gays and lesbians

Brick Top

New Member
"this site has gone from bad to worse and how pathetic this site has become."

i don't know why you are here with all the bad-mouthing you do about the site. can't you yahoo or gmail your fans that you left that need your help? i don't know you but from reading your posts, it seems to me like you are kinda childish and just look for trouble IMO :peace:
I chose my username because like the character Brick Top I speak bluntly, I say what's on my mind and when I say something, I mean it and also like Brick Top I have a very low level of tolerance for assholes and bullshit artists. That means I tend to rub them the wrong way and when that happens, being who they are and what they are, they almost always need to reply and keep replying and that results in an exchange, such as happened here.

If I put out my most intense effort it would be impossible for me to be able to care any less about what you, or anyone else here, thinks of me. While I did not come here to make enemies, I also did not come here to make friends. I have friends so I don't need cyber-friends. I joined this site because when I found it, it needed the most help of any other site I belonged to or found and considered joining. Since I had more decades of growing experience than many here have in years of experience, or some have in numbers of crops, I felt I could be of help. While you evidently see me as being childish and someone who looks for trouble the way I have dealt with people here has resulted in 140 members sending friends requests and netted me 1196 likes.

I am blunt, I do not mince words and I have a biting sense of humor, but I get along just fine with anyone who is not an asshole. But it's not my fault there is an overabundance of assholes here.

On other grow sites that I am, or was, a member of if I mentioned RIU there would always be a common response from a fair number of members who all more or less said the same thing. That the place is overrun with new growers who repeatedly ask the same questions over and over, that many members love to talk/write like they are experts but when it comes to growing that they don't know their asshole from their ear-hole and that the place is full of trolls, so they don't join here. That is a common perception of RIU.

When you factor in the mod problems, both past and present, it explains why over roughly the last year the site has lost so many of it's best, most skilled, most experienced and most helpful members. They became fed up, they became sick and tired of how so many here are and how some of those in positions of authority were, or are, and some got to the point of outrage and spoke their minds and were banned and others just up and left. There has been enough of them to spawn two new grow sites, or maybe more but I only know two, well, two and one failed attempt, so it's not like there were only a small handful of highly dissatisfied members.

Something has to be rotten in Denmark for that to happen.


Well-Known Member
...if I mentioned RIU there would always be a common response from a fair number of members who all more or less said the same thing. That the place is overrun with new growers who repeatedly ask the same questions over and over...
and if i type a common grow question into google, guess which site generally pops up first in the search?

When you factor in the mod problems...
if it weren't for those gee golly mods, everything would be flowers and potpourri. a magical unicorn would ride a rainbow over a fluffy cloud and shit skittles upon us. dogs and cats would get along and you would never stub your toe again.

how much traffic are those other grow sites seeing?



Well-Known Member
...I also did not come here to make friends. I have friends so I don't need cyber-friends....the way I have dealt with people here has resulted in 140 members sending friends requests...
ironic fail is ironic.

...and netted me 1196 likes.
1196 likes/34 months = 35.2 likes per month

2547 likes/19 months = 134 likes per month

quantitatively, using your own metrics, this makes me 3.8 times better than you. :cool:


Well-Known Member
gotcha, well i came here to learn how to grow. and honestly it strikes me odd at the number of burners who are argumentative. i like to hang out in club 600. those are some nice people. i find the internet to be a too much like high school in general. this is my first and only forum. i think i will keep it that way :peace:

Brick Top

New Member
you didn't answer me bricktop. why did you remove the pornography you posted earlier in this thread?

I have been away from my computer for a number of hours so it is not as if I was intentionally not replying to one of your messages. If you feel you need a reply let me know the number of the message I missed and I will go back, read it and then reply. That is of course if you are asking me to continue what never should have begun, and never would have begun, if the self appointed thread quality patrol hadn't butted in and refused to give their stamp of approval to the thread and instead trolled the thread.

You really are weak, aren't you? Attempting to portray an example I posted, an advertisement for a transsexual escort, of what would seem like a more logical choice for a gay guy to pick to have sex with over a lesbian with a strap on, was preposterous at best. It was an extremely weak ploy to attempt to make it appear as if I went beyond any reasonable or acceptable bounds and am a bad and possibly perverse person for having done so. But while you might not have noticed it, there are members here whose avatar is closer to being pornographic and are pictures that are as or more revealing than what were in the advertisement I posted.

