Good thing there're plenty of Forums Online..

Ozstoners Sucks

New Member
I have been banned from another fourm, just for defending my own posts again :)

Why oh Why, do so many forums take the side of stale old fools, simply because they've been there a while longer?

Maybe, this one will be different, certainly a cute logo :)

From ozstoners, to Grasscity, to here! I'm from Adelaide, South Australia, hi all :)
that wasnt supposed to answer the question right? lmfao

Oh, no :)

I told a dood in Israel, that added Co2 in his growroom will increase growth-rate, yah. Then I explained that 100 Million years ago, there was more Co2 in the air, and it woulda been any growers wet dream. All fine, just shareing it along..

So then, out come the trolls. Cussin' me out about Cannabis not being around 100 million years ago, and how I obviously don't know shit, blablabla. I respond, and competely OWN the fools, so they run to the nearest mod - crying like bitches - so I get a warning for 'disrespect', and just now, I get banned Expiry date: Never.

All cozza some squeeling fucking piglets who aren't as good at dishing-up flamings as I am. Can I help it that I got a Catholic education, and learnt to use words better than they did? Nah. And no, the brothers never 'touched me' anywhere - they did cane me heaps though :)

And no, not THAT kinda cane :)

/spit on them.
Can you give rep points in this forum?

The only think that even annoys me slightly about GrassCity booting me - other than that I was not even abusive, just smooooother than them - is that I had just gotten to 204 rep/3 bars. and 100 posts.

Really, I don't mind trolls, as long as their (a) GOOD at it, and (b) I am allowed to smack em with my anti-troll stick. :D

And I shoulda used GrassCity Sucks as my username.. actually..
Can you give rep points in this forum?

The only think that even annoys me slightly about GrassCity booting me - other than that I was not even abusive, just smooooother than them - is that I had just gotten to 204 rep/3 bars. and 100 posts.

Really, I don't mind trolls, as long as their (a) GOOD at it, and (b) I am allowed to smack em with my anti-troll stick. :D

And I shoulda used GrassCity Sucks as my username.. actually..

yes sheriff star beside Journal this post...and there is a like button, far right in the post, which is not added to rep....just a like comment or joke

hahah too funny.
Really, it's just those moderators who wave their MOD around like a 12 foot dick that are the problem. I think.

Anyhow, I got some gardening to do.. no.. contruction. I'm making a Bubble cloner, 'fore it gets dark outside :)

Ciao ciao!
Welcome Aboard! I have had a couple of issues with trolls here, just like anywhere else. But, that being said there are many many more great people that are helping, compassionate, fair-minded, good humored individuals, that quickly break out the can of Troll Repellant. I sometimes mess with them but as of late, I just reply with quote and type DISMISSED. Boy oh boy that pissses em off!
WITH, I'll add, a massive FOURTEEN pot-holes/mesh-pots in the lid :)

The mash pots aren't the type I see in these overseas forums though.. they aren't as effective looking as the grid-mesh ones, and they just have vertical lines down to the bottom of the pot.

I may have to drill some holes in the bases of the pots - just to allow more fizz-water to be absorbed.

The Hydro shop up the road also didn't have any neoprene disks, so I had to settle on rockwool, but upon closer examination, I'm now not convinced Rockwool's what I want to use.

Vermiculite's alot easier to get in the little pots (they're only 1 inch diameter) and will hold about the same amount of water.

Mm.. I should post that in a seperate thread really. I might too.

I've around 100 posts to try to make up, so excuse me if I capitalize on any oportinity to create an extra post, rather than just adding/editing an existing one :)
You trollin for a bite? :)

I don't represent any company, or forum.

And I changed usernames from Ozstoners->GrassCity, because GrassCity was the last forum that expelled me, before that, Ozstoners.

Anyway, why am I explaining it to YOU: You only have a handful of posts.

You're almost as new as I am. Shoo-fly, you have no influence here .. I'll go get the Mortein if you're not careful..
You trollin for a bite? :)

I don't represent any company, or forum.

And I changed usernames from Ozstoners->GrassCity, because GrassCity was the last forum that expelled me, before that, Ozstoners.

Anyway, why am I explaining it to YOU: You only have a handful of posts.

You're almost as new as I am. Shoo-fly, you have no influence here .. I'll go get the Mortein if you're not careful..

post count is correct.

However you are the noob with an attitude that you wave like a banner.

You are not respected just because you were kicked to the curb by MULTIPLE sites.