GROW LOG #5: C88 F2's, Blueberry x C99 F1's and Critical+

Here's what Mr Soul, Cinderella 99 creator wrote:

The progression I went through was:
P.50 = Princess/(ShivaSkunk/Princess’Brother)
P.75 = Princess/P.50
Cinderella 88 = Princess/P.75

Cinderella 99 = Princess/Cinderella 88
Each generation exhibited a MAJOR jump in potency: P.50 was rather mellow, P.75 has a well-balanced body/mind high with a citrus flavour, Cinderella 88 is cerebral and paralyzing with a tropical fruit flavour, and Cinderella 99 is “TRIP WEED” with more of the fruity flavour and speedy effect from Princess.

I just put 4 in a moist paper towel.
I have 4 or 5 dozen F2's and will keep going until I have 4 plants growing.
This will be a multi-breeding project as well.
I'll post as the grow unfolds.
Slurrrrp! C88 F2's? Are you connected to the mob or something?

Subd to this, yeah! Can't wait to see how they turn out.

Go Flo!
Your comments about C99's potency made me laugh Flo :)

About a month ago (when I still had some of my previous grow left in my stash) I rolled two joints for my sister-in-law as she likes a calming smoke once in a while...(hehe - see where this story is going?)

I guess the Joey Weed C99 x AK47 genetics I grew out were a bit more potent than what she was used to from the skanky street weed she normally buys, as she had a first date with a new guy last week and was feeling quite nervous and anxious about it.
So in her infinte wisdom she decided to pull out one of the joints I rolled her and smkoe the whole damned thing 2 hours before her date to get some "dutch courage".

She called me in a complete panic saying "What did you lace those joints with? I am so smashed! It feels like I'm on mushrooms! I keep talking to myself in my head like I'm two different people! Usually when I smkoe I feel calm and relaxed! This makes me feel crazy!".

In short, the date didn't go so well (that's another story on its own) but she came begging for more of that "mushroom weed" the following weekend ;)

After her initial shock at how smashed she was, she started loving it to the point where she lost interest in her date and started sitting at other tables in the restaurant and talking with complete strangers at the bar as she just wanted to "get out there and do fun things!" (how adorable) :)

She reckons her date thought she was a complete space-cadet.
Sorry for smashing you with the C99-flavoured genetics sis!
That shit was too funny !
I haven't been this excited since I scored those DPD F3's !
Really looking forward to seeing what she (C88) does !
The Critical+ was put in a rooter plug this morning and should be up by Friday.
Also noticed 1 of the BB99 cracked and starting to push out the tap root.
Should be ready for a rooter by morning.
2 down and 6 to go..............
Dude you will love the Critical + great smoke, did my freebie earlier this year. Wish I would have cloned it, but I was full up.

Subbed man... looking forward to the ride.
Dude you will love the Critical + great smoke, did my freebie earlier this year. Wish I would have cloned it, but I was full up.

Subbed man... looking forward to the ride.

Thanks BBC !
Welcome to my thread.
Hope C88 is to all our liking !
I am curious about Critical+, so I hope she comes through.
I may have to clone this grow.

Here we go Flo! Flo always impresses.

Good lookin out BH !
Where the hell you been !?

One more Cindy 88 cracked and should be in a plug by late tonight or morning ! YAY
Still waiting on the last BB99 and 1 more Cindy 88.
The Critical+ is up and on the run !
So is the 1st BB99......

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dayum how you aquire them bad ass beans wish that was me

I was blessed by an old timer that wanted to spread the love is all.
Kicker is he never asked for anything in return....just gave them cuz I am crazy for Cindy !
In my haste in thinking the 4th seed wasnt going to crack, since the first 3 are already standing up out the rooter plugs, I soaked another next to it and now they both cracked.
So now I will be crowding one 5 inch net cup with 2 rooters when I transplant them for veg and bloom.
No worries...just better odds for females.
Well all the seeds have been place inside their rooter plugs and into the mini-cooler.
The pic was taken about 8hrs before C88 #5 was put in place.
I am going to make a 5gal bubble bucket tonight.
They are gonna need more room for roots and I need another bubbler too.
The 5gal bucket will be their home for the next 4 - 5 weeks as well.

C88 #1 and #2 look uniform already.
As does BB99 #1 and #2.

This grow is going to be good for crossing.

C88 F3
C88 x BB99
C88 x Criticial+
BB99 x Criticial+
BB99 F2

Those are the possiblities.
The Criticial+ would add to the yield of the other 2, without hopefully compromising strength.

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My main interest would lie with the C88 F3's and the C88 x Critical+.
The Crit+ would help with larger yields possibly further down the C88 line.