GROW LOG #5: C88 F2's, Blueberry x C99 F1's and Critical+

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
What was left out from the above was the rest of the thread.
It contained some info that growers were sharing and talking to Mr Soul about.
Reading it really has my ass excited now !!
Gotta love the fuckin internet !!!!!!!!!!!!

Clone flowered under a 400watt, 42watts/sq.ft. Grown organically in a soilless medium, 1:1:1 ratio of GOOD potting mix, perlite, & worm castings. Finished about 16 "-18" tall. Nice high flower to leaf ratio, manicuring would be a breeze if it didn't have so much resin globbed all over it. Nugs were dense for a 400watt, but not tight like they are under the big lights. I flowered for 53 days, last 24 hours no light. I alternated Big Bloom & Hi-P fishes (Neptune?s Harvest) for food. Total yield about 15gm of very frosty & very potent well manicured buds. Good flavor, but a STRONG smoke. Very "up" high. I can get a lot done instead of just vegging. By far the best I've gro wn. No shit. ? Bill Clinton

C88 is the best so far. It has blown the socks off every Dutch variety I've grown for all around goodness. ? flwr smkr

The p hoto at the web site is Cafe'Girl, she is the sister of Princess (Cinderella 88's mom). Cafe'Girl is the seed mother I'm using to produce "Dylan's Diamond" which will be released in January 1999. She's

a beauty - BIG yielder of super DENSE, crystalized buds in fairly LOW light levels. Scent/flavour is very much like ginger ale.? ? MrSoul

Princess was obtained from growing out seeds found in buds of Jack Herer that was purchased in Amsterdam at the "Sensi-Smile" coffee shop, an authorized outlet of Sensi Seed Bank. Thus, it is considered to be an f2 generation Jack Herer. The seeds were found only in the deepest part of the buds indicating that the father was an unusually early-maturing JH that the growers missed at first. ? MrSoul

Princess is a female which resulted fro m a seed found in a Jack Herer bud I bought in Amsterdam near the Sensi Seed Bank at "Coffeeshop Sensi Smile". The bud came in a 2 gr. cello-pack with the Sensi logo; I expected sinsemilla, but it had about 10 seeds so I assume she's an F2 JH. Her characteristics were so fine I wanted to create seeds that would "replicate" this plant. She has the KILLER Haze-influenced high with the most DELICIOUS pineapple/evil scent, 50 day maturation in 12/12, and incredib le resin pro duction, do esn?t stretch - yet clearly Sativa-dominant! Last but not least: Never a hint of hermaphrodism after 2 years of cloning & many different styles of grow.
I wanted to "cube" Princess but add a little beef to her branches because the buds were always too heavy at harvest and branches needed staking to keep from flopping over. I crossed my ShivaSkunk female with one of the males from the same group of seeds that Princess came from. THIS cross produced a male which was then crossed to Princess, creating "P.50" (using a shorthand notation I developed to indicate the fraction of Princess genes in the cross).
Each generation is the result of crossing a male from the previo us generation to Princess herself (incestuous, I know).
Blow-by-blow description of the generatio ns: P.50 = Heavy, single-cola type plants with mellow high (too much influence from the ShivaSkunk)
Sweet fruity scent/flavor. Unstable in most traits - for example, 10 days difference in fastest/slowest maturation period in a group of 20 seedlings.
P.75 = Plants leaning MUCH more in the direction of Princess in floral cluster and bud structure, scent/flavor turned more "tropical" like pineapple. The stability was becoming better - two major phenotypes; short & dense (potent too) o r tall/HUGE (Not so potent).
P.88 = Renamed Cinderella 88 when first released on the market. It grows fast and produces excellent yields of FROSTY buds in 7 weeks! Generally uniform seedlings with minor differences in floral formatio n and some height variance, but the smo ke is quite consistent fro m all plants - Dense, heavy
nuggets of fruity scented & flavored (like wild berries) and covered in resin glands, the dried buds have distinctly ORANGE pistils.
And now P.94 = Cinderella 99. This project has been a huge success. The strain has been embraced by the "net"work of growers with rave reviews. The Bros. Grimm too have been recognized for their excellent combination of quality products and unparalleled service after the sale. There's NO OTHER seed bank that has it's breeders on the net answering questions from "newbies" 40 hours/week, and the info is first-rate; even details of their breeding strategies are openly discussed so that the seed buyer can feel well-informed about the products BG offer.
I personally think the plants these Cinderella 99 seeds produce are every bit as good as a cutting from Princess herself (or better). I say better because the flavor of no two plants is "identical"; there's a personality to all living things. Like Princess herself, Cinderella is sweet & fruity to the p alette and nose, and when you take a hit you're BLASTED...with the same "racy" high as Princess! The improvement comes in the yield department; 25% greater yield and a stronger branch structure, which I accomplished by starting with some ShivaSkunk genes in the original father in the cubing process. I knew I'd blend o ut the majority of the traits from ShivaSkunk in the cubing p rocess, b ut I was hoping to incorporate the ShivaSkunk's stronger branches because Princess had a tendency to need supports in the final two weeks o f flo wering. As it turns o ut, I got lucky and it worked. The name suits the strain IMO - it?s a true Cinderella Sto ry. - MrSoul

