Lace and Frills <3


Active Member
One of our members has that photo as his avatar. I can hardly talk because I'm flat chested but I really don't like those boobs... I feel bad...
Im more of a leg and butt woman myself. I dated a girl once who was completely flat chested and still one of the hottest girls I ever knew. she had such a volumpious ass though ;)

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
I like the Idea behind volumpious tho... I have never had woman or girl that I would describe her rear end as voluptuous or volumpious... I am jealous...


Well-Known Member
You really think she needs a cheeseburger?

I'm not far off and I'm not skinny by anyone's standards

She has a little rib cage and looks pretty healthy. I think she's just right for her frame. Wish I had her boobs though... They better be real XP

Oh well, everyone has opinions.

Om nom nom. I think Kelly Brook is well balanced x


Hello Shan-Shan!

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
You really think she needs a cheeseburger?

I'm not far off and I'm not skinny by anyone's standards

She has a little rib cage and looks pretty healthy. I think she's just right for her frame. Wish I had her boobs though... They better be real XP

Oh well, everyone has opinions.

Om nom nom. I think Kelly Brook is well balanced x

View attachment 1946991

Hello Shan-Shan!
Congrats on going so long! =) +rep


Pickle Queen
You really think she needs a cheeseburger?

I'm not far off and I'm not skinny by anyone's standards

She has a little rib cage and looks pretty healthy. I think she's just right for her frame. Wish I had her boobs though... They better be real XP

Oh well, everyone has opinions.

Om nom nom. I think Kelly Brook is well balanced x

View attachment 1946991

Hello Shan-Shan!
Sweety u are way to skinny, ur ribs are showing, i've always been super tiny, but the moment i see my ribs is the moment i devour an entire rack. Girl skinny does not always mean sexy, personaly i would rather see u gain maybe 10 pounds and some meat on ur body, embrace ur wonderful curves. Sweety u can't expect to have big boobs if ur goal is to be stick thin. U seem to be getting smaller, this worries me :(

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Sweety u are way to skinny, ur ribs are showing, i've always been super tiny, but the moment i see my ribs is the moment i devour an entire rack. Girl skinny does not always mean sexy, personaly i would rather see u gain maybe 10 pounds and some meat on ur body, embrace ur wonderful curves. Sweety u can't expect to have big boobs if ur goal is to be stick thin. U seem to be getting smaller, this worries me :(

...I've seen skinny. K is a little on the thinner side, but not to the point of falling through her own ass and choking herself :shock: Look at models - rails on rails - bad news. The rule of thumb for girls is that if you alter your period with dieting you've taken it too far.