Silver! Who Is On This Train?

Has anyone ever looked into the Comex reserves reported ready for delivery. I try to understand how the price works, but everything I read makes no sense.

I've read that they report reserves that is silver that is in the ground. But it has already been purchased at a set price by a group like JP Morgan and others. Then they can sell that "Future" to other people and the Silver really doesn't exist in physical. It is still in the mine.

That is why they say that all these futures sales makes it look like we have more silver reserves than we do. When the silver isn't really silver its just worthless paper, created by a mine and a purchaser.

How can you consider that piece of a paper value and why do they allow futures to effect current prices?

Anybody clear this up or have anything to dicuss about it?

I've come across this before, damned if I can remember the details though. I do know that they've sold more of those bits of paper then there's actual silver underground. It's a scam for suckers. Like buying land on the moon.
They're trading pieces of paper with nothing to back it up and its effecting prices. How does that make sense>?

That had nothing to do with real supply and demand. It's like a big joke. When the reserves dry up in 3 years and they cannot find any and these companies call for their pieces of paper to be filled by the seller and there's nothing to back it up the market will sky rocket.
alright pretty simple haha i should have known that. another some what dumb question. do you buy at going price? or is marked up a little

Coming from a family of union workers however, I'll gladly tell you that they're what's causing so many businesses to go overseas to operate. When you have to pay every single person on a construction crew $30+/hr of course you're going to go to India or Mexico where the same labor gets done at a much lower rate.

Ever consider the possibility that perhaps workers in India and Mexico are underpaid?
Any idea why it's falling?

Could be a variety of reasons. Makes little difference to me, it's a buying opportunity. I went out looking last Friday and found some for $25/oz and I found some for around $100/oz, guess which one I chose.
you guys all know that the price of silver can be manipulated as much as fiat right?

I understand the THEORY behind stacking physical the event that the dollar loses significant purchasing power due to jnflation, yada yadda...

but who the fuck is going to accept silver in the event of that scenario? Who are you going to sell your silver to for USD's ?

Yea I fooled around with buying silver at one point too....when "hundreds of dollars was a lot of money to me" ...then I realized it was a fucking frivolous "investment" ...and that word is put in quotations because with most TRUE investments, you're earning a return, not just hedging against currency devaluation
stocks are worthless to me too. Sure I've thought about putting $10k here/there in LONG TERM high-dividend-yielding stocks that offer as much as 5-6%

even something like that is only a percentage or 2 above inflation. so unless that stock price MOVES significantly (again, you risk your money more) it's not worth it to'd only be a several month-to-2-year-endevour until I'm liquidating that dough and buying properties to rent out.

Buying properties to renovate/rent out will ALWAYS be the MOST LUCRATIVE investment you can make...and your choices are so much broader
Yes it is possible for silver to be manipulated downward but I like my chances with the physical metal better than any currency or stock. There is a strong demand for silver and gold from China and India. I expect that to increase as the euro goes through its banking calamity.

Real estate is a no go because it is non essential and we are oversupplied. Real prices will keep falling.

The USD is only doing well right now because the euro is getting shaken up. Europe prints then the US prints, gold soars. Don't forget mining stocks. When gold resumes its climb they ought to move. Favorites that are cheap: TRX MUX KGN
the US's export market is gaining momentum...THIS is what's giving USD strength

china and india will want your physical silver huh? lol ..that's, cute?? so their demand is going to cause your physical collection to rise? I dont even know what to say to that lol