Jack Herer is an unstable strain bred from an unequal combination of Sk#1, NL#5, and Haze. Crossing a male and female Jack Herer creates an F2 generation which has a HUGE number of possible recombinations of the genes. I grew out some Jack Herer F2s and discovered a SPECIAL one,
"Princess", which has man y improvements on the original JH such as a shorter flowering time, denser bud structure and pineapple scent/flavour. I have been continually back crossing Princess with her male offspring (generatio n after generation) which eventually creates a stabilized strain having her special characteristics found reliably in most females grown fro m those seeds. Each generation is composed of a 50% genetic contribution from Princess (since she's the seed parent) and a 50% contribution from the pollen parent (which also has an increasing percentage of Princess' genetics with each generation). The progression goes: P.50, P.75, P.88, P.94, and that point it's considered stabilized (a male and female P.97 can be crossed and the offspring are essentially the same as the parents). I have been VERY pleased with the way this project is going; even the P.75 generation was rather stable in the sense that the individuals were all rather uniform and HIGH quality. The P.88 seeds are available now, and the P.94 will be available around Christmas time. So, you see, since I have combined genes from Sk#1, NL#5, and Haze, creating a plant which has characteristics distinctly different than Jack Herer, and I'm creating a stable strain from this plant... it's legitimately MY work. ? MrSoul

I used Shiva Skunk from Sensi Seeds as a minor component in the development of Cinderella ?. I crossed a fine female Shiva Skunk with a brother of Princess, then grew a male from those seeds to begin the cubing pro cess with. - MrSoul

C99 is has more of the Haze type of high because the mother (Princess), has that kind of high and each time I back-cross to her the next generation gets a bit more of it. Smoking PURE Princess buds is a bit's too "speedy" and paranoia-inducing for most people. But she's so RESINOUS (see photo) and her flavour is just so delicious and fruity that I knew back-crossing her to her offspring over several generations would create a strain which is actually BETTER than the original mother in terms of a more PLEASING high. It was successful beyond my expectations.

The progression I went through was:
P.50 = Princess/(ShivaSkunk/Princess'Brother)
P.75 = Princess/P.50
Cinderella 88 = Princess/P.75
Cinderella 99 = Princess/Cinderella 88

Each generation exhibited a MAJOR jump in potency (P.50 was rather mellow)...P.75 has a well-balanced body/mind high with a citrus flavour, Cinderella 88 is cerebral & paralyzing with a tropical fruit flavour, and Cinderella 99 is "TRIP WEED"...with more of the fruity flavour and speedy effect from Princess. - MrSoul

Princess.75 finished outside in northern Kentucky Oct 15, (killer smo ke!) The 99's should also, I would think. I do intend to find out! No mold and it was quite wet too. ? 27yrs

I grew out Cinderella 88 and in my experience the Great White Shark is a more interesting line although admittedly my luck with C88 was not the best. The one female I was vouchsafed grows more like a vine then a tree and is difficult to clone and cultivate. However the psychoactivity of the floral clusters is very intense and the stone is complex and very cerebral. This is a very potent plant, indeed. But if I didn't know it was Cindy, I confess I might have let this p lant go a while ago. As it is I am trying to find ways to accommodate the plant's finickiness because of its lineage. But I wonder if the BG's cross between the original princess and a Green House male White Widow (Ice Princess) might not be a more propitious way of including Bg's Princess genetics in one's garden. The hybrid vigor that results from crossing two great plants of differing genetic backgrounds creates the best stock for cultivation, in my opinion. ? Moose

