Silver! Who Is On This Train?

It's not what I assume, its what is happening. Have you paid attention to the treasury auctions this week? Monday we had the strongest 3yr auction since 1990. Tuesday the 10yr auction was the strongest buying we've seen in 20 months. Most of it coming from outside intrest aka countries outside of the US. The 30 year auction yesterday also proved to be very strong.
Yep, you wouldn't keep all your stock int he euro system, suicide. The Eurozone has more wealth than the US, only makes sense to buy treasuries. I wonder what entity owns the most Treasuries?
Gold is about to tank, you better get an exit strategy.
The whole purpose of gold, and why people invest in it, is that it is free from inflation. Gold will never tank, nor will it ever skyrocket UNLESS the dollar becomes wayy more powerful (impossible with fiat currencies) or the dollar goes way down in value due to inflation (what's happening now). Maybe if a whole shit ton of new sources of gold were discovered then the price would drop significantly... but as it stands right now, gold isn't falling anytime soon. At least I cannot see a reason why it would. I personally do not invest in gold, but it is a pretty safe investment considering that a bar of gold in the 30s is worth the same as a bar of gold today. You can't really say the same for the dollar.

Silver, a more rare precious metal than gold, ought to be on the rise... but still isn't. I think I'm going to start investing in it, but that's just me.

Edit: By on the rise, I meant near the value of gold if not more expensive.
Edit 2: Sorry, didn't realize my quote was from another thread.
Demand for Gold will never slag. All the countries in the world are buying and stock piling. This is why the price is so high. They all know when its all dug up its all gone.
Silver dropping,,,Hope it keep's going down,,,Than I'll get some rolls.,,,Now china has problem's with North Korea's leader dying.,,,wonder if it's going to make it drop a lot more!,,,I hope so!
the new Kim just called all troops back to base from all exercises. May be interesting to see what happens next.
Can anybody recommend where I can buy junk silver coin in San Diego? I called several shops I found in a Google search and some only sold at a $1500 minimum (I want about 10 oz.), while others dealt only in collectables.
The price of gold and silver are currently predicted to drop slightly in 2012 and rise in 2013. Everyone know Gold and Silver are long term investments so short term price doesn't matter except for purchasing more.

Silver is gonna level out at around 25 or so as far As I can tell. Just take it as an opportunity to break the higher prices you bought at by buying cheaper.
I'm searching on ebay,,,for my next thing?,,,Man I'm torn,,,???,,,It's Low I know,,,But what to do,,,will it go back to the $15 mark?,,,Going to cherry pick some good collectable's,,,I think,,,lol....
The premium on physical is very high, because there is hardly any physical, the price is low because the paper price is low.
The premium on physical is very high, because there is hardly any physical, the price is low because the paper price is low.
I thought when that when paper goes low silver will rise,,,It's crazy and a awsome hobby,,,I think both will make it at these crazy time's,,,The bubble is deflating and I like it:hump: