BREAKING: Gingrich and others failed to get on VA ballot!! Down to Romney vs. Paul!!


New Member
Ron Paul and Romney got enough signatures to get on the Virginia primary ballot!

Gingrich and all the rest FAILED to get enough votes!!

And Gingrich LIVES in VA!

It's now down to only Romney and Paul!!!

Will american's make the most logical choice?

Do they have access to the internet and will they Google Romney that is the question we are all wondering.

Ladies and gentlemen your next Republican Nominee:

Seems like a back door tactic to try to slow his momentum. We will see where those votes go, probably not to Paul. I dont know if this is a good thing or not. I guess it will mean the media will have to focus on Paul more than they do.
How in the world can this be a bad thing? Are you serious?

CORPORATE Tea Party - Flock to Ron Paul likes doves - FLOCK!
Dude he is not on the ballot in 2 states! he might as well be running third party, its a bit more then damage, I wouldn't be surprised if he hangs it up. Let me give an example, In Virginia and MO this is your choices

[] Ron Paul
[] Mit "The clit" Romney

Write ins are not allowed in VA
How in the world can this be a bad thing? Are you serious?

CORPORATE Tea Party - Flock to Ron Paul likes doves - FLOCK!

Because Paul isn`t polling over 50% and those other candidates take votes from more traditional hawkish, authoritarians like Romney. The small government appeal of Paul will win some votes from that crowd but his pro freedom and anti aggressive foreign policy message might not sell as well, they were after all voting for people like Newt.

Many of those corporate voters benefit tremendously from government cronyism - why do you think they would vote Ron Paul necessarily? Maybe some of the more honest ones.
Because Paul isn`t polling over 50% and those other candidates take votes from more traditional hawkish, authoritarians like Romney. The small government appeal of Paul will win some votes from that crowd but his pro freedom and anti aggressive foreign policy message might not sell as well, they were after all voting for people like Newt.

Many of those corporate voters benefit tremendously from government cronyism - why do you think they would vote Ron Paul necessarily? Maybe some of the more honest ones.

I obviously don't think those people would but corporate Tea Party was backing Bachman, Perry, and Santorum who were also disqualified.
The latest poll in Virginia:

Gingrich 30%
Romney 25%
Paul 9%
Perry 6%
Bachmann 6%

So yeah, Newt was the frontrunner. Now he's out. It's entirely possible that the majority of those Gingrich votes were actually people who wanted "anyone but Romney". If that's the case it's unlikely Romney will pick up a lot of those votes and they will instead go to Paul or Perry.
Yeah but he is so stubborn and arrogant hell probably keep running all the while stuffing burgers down his gullet. He just looks sloppy to me. Lets go paul, you can doooo it...
The latest poll in Virginia:

Gingrich 30%
Romney 25%
Paul 9%
Perry 6%
Bachmann 6%

So yeah, Newt was the frontrunner. Now he's out. It's entirely possible that the majority of those Gingrich votes were actually people who wanted "anyone but Romney". If that's the case it's unlikely Romney will pick up a lot of those votes and they will instead go to Paul or Perry.

They can't possibly go to Perry, he was disqualified also...Understand when I wrote that it is Paul vs Romney..I meant it me I wouldn't write that in the topic and also the body because some people here would be jumping down my throat lol

Everyone was disqualified in multiple states with only 2 exceptions: Ron Paul and Romney. (and also Obama)
They can't possibly go to Perry,

Oh yes they can. Perry talks about Jesus. So does Bachmann. Never underestimate the stupidity of southern republicans. As long as you talk about jesus, you're never out of a republican primary in the south.
Bachman didn't get enough signatures either...or RS either

Oh shit. Romney is not well liked in states like Virginia. If put up to a vote between Romney and not Romney (Paul), nor Romney is likely the favorite.

I'll keep an eye on the polling.
Tom H. December 24, 201103:38 am
"Looks like I’m going to have to vote for crazy Ron Paul in order to stop the liberal Democrat from Massachusetts. Thanks a lot, VA political establishment, and Merry Christmas."