just sit back and go WTF? Makes for good reading, a few good conversations, but that's where it ends for most of us. I just saw a video on Youtube where a different guy than the one on RIU was doing dry ice hash and the idiot was using his Michigan MMJ card in one hand, and one of his patients caregivers card with their name on the back and you could see all the info.....what a dumb ass.....I'd be having some words with that guy if it were me, and guess's posted and now belongs to each and every one of us.

OK, off my soap box. It was just a perfect time to say something to her and others I've been waiting for. I just can't believe anyone would be at all suprised to see her pics on other sites, including porn, and probably other Lolita sites against her permission, which they don't need.


New Member
You know to me this entire thread is the best example of why to never post pics on the web. Nothing good will ever come of it. IMO, she has been posting pic after pic forever to get some kind of approval she desperatly needs and doesn't get somewhere else, and she in some way gets off on bragging about her sex life even though she's barely old enough to be legal to be doing it in the first place. Its down right strange, even though I myself got sucked in (pardon the pun) on occasion.

The web is forever...there is no such thing as having a lawsuit and having something pulled down, unless you have millions of dollars for lawyers. Once up, it belongs to the world, and not to you, sorry.

This is a good lesson for her, maybe it will stop here before she really fucks up and puts something up that will ruin her life for good. If an employer down the road sees her face on facebook or something, and then comes acoss her screen name, everything she has ever posted, including pics, bragging about eating pussy and blowing guys all day, and all those strange pictures that yes, pedo's get off on looking at, and all the talk about drugs is going to keep her from getting a real job.

Even posting pics of gardens is crossing the line for me. You won't see my shit on here ever. Web addresses can be tied to physical addresses is my understanding from people who know that stuff.

You'd think that with the the scandals of our children "sexting" and the terrible legal problems resulting from it would keep people from doing what she and others have been doing.

People like me just sit back and go WTF? Makes for good reading, a few good conversations, but that's where it ends for most of us. I just saw a video on Youtube where a different guy than the one on RIU was doing dry ice hash and the idiot was using his Michigan MMJ card in one hand, and one of his patients caregivers card with their name on the back and you could see all the info.....what a dumb ass.....I'd be having some words with that guy if it were me, and guess's posted and now belongs to each and every one of us.

OK, off my soap box. It was just a perfect time to say something to her and others I've been waiting for. I just can't believe anyone would be at all suprised to see her pics on other sites, including porn, and probably other Lolita sites against her permission, which they don't need.
This thread does not need a debbie downer. Good bye..


Well-Known Member
gee with everyone wanting to harm her maybe best if you ban her, than she can go some other place and be abused far worse that anything that has happened here. Some might say STFU and step back, what about what xK wants maybe she has found some peace and friendship here for the first time. There is just something very wrong in hurting those you call friends and I can't help feel this is what is happening here even though it is all good intentions, but some how gone wrong IMHO

Sorry were all talking about you I'll stand down till I can talk to you again, it is your thread....peace xK

makes me sad

I'm going back to answering dumb questions about weed, much safer there


Well-Known Member
Ever been in the room when people are talking about you or you felt they were. It's like your not even there, not a very comfortable feeling
That's how I felt after my post a few pages back, so instead I started talking about fruits and vegetables.

Sorry kuroi, I didn't mean any harm by it, just an observation. Like how hepheastus doesn't know his idioms, and buddah likes to shave his head, and how jammin screws name reminds me of hardcore porn. The list goes on.


Well-Known Member
This thread does not need a debbie downer. Good bye..

Not one post from you in at least 3 pages that I can see and you tell me good by.........try reading what I'm referring to, as well as April, and others. Maybe you just want her to keep it up for whatever reason.

Being a mod should require one to be held to a higher standard than those using the forum. You're not showing that at all right there.

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
That's how I felt after my post a few pages back, so instead I started talking about fruits and vegetables.

Sorry kuroi, I didn't mean any harm by it, just an observation. Like how hepheastus doesn't know his idioms, and buddah likes to shave his head, and how jammin screws name reminds me of hardcore porn. The list goes on.
lmao.... Hahahahhh..... It's actually jammin screw... Screw is slowed down music down here in Texas... Listenin to screw... Dj screw, swishahouse, abn zero point blank fat pat.... N the rest.. Check I out sometime bro.... That's funnythough... Hardcoreporn... Hehe I'm really laughin and peepz are lookin at me funny... :-D