I want to comment that your result with the Cinderella 88 is NOT typical: I have grown an awful lot of them, and I have never seen one that was remotely "vine-like". They're usually Sativa-dominant hybrid phenotype with moderate leaf width, short & stocky stature, heavy branching, extremely high flower/leaf ratio and unparalleled resin production. The flo wering plants smell like fruity cotton-candy. In my experience, they usually root through a 2 inch rockwool cube in 10 days...and I don't even use rooting hormones. ?MrSoul

Cinder: There's b een a lot of talk about this strain. All I can say is that I'm very glad I grew this one. Fast, nice yields, great high. Harvested at 49 days--maybe even a little too long. While most really bite ya in the ass, the occasional bud out of my jar is simply wicked. I actually got lost a few blocks from my house--shit that hasn't happened in 10 years. - shaggy

There are 10 C99's flowering at day 32 in the hydroponics online 2-liter bottle ebb-and flow system using GH nutes and Pure blend at about 1600 ppm(they could probably take more!!). I have to saythese plants are unbelievable! The situation is that the buds are becoming too heavy for the branches, including some of the colas. It looks like some of the side buds will be scraping the floor by harvest! -KGB

I agree that c99 appears to be something special. Great resin production, great density at 28 days. Still no major odor(yet.) The thin leaves allow great light penetration. Sometime in the future I will do a whole garden of Cindy. What GH mix are you using on the c99 right now? She has been the most finicky feeder I?ve ever met. ? kaka

C-99 is very uniform. I have 4 females grown from seed that just finished their 4th week of flowering, and the only variation seems to be their height, the shortest being 3.5 feet and the tallest 4.5 feet, and all were topped once. They were started under a 400 watt MH for the first month and have been getting a full 12 hours per day of su nlight since then, and their cola's are HUGE. Wait'll you see how well they do und er natural sunligh t. ? Rex Feral

My estimate for Northern States would be early October. I have a friend who was growing it outdoors in Maine (48 degrees N?), it was about 3 weeks from finished in mid-September. Unfortunately, his outdoor grow was ripped off. If you're growing in an area prone to mold, you may have problems, but it's difficult to say because in the Northeast we don't have such a problem with mold. I can only tell you that the buds are DENSE (you HAVE seen the photos, haven't you?) it could be susceptible to mold. -MrSoul

If its Fruit Punch that yo u want, you should check out "Cinderella 88"?.I've smoked the mother that this is the backcross of, and YEEEEHAW she kicks ass. The smell is very similar to the Hawaiian...

think back to when you (ok I) was a kid... remember Bubbalicious? Or Hubba Bubba chewing gum? Think about the tropical fruit flavor, and there ya go-- thats what it smells like... A sickly sweet fruit punch gum, a little undertone of "stink" to go with it. A first class high too... (Not to turn this into an ad vertisement, just a recommendation, but I've personally tried this strain and it will do it for you just like the Hawaiian). - Shabang

I'm kind of trying for either Kali Mist or their Himalayan Gold, essentially I?m looking for a badass sativa high that I can grow manageably indoors. -See if you can get Cinderella 88 from Mike at Weedseed. I've personally tried this smoke and it is the best, most lucid sativa high you could ask for.
The breeder put a lot of time and talent into this one! Kumquat I do have 3 6' princess " crosses in my garden. They are nothing like the j. herer growing with them, as someone mentioned...looks closer to Ncga?s BW b ut with a more sativa look. The plants preflowered in early June which made it much easier to plan the garden spacing, although I had no idea these would get so tall. The secondary branching is quite thick and well developed with tight node spacing so looks to be a good yielder. It has handled our 100+ degree days w/o any problems, unlike the j. Herer (only minor probs with them) and even took on a Great Dane bending one over flat on the ground! It sprung right back after a bit of temporary splinting and bracing to be the fattest plant in the garden...which btw, includes most of the "hot" seedbank offerings of last year.? - Desert Rat (a.k.a. M.G.)

My head just turned full circle...This shit is good! I have to say to the brothers...Cinders passes the test with flying colours...the effect is very heady and almost hallucinogenic...very much like a potent version of silver pearl... with a smoother, fruitier taste and no nasty tickle at the back of the throat. ?Mike

I can only answer question #3 (Does it have as strong a sativa high as haze or Durban?)? WAY STRONGER!!! At least the sample of Cinderella 88 I had was. Very tight nugs too ! It was gro wnindoors so I expect the outdoors to be even better (just the way it turns out for me). Very fruity, mellow hitting and easy to take in too much as it has a definite creep to it. The buzz is very sativa-ish and tends to make the mind wonder when trying to find something. But the energy to keep looking is there! I highly recommend it! But keep a bowl of some nice indica nearby to mellow it out! All above is strictly MHO and based on MY experience. - dead man talking a.k.a. M.G.

The only person I know who has disliked Soul's weed is BB. Taste is a personal thing but I think we know that politics may have also played a ro le there. The buds of the ones I'm growing out are dense and sticky. The plants are a little small for my liking and probably wo n't make the grade, but it is obvious that it is high grade bud. - Vic High

The princess I have smoked was indoor grown by a friend of mine. It is a VERY heavy sativa high bordering on paranoia at times. I found it's best when there's a bowl of a nice indica around to mellow out the edge. 3 tokes do the trick (it creeps up in about 15-20 minutes)! Very nice sweet, fruity flavor and tight nuggets. The plants I have growing outdoors in the hot desert are doing great. They have the typical sativa x-mas tree shape and very hardy. Planted 6 eggs, got 5 plants with 3 being female. It will become a permanent fixture in my garden! - Desert Rat

Remember that Cinderella (88) is a Sativa-dominant hybrid, so you can expect it to be a LITTLE "leggy? when grown from seed. However clones from a good mother will stay quite short - I flower 12" clones for 7 weeks in 2-gal containers of organic soil to produce a 2.5' plant which yields about 2 ounces. Yes, "crystal" production is AMAZING...the stalked resin glands appearing on bud leaves as early as 3 weeks of flowering look like white FUR! - MrSoul

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Hell yeah !
Still digging shit up too !

Hey Dizzle, you're gonna love this :

Mr Soul's Tea Recipe(s)

Seedlings less than 1 month old
-nute tea mix-
5 tbs. Black Strap Molasses
1-cup earthworm castings/5 gallons of water every 3rd watering

Veg mix-
1/3 cup Peruvian Seabird Guano (PSG)
1/3 cup High N Bat Guano (Mexican)
1/3 cup Earth Worm Castings (EWC)
5 tsp. Maxicrop 1-0-4 powdered kelp extract
5 tbs. Liquid Karma
5 tbs. Black Strap Molasses
@ 1-cup mix/5 gallons of water every 3rd watering.

Flowering nute tea mix:
2/3 cup Peruvian Seabird Guano
2/3 cup Earth Worm Castings
2/3 cup High P Guano (Indonesian or Jamaican)
5 tbs. Maxicrop 1-0-4 powdered kelp extract
5 tbs. Black Strap Molasses
@ 2 cups/5 gallons of water EVERY watering.

You can use queen size knee high nylon stockings for tea bags.
3 pair for a dollar at the dollar store.
Tell 'em you use them for paint strainers.
Put the recommended tea in the stocking, tie a loop knot in it and hang it in your tea bucket.
The tea should look like a mud puddle.
Agitate the bag in the water vigorously.
An aquarium pump and air stone will dissolve oxygen into the solution and keep the good bacteria (microherd) alive and thriving. Let it bubble a day or two before you use it.

MrSoul's soiless mix & MrSoul's guano tea (recipe)
MrSoul's soiless mix to be used with MrSoul's guano tea.
Soul's Mix

50% Pro-mix
25% perlite
25% wormcastings

mix in a cup of dolomite lime per cubic foot of soil & wet the mix with an organic tea made from dissolving a cup of PSG in a 5-gallon bucket of water.

Soul's Guano Tea

-veg mix

1part Peruvian Seabird Guano (PSG)
1part High N Bat Guano
1part Earth Worm Castings(EWC)

@ 1cup mix/5G H2O every 3rd watering.

-flowering nute mix:

1part PSG
1part EWC
1part High P Guano

@ 2cups/5G H2O EVERY watering.

