LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

Does this look good for Flower?

1-2 Plant Grows
1-2 AquaFloros ( or one Plant Grow + one Aquafloro)
2 Red Suns (if you already have them. If not 2 @ AF & PG)
2 Coral Waves
I found this on zeovit salt water forum from years ago. Its from thomas of kz on that forum.

- - Korallen-Zucht's New T5 w/red on the way (http://www.zeovit.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7829 )

Thomas Pohl

Dear Haaga, This is my last contribution to this thread. Our T5 is no copy of any other existing tube. The issue that was edited in reef central is nonsense.

Referring to our new T5 Coral Light Fiji Purple: This is a tube similar Hagen but nearly without green, orange and yellow spectrum. It is a mixture just of blue and red spectrum. This is brand new and not existing yet and just born out of our own tests with SPS.

We will not publish the spectrum of our tubes. I want to invite you to come and visit us in our shop, there I will show it to you, but the complete spectrum will not be published.

Best regards, Th.

So if anyone here is in germany or going there anytime soon. Make a stop by their shop and see the spd fiji chart and get back to us.
Someone rent a spectra-radiometer and test this damn fiji bulb, it's only 250$. I'm DYING to see its spectral graph..
Someone rent a spectra-radiometer and test this damn fiji bulb, it's only 250$. I'm DYING to see its spectral graph..
. I will throw $20 in for someone to do it!

I wonder what it would really take to have Sylvania make me/us a run of the "perfect" bulb?
Pretty sure I didn't see this paper discussed in my initial read-through of the thread but check out Figure 4 (compare "F" and "G")

Again, if someone already presented this observation my bad but it seemed mildly poignant:
If HPS is emulating lower canopy light, heavy Chlorophyll-peak PAR and UV should emulate upper canopy (tip tops baby)
Also the pdf, which I found from the wiki article on PAR, was a nice read on PAR sensors and I recommend it.

Sorry if this is a redundant post,
p.s. sifting through papers on cryptochrome and gene expression, more to come
Dear god hyroot, thank you for finding that post from kz, id bet that they won't release the spectrum because they just buy the right to label it a KZ, when its prob made by Hagen and KZ doesn't have the right to disclose Hagens proprietary data.

I wish I could +rep you x1000 for that post.

Im gonna try to find some posts on the coral threads from the Grim Reefer showing measured PAR values
For most T5 aquarium bulbs
Dear god hyroot, thank you for finding that post from kz, id bet that they won't release the spectrum because they just buy the right to label it a KZ, when its prob made by Hagen and KZ doesn't have the right to disclose Hagens proprietary data.

I wish I could +rep you x1000 for that post.

Im gonna try to find some posts on the coral threads from the Grim Reefer showing measured PAR values
For most T5 aquarium bulbs

This is likely to be the case with the bulb. +1 Great find, hyroot.

The lighting sections on the aquarium forums are very detailed. I'm gonna start looking through them, anyone want to divide an conquer?

The post was to offer a comparison between the Fiji Purple and ColorMax; as well as offer evidence about the reliability of the SPD charts.

Don't forget the green and yellow light will naturally appear much brighter to your eye than the other wavelengths. I've noticed my Flora Suns look much more pink when I take a picture of them than they do to my naked eye.

Graphs, eyes, pictures, and plant growth; until someone picks up a PAR meter, these are the only ways for us to determine what will best suit our needs.

We know that the graphs are unreliable; this quote from wikipedia notes that wavelengths are changed for mere convenience: "Because the luminance of lighting fixtures and other light sources are handled separately, a spectral power distribution may be normalized in some manner, often to unity at 555 or 560 nanometers, coinciding with the peak of the eye's luminosity function." The ColorMax is an example of an altered SPD chart.

Eyes and pictures are great for bulb comparisons as one can SEE the differences in color. However, both are fall short for determining a bulb's PAR equivalency.

Finally, plant growth is another form of evidence - it can be affected by many variables, however, and should be handled as such.


This thread is chock full of theory and opinion, improvement will happen only with evidence.

"The ColorMax looks more green than the Fiji Purple, to the eye and in the picture." This is what I was offering, the closest thing to evidence without a PAR meter. We now know that the ColorMax does not equal the Fiji Purple.
Does this look good for Flower?

1-2 Plant Grows
1-2 AquaFloros ( or one Plant Grow + one Aquafloro)
2 Red Suns (if you already have them. If not 2 @ AF & PG)
2 Coral Waves

i think the plant grows look weak. you should go with 4 aquaflora
from same zeovit forum

Dear Haaga,
here is a picture from my two coral lights.
I hope you can see anything red

best regards
Attached Thumbnails
I did. Didnt you see the pics I put up a while ago. Mine were indicas and a some sativa dominant hybrids. Those only get so big. I dont mess with pure sativas anymore. Thats what gets giant. I dont want to flower for 3 months.
Can I be the first to wish everyone here a happy new year. Thanks to everyone for the intelligent conversation, and next year let us all remember, its just a plant! let it help reduce our stress, not cause it! :) deuces!
Looks like one AdvancedLED is listening. http://www.advancedledlights.com/3w...iamond-series-leds-extreme-3w-led-technology/

There new light uses Bridgelux 3 watt bulbs: "11+ Wavelengths of Color Output: 760nm, 740nm, 720nm, 660nm, 630nm, 615nm-480nm, 460nm, 440nm, 415nm, 380nm" Alas, they don't say how many of each in the literature. The small one 100 (92 actual) is a bargain at $295, but their 400 (~ 360) is $995.

A small one ($295) in the middle with 2 @ 2 bulb HO T5s, one on each side, could be interesting
Looks like one AdvancedLED is listening. http://www.advancedledlights.com/3w...iamond-series-leds-extreme-3w-led-technology/

There new light uses Bridgelux 3 watt bulbs: "11+ Wavelengths of Color Output: 760nm, 740nm, 720nm, 660nm, 630nm, 615nm-480nm, 460nm, 440nm, 415nm, 380nm" Alas, they don't say how many of each in the literature. The small one 100 (92 actual) is a bargain at $295, but their 400 (~ 360) is $995.

A small one ($295) in the middle with 2 @ 2 bulb HO T5s, one on each side, could be interesting

You must also remember that 3w led's are less efficient than 1W led... also most 3W led are 3x 1w on the same board... which is how they "sell" it !
Then to make matters worse most led manufacturers run their led's @ 750mw vs the 1k/mw in order to be more efficient. pbfft... i would love to crack that thing open and see what kind of cheap led's they've thrown in there...
Real 3w led's are approx >2$ each, so theres no way they are using quality LED.
At least they didnt try to advertise it as a 300w light using 100 3w LED's... not how they work but thats how most of the garbage led's on ebay are advertized.
At least they didnt try to advertise it as a 300w light using 100 3w LED's... not how they work but thats how most of the garbage led's on ebay are advertized.

You are correct sir!

if anyone wants to see true LED lights
http://search.digikey.com/us/en/cat...ss-power-modules/525140?k=Cree LMR4&vendor=90





Let the Pr0f School ya ;)
These are REAL LED lighting products! and if i had the $$ i would buy THESE and nothing else! but for the price of one of these i could buy 5KW of T5!