The seeds back then, are far from the seeds you get now. You spent soooooo much time researching a quote to take out of context from SSHZ, you didnt even read this thread that had mentioned that already.

I do recognize, though, Dr Gruber, that you are a Greenthumb fan as indicated by your The Dope and Oh Zone journals. Two other strains that have no relation to Endless Sky. The problem with ES, to bring you up to speed, is that the flowering time WAS 42 days, IS NOW 56 days, as a result of them losing their genetics and trying to still scrap seeds out the door. It hurt their customers, their reputation, and I frankly wont buy from them again after having had nothing but mediocre plants from their genetics.
The weed from ES WAS GREAT, now IS GOOD, but it isnt AWESOME, and thats what we want to grow.