Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever looked into the Comex reserves reported ready for delivery. I try to understand how the price works, but everything I read makes no sense.
I've read that they report reserves that is silver that is in the ground. But it has already been purchased at a set price by a group like JP Morgan and others. Then they can sell that "Future" to other people and the Silver really doesn't exist in physical. It is still in the mine.
That is why they say that all these futures sales makes it look like we have more silver reserves than we do. When the silver isn't really silver its just worthless paper, created by a mine and a purchaser.
How can you consider that piece of a paper value and why do they allow futures to effect current prices?
Anybody clear this up or have anything to dicuss about it?
I've come across this before, damned if I can remember the details though. I do know that they've sold more of those bits of paper then there's actual silver underground. It's a scam for suckers. Like buying land on the moon.