How deep is your voice, The Barry White Syndrome.


Well-Known Member
Long story. I was outed by my bishop to my family. I left the church for awhile. I fell in love and had a wonderful relationship. He was murdered. I felt it was punishment for living in sin. I repented. Got back into the church and now I'm celibate. End of story. Spent four years in Utah trying to become straight (reparative therapy). Ended up in a psych ward after a suicide attempt. Left Utah and came home. I decided that I am who I am. Part of who I am is Mormon. So I had to make a choice. I chose my faith. Doesn't change the fact that I'm gay but being a Mormon is my culture and my heritage. I have obligations.
I've always respected you Carne. I want you to know you have my deepest sympathy and affection. I pray that you'll see him again.

My parents don't know about me yet..