-and yseedlings<1 month old nute mix

1cup EWC/5G H2O every 3rd watering

Soul uses a "Tea Bag" and lets it sit in 5 gallons of water overnight.
A sock, knee high panty hose or bandana can be used as a tea bag.
The tea should look like a mud puddle.
Agitate the bag in the water vigorously.

Word is Mr Soul is in Europe somewhere.
And that he did give DutchGrown some beans, but I ain't paying their price.

Mr Soul, stop laying in the cut and get at me ! lol


Well-Known Member
i know thats right keep it comin im tuned all the way in for this one nice post byt he way rep for that

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
good find on the Soul stuff Flo... Yeah those twisted leaves are the Blueberry traits, it was a BB mom... i had one mutant plant that was weak from the start , i flowered it anyways and it was weak then to lol.... the other two are the ones i showed you. Yul know to cull it in flower ... the shitty pheno i got had weerd lookin pistils on it , it just looked weak n shit.

The phenos are real easy to tell looks liek BB , wider leaves and terminal in growth.....the other one is the C99 pheno and branches out nice , smelled and tasted liek pineapple / berry jam ... both are potent.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey Flo grow what's going on man. I'm along for the some f4 pineapple pheno in veg from The Asshole Seed Collection and it sounds like we will be flowering at the same time. Let's hope that this thread don't get hijacked too lol, arrogent fucks they just like to hear themselves talk!

Keep the bar high brother, I'll be around.

....oh yeah also from the ASC are 10 Grape Apollo germinating now too ; !)


Well-Known Member
Hey FG that's some interesting reading on C99 there sir.
Not the usual "holy grail" paragraph that normally appears out of Google :)

You've got a tasty selection growing there bro. A veritable smorgasbord of strains for the discerning connoisseur!

Also, what's the story behind those 6" air stones in the pic on pg1?
Are they the business? I'm still using the long blue stones but am assuming there are better airstone options out the.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Hey Flo grow what's going on man. I'm along for the some f4 pineapple pheno in veg from The Asshole Seed Collection and it sounds like we will be flowering at the same time. Let's hope that this thread don't get hijacked too lol, arrogent fucks they just like to hear themselves talk!

Keep the bar high brother, I'll be around.

....oh yeah also from the ASC are 10 Grape Apollo germinating now too ; !)
Im gonna do the Grape Apollos to i think...was gonna run the P10 x but now that im smokin my A11 and that GG is comin down , makes me wanna experience this possible frost machine :)

Lemmie know the germ rate.... i wont be able to pop mine for a lil while untill these Kushberry , Skush and Black Sour Bubbles so far behind

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Thanks for dropping in everyone !

@Globule- They are damn good to be honest. Got them at PetSmart. But I really like my blue bars too. Although they make and I use their 5 or 6 inch round ones too, from PetSmart also. I have 2 round and 2 bars in each cooler. The round ones are a little better IMHO.


Well-Known Member
a while back i was askin on a good sati
and i was pointed to
an red dragon

you know anything on red dragon
From what I hear red dragon is not all that and is hermie prone. But that's what I heard back in the day not now but c99 would be one of the best fast flowering sativas. If u want a fast flowering sat then c99 is one of your choices.

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Gave a fresh batch of nutes last night.
Cleaned another bucket with H2O2 and water.
GH FloraMicro and Bloom
PBP Cal/Mag
4gal R/O H2O
PH 5.8
PPM 185

FYI, on all my grows I used RezDog's Recipe on ICM, as well as these current grows.
U got a link for that recipe? That's a dwc recipe correct? Have u tried the Lucas formula? I know alot of people in dwc use that with good results.


Well-Known Member
Could anyone help me find some Brothers Grimm c99 seeds or clones, I live in N. Cali, I ran into a pretty good grapefruit/sativa cut this last year that ended up being 12ft tall outside, one of the best sativas for my liking. I got some beans from Female seeds, both fem c99 and their x-line hybrids, pack of Mosca c99 bx1, but I really want the real deal and so far I havent had any good luck finding that money cut. Any help would be much appreciated, how can you get Bro's Grimm gear???

karmas a bitch

Well-Known Member
First thing you have to do is find someone that has brothers Grimm beans. Then you let them have sex with your wife, sister, and mother. Maybe then u can convince them to leave you the beans in their will. But most likely they will be buried with them.

Just joking of course. But it's kinda like that when it comes to their gear.