All I want for Christmas is the perfect T5 bulb! Lol. Merry Christmas all!
I see the Pr0f is testy this christmas morning. Not that it has any special meaning to me. I do hope Undercover Cop takes the jabs in stride. Imagine how much shorter this thread would be IF we actually had a correct Fiji graph. lol Happy Holidays!
Nah just late night and wrapping a gazillion presents...
you cant criticize something than use that very thing as proof of point. second some graphs are measured in luminious flux, others are measured in intensity...
you can t just measure the charts peaks and say "well its 25% percent 410nm etc.." because thats not a representation of the total energy of that given spectra... that completely IGNORES the energy output of that spectra... ITS A GRAPH you have to use the vertical and horizontal measurements..
those high peaks may be narrow but make up to 40% of the TOTAL ENERGY output...
Im thinking of adding some uvb lights or heat lamps. to run by themselves for the for th first 15 min and last 15 min only. Using the IR to mimic sunrise and sunset
You clearly dont understand how to measure energy. Light like all waveforms comprises of ENERGY not Color. the color is the reaction to the matter that the photons interact with, then are reflected BACK to your eye.
You CANNOT pull numbers out of your ass to prove a point. Luminous energy density is less the higher the NM range that you measure. second that graph has no measurement except nm range, that could be measuring how many potatoes you grow at that range...
Measure something with a ruler or a calculator or leave the math to people who understand the concept. an SPD chart can use different measurements and meters to make these readings. the same bulb can be used on two different meters and give different results
PLants use Photon ENERGY the higher the energy the more photosynthesis.
If we were to use your example we would have to use lights that put out 40% of their light output in the WEAKEST energy that it produces... thats like running a car on 20% octane.....
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Love the thread guys, been quietly watching for quite some time. Prof, especially props on all the work, but others too, UCDWC, murshdawg, all you guys are a real inspiration. Here is a late christmas gift from me:
CLEARANCE ON CORAL AND REEF WAVE BULBS $9.99 (free shipping over $49 and no extra ship for some reason too)
I like them both for different reasons and was pretty sure I'd seen others feeling the same way,
sorry if someone already posted this but it is the cheapest I've seen and I've been looking for months.
Buds of luck to all of you and happy upcoming new year. Maybe if I have time I'll post again later with some really really interesting academic studies I found regarding cryptochrome.
p.s. just re-read undercover's post at the top of the page, love your grows btw man. I recently uncovered a study linking far-red wavelengths (700-1000 nm) and over all PAR adsorption. It seems the ratio of this range to "PAR" (referring to 400-700nm range as PAR) determines the rate of adsorption. So yes it is useful if not directly. I haven't had the time to read through the study line for line but I will add anything else I learn.
these are 24" bulbs