Lace and Frills <3

buddha webb

New Member
Wherever you are i will get it,,im UK in June-Aug so if your there ...if not im in Asia...if not there wherever you will get it.....corset that is! unless?

buddha webb

New Member
Please dont tell me you in your pyjamas,i love you in pyjamas too!

Ganjames there called Jack fruits...there huge!!!

Gotta go walk,got corsets and xK in my mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!xxx.


Well-Known Member
Are they the same as breadfruit? They're common in Trinidad (where the family is from) I really love jackfruit chips. The oriental supermarket has half my budget, ganja the other lol

I've posted these before but now I want to see everybody's pyjamas. I know grown ups sleep naked but come on, i'm sure you all like pyjamas from time to time! I want to see April in a onesie still.


My mama in her jammies I bought

Christmas jammies and Carne on my chest

buddha webb

New Member
Jack fruit ,bread fruit same thing.they dip em in batter here and fry em for brekky!!!taste sensational!!

roof garden for some corsets,i mean gardening!


Well-Known Member
Lol. I've yet to try it raw but the chips are tasty. Nom nom. I like fruit almost as much as I like steak. Mmmm steak. I love chenet, pomerac (Malay apple) and TAMARIND. Om nom nom.

Think I'll start on a corset next week. I need to pick a good fabric though. The boning is ready to go. I'm not going to go with hook and eye fasteners. I might screw it up as a beginner...

buddha webb

New Member
probably best leaving the words "the boning is ready to go" could be err misinterpreted! love it personally,,but ya know ,,people,,.

TAMARIND.....I love Tamarind POWERFULLY,,,2 moro i will be getting photos of the Tamarind tree that leans on my house and the tamarind fruit bangs on the roof if its windy.Get it dry it and dip it in sugar salt and chilli all mixed up,blows you away i love it...Got cashewnut trees ,coconut ,water apple,mango etc cte tec loads of fruit trees,,,,.......B


Well-Known Member
The corsets in my photos aren't my creations, but I'm flattered you think they suit me ^^ I tend to make plushes, costumes, animal ears and tails and accessories x The corsets and dress stuff is just a hobby butI love playing with fabric x

buddha webb

New Member
animal ears and tails and accesories.......the animals wear the accesories????

Well they suit you great,and you wear them very well x........ do you sell animal ears? or for a hobby??

Im sounding like a fuckwit i know,,,sorry.......B


Well-Known Member
This is for Shan Shan the goat man

A professor at Wayne State University in Detroit was giving a
lecture on Paranormal Studies.

To get a feel for his audience, he asks, "How many people here believe in

About 90 students raise their hands.

"Well, that's a good start. Out of those who believe in ghosts, do any of
you think you have seen a ghost?"

About 40 students raise their hands.

"That's really good. I'm really glad you take this seriously. Has anyone
here ever talked to a ghost?"

About 15 students raise their hand.

"Has anyone here ever touched a ghost?"

Three students raise their hands.

"That's fantastic. Now let me ask you one question further...Have any of
you ever made love to a ghost?"

Way in the back, Hamad raises his hand.

The professor takes off his glasses and says, "Son, all the years I've
been giving this lecture, no one has ever claimed to have made love to a ghost.
You've got to come up here and tell us about your experience."

The Middle Eastern student replied with a nod and a grin, and began to make his
way up to the podium. When he reached the front of the room, the professor
asks, "So, Hamad, tell us what it's like to have sex with a ghost?"

Hamad replied, "Shit, from way back there I thought you said Goats."


Well-Known Member
Occasionally I sell them, but it's more for personal gratification. I wear the ears and tails... I posted pictures once or twice earlier in the thread x Don't worry, you're not a fuckwit- just new to the nuances of myself and this thread x

buddha webb

New Member
Im getting a grasp..
A day full of patience stretching bus no eat weed before i go to make sure im high a while...alcoholics smelling and drinking at 8am,i was on a ferry at 4am eating my weed drinking coffee surrounded by horrible drunken tourists...they continued to drink,and smell,and talk nasty shit,i spent 8hrs with these people today...and ive got to be honest with you,the enjoyment factor was very small,barely see it,tiny,i enjoyed watching them fall at walking up 3 inch steps...i enjoyed one who didnt even bring his passport,he had forgotten!!!but the whole reason everyone was on this visa minibus was to get passports stamped...i laughed at him!!:lol:.......but on the whole the journey was ok,just ease up on the weed next time cos immigration when you cant even open your eyes cos your so high,and suns bright,thats not that much fun either.................B


Well-Known Member
I think it's kind of like that when you find tourests anywhere you go. I was at a resourt and there were lots of Germans there and every morming when we went down to the pool all the good chairs were taken with books towles and other stuff but only 5 or 6 prople there, I'm talking 40 chairs and over the next couple hours the people showed up. So it got me thinking and drinking and with the help of a couple british like minde lads we went down to the pool at 5 and sat in the lounge and watched as 2 german couples showed up with wagons and laide all the stuff out than left. So we said FU and tossed all the shit over the fence, when they showed up they did not say shit but they never did it again while we were there. Trust me tourest from everywhere leave there manners at home when on vacation, except for Canadians they are the nicest people and best lovers and grow the best weed.....

Suck it up and smile and take their money and say thank you, go have a drink/smoke with your buddies and laugh at them dumb assholes touriest.


Well-Known Member
So you know sometimes I get this mellow feeling and start thinking about stuff and was just thinking how this thread has changed things, we got the local bullies and the other odds and ends all in the same playground playing together and getting along, maybe world peace is not far away after all. Sitting in xK's cozy corner and alll snuggeled up thinking dreamy thoughts as the warmth wraps softly around me, taking me to my happy place where I touch the stars.......

Life is better with xK

I love rat rod girls



Well-Known Member
Woodsmaneh, you're sweet to me <3 Wish I could feel that kind of love on this side of my computer screen though :sad:

I especially love the penultimate pictures. That's a cute bolero, cool hair, beautiful face and she matches great with the car. :3

Another from the same set x
