Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Bitch you my number one nigga!
'ome, the little sites where the first pistils should erupt looked a bit short and fat, but they weren't balls yet bro. I got a mrs, she is ace, lets me do my thang, maybe coz I'm the first in 10 generations of my family and hers that isn't an alco, maybe just coz I'm a mad cunt, whatever.
As far as kids, not me but I'm both a firm believer that normalisation of weed starts at home with education, not bullshit and scare tactics. At the same time I don't think kids should be in smoky rooms or see parents smoking bongs n shit

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
I don't want to stop growing if I have kids...but I don't want to give the wrong impression. I don't want my kids to smoke weed at all really (bar the obvious experimentation).

Ao them knowing I grow = knowing I smoke = contradiction in their eyes with me telling me them not to smoke.

I just don't think developing brains should be subjected to habitual use of mj or alcohol.

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
What shit kent...

Would you like me to get you a tissue? I have lots in stock in case my plant goes male or the cops raid me for my one plant (I will cry because I would be so shocked to think that my tax dollars was being spent on targeting home Legalize this shit bitches. I hate breaking the law...


Well-Known Member
Dude iv'e got a tent for stinking buds its now 11.01 where i live and im not even BAKED... i feel different when im not HIGH as a kite... got some weird leaf shit here which aint doing it for me considering the stuff i had yesti... Man i could use a tissue!

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
I have no no age. I'm happy to keep thing out in the open from when the oldest is 6...until the youngest is in UNI.


Well-Known Member
That's a big ask atm as I have big plans for her but if anyone gets one it'll be you. Def a clone but that will be later when the plushies are picked.

I haven't said no...

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
Yeah I stabbed my gf's hand to the bench and punched her in the face when she tried to flee...all because she hid my weed.

I kid, I kid (my taste is bad I know, I'm going to hell).

My gf only feels tender loving from me.


Well-Known Member
No you didnt lol so whats SPECIAL about these suckers i havent done me reading on that one... is it doc's chemo?


Well-Known Member
Not sure exaxtly what'll happen when/if I have kids. Mrs may get all hormonal nesting and chase them outside, otherwise I don't even think they'd notice with all my other hobbies.


Well-Known Member
Prob treat it somewhat like alcohol, tell them when they are an adult they can do what they want etc. but who knows?

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
Hard hey...only time will tell if we make the right decisions.

Beer is being brewed tomorrow...come winter you Kents will get a longie each of some top shelf 10% craft beer with (most probably) white rhino ice water extract.