Well-Known Member
The reason you add nutrients first before adjusting ph+/- is because nutrients will change your ph when they are mixed together. Most people either need ph up all the time or ph down all the time. I use ph down 90% of the time and if I use too much, ph up. So, you guessed it, to raise or lower ph, a FEW DROPS of either one you need.... A FEW DROPS in the reservoir, and then leave it alone for ten minutes. Then check the ph again and adjust. Try to aim for 5.6 to start if your ph naturally keeps going up, or 6.0 to start if it keeps naturally going down.
Add Water, Nutrients, then ph, wait a few days, add water, nutrients, then ph, wait a few days, ................. Just always shoot for your target PPM and your target PH! (Your target ppm always changes every week, too, thats another paragraph..... )
Add Water, Nutrients, then ph, wait a few days, add water, nutrients, then ph, wait a few days, ................. Just always shoot for your target PPM and your target PH! (Your target ppm always changes every week, too, thats another paragraph..... )