How deep is your voice, The Barry White Syndrome.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Ooooh that voice. I wonder how many kids were conceived to his music.

Thought this was interesting so I'm sharing it. Here's just the first paragraph and a link

Darth Vader had one thing going for him: a deep voice.

The ranks of George Clooney, Denzel Washington, Clint Eastwood, Don LaFontaine, and Barry White includes a common factor: A lower pitched voice—considered a positive masculine feature associated with with older, heavier, taller, hairier, and more attractive men (1). Studies have demonstrated a female preference for men with deeper voices as short-term partners (and preference seems to vary across the menstrual cycle, peaking during the height of fertility) (2,3). And elsewhere, research finds that North American men with lower-pitched voices report higher numbers for sexual partners in comparison to men with higher-pitched voices (4); and that Hazda men with lower-pitched voices have more living offspring (pitch is not an indicator of fecundity, but mate suitability) (4). Sexual selection has been proposed as a reason for deeper voices—the timbre and pitch suggest an attractive, fertile encounter. But a December PLoS paper reports that men with deeper, attractive voices have lower sperm quality than men with less attractive voices. Is there a evolutionary basis for voice preference?


Well-Known Member
I don't know if I can discern preferences dealing with male singing voices and speaking voices. I mean, I like Matt Bellamy and Jeff Buckley, but then again they can both go pretty low as well. The sexual selection theory makes sense, but I think the timbre of a voice can induce excitement in the same way as low pitched music (and low lighting...) can.

I have a thing for low, growly Irish accents... *shudders*

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
My partner had a deep voice. My favorite past time was to lay my head on his chest while was talking. I could feel it all the way to my bones. It's been over 20 years and I still miss him. :(


Well-Known Member
My partner had a deep voice. My favorite past time was to lay my head on his chest while was talking. I could feel it all the way to my bones. It's been over 20 years and I still miss him. :(
Aw Carne, I liked to do that with T-Bird too...

I'm so sorry you're all sad and without the person who meant so much to you. *hugs and strokes head*

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Aw Carne, I liked to do that with T-Bird too...

I'm so sorry you're all sad and without the person who meant so much to you. *hugs and strokes head*
He was my first and my last. There has never been anyone like him. He was half Paiute and half Anglo. He was beautiful. I'll see him again. :)


Well-Known Member
Happy thoughts your way, sir x

Ironically the thread title just made me think How deep is your love?' Definitely not Barry White soundalikes singing that one.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...I have to say that squeaky-voiced females are less attractive to me. But like Seinfeld, man hands and I'm out :razz: Totally kidding, and not that shallow.

Oops :oops:


Well-Known Member
carne, im sorry that happened to you, but why not love again? love is endless, why contain it in the past?

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...funny thing about real love. You almost have to hate the other person at times to get to that feeling. It looks something like the scales of 'just us'.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
carne, im sorry that happened to you, but why not love again? love is endless, why contain it in the past?
Long story. I was outed by my bishop to my family. I left the church for awhile. I fell in love and had a wonderful relationship. He was murdered. I felt it was punishment for living in sin. I repented. Got back into the church and now I'm celibate. End of story. Spent four years in Utah trying to become straight (reparative therapy). Ended up in a psych ward after a suicide attempt. Left Utah and came home. I decided that I am who I am. Part of who I am is Mormon. So I had to make a choice. I chose my faith. Doesn't change the fact that I'm gay but being a Mormon is my culture and my heritage. I have obligations.


Well-Known Member
:( what happened isnt a punishment, and love isnt wrong, whether its two guys or a girl and a guy.
id love to see you with a man, you deserve it.
though i can understand your reasons for choosing not to be with a man, i hate that you're shorting yourself.
plus you and i both understand how nice it is to fool around with a guy, no one deserves to be celibate

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I want to see him again. I have to live a good life. Right now he's up there with my brother and I'm jealous. :p


Well-Known Member
lol well dont you think he'd want you to love again?
sorry if thats personal but if you two loved each other the way you say, i know he'd want you to have someone in your life, religion or not