And no, I did not delete it. It was the perfect example to use. A gay guy who would be with a lesbian who would use a strap on would make far less sense than for a gay guy to be with another gay guy that looks like a female and who had flesh rather than plastic. Both would be getting what they most wanted. But in the case of a gay guy with a lesbian with a strapon each would only be getting part of what they would be into. The gay guy would want 'a package' to play with and or a guys butt and a lesbian would much rather have vag and boobs than some gay guy's butt.

Clearly though giving a photographic example, not a pornographic example, was deemed to be improper even though it was no more, and in some cases less, revealing than avatars some members here use and are seen with each and every message they post.


Well-Known Member
ironic fail is ironic.

1196 likes/34 months = 35.2 likes per month

2547 likes/19 months = 134 likes per month

quantitatively, using your own metrics, this makes me 3.8 times better than you. :cool:
God Dang, i got 424 likes in 4 months...i believe thats over 100 a month :peace:


Well-Known Member
I have been away from my computer for a number of hours so it is not as if I was intentionally not replying to one of your messages. If you feel you need a reply let me know the number of the message I missed and I will go back, read it and then reply. That is of course if you are asking me to continue what never should have begun, and never would have begun, if the self appointed thread quality patrol hadn't butted in and refused to give their stamp of approval to the thread and instead trolled the thread.

You really are weak, aren't you? Attempting to portray an example I posted, an advertisement for a transsexual escort, of what would seem like a more logical choice for a gay guy to pick to have sex with over a lesbian with a strap on, was preposterous at best. It was an extremely weak ploy to attempt to make it appear as if I went beyond any reasonable or acceptable bounds and am a bad and possibly perverse person for having done so. But while you might not have noticed it, there are members here whose avatar is closer to being pornographic and are pictures that are as or more revealing than what were in the advertisement I posted.

And no, I did not delete it. It was the perfect example to use. A gay guy who would be with a lesbian who would use a strap on would make far less sense than for a gay guy to be with another gay guy that looks like a female and who had flesh rather than plastic. Both would be getting what they most wanted. But in the case of a gay guy with a lesbian with a strapon each would only be getting part of what they would be into. The gay guy would want 'a package' to play with and or a guys butt and a lesbian would much rather have vag and boobs than some gay guy's butt.

Clearly though giving a photographic example, not a pornographic example, was deemed to be improper even though it was no more, and in some cases less, revealing than avatars some members here use and are seen with each and every message they post.
mmmmmm nope not weak...just didn't appreciate your pictures thats all. not the place for that. i would have thought you knew that. did you really think we need to "see" that ad or could just have described it to the troll?


Well-Known Member
lmfao!!!!! Is that why you wrote a novel, explaining how you don't care what anyone thinks of you? Nobody cares about your decades of grow experience. Why do you feel the need to keep posting how experienced you are over and over and over and over and over?????????????? In my experience, it is usually people with self esteem problems (or a tiny pecker) who constantly feel the need to keep giving unsolicited "credentials" and "expertise". bongsmilie
i know, right?

if i really don't give a shit, why would i compose a short novel detailing exactly why?

sounds to me like something is up.

there are a few others that frankly make me LOL...

It depends on the situation and her amount of experience. If we start at it around 8:00 PM or 9:00 PM and don't stop until well after the sun has come up and much of that time she was screaming like she was being murdered and was like a wild woman talking in tongues and even with using 6, 8 or more towels the sheets and mattress are totally soaked and one says that, then I figure I am at least in the top five if not number one.
oddly specific for a guy who admits to paying for sex and has tranny escort ads at the ready :lol:


Brick Top

New Member
How many "likes" has BT given out? Anyone? +rep for the first correct answer. lolz!!!!!

Not a single one ... and I have never sent a friends request either. I have been very clear on why that is, numerous times I have bee clear about it. Friends. +rep, likes, mojo, karma and whatever else different sites chose to call it is nothing more than junior high school-like popularity crap. I wish none of it had ever been thought up and implemented on any grow site, so I do not use it. If someone sends me a friends request I will not be rude and reject it, but I do not seek them and I do not send them. And when it comes to likes, I have no control over what others do and since it's clear that many people like and appreciate the things I post I have ended up with a fairly large number of likes. The same goes with +-rep, which was used more prior to the adding of likes here.

But it is all based on an infantile insecurity based need to feel like you are accepted and that you fit in with the crowd and that people like you. Basically everything anyone posts is up for a public vote and if people give likes then that is a positive vote and validation of what the posting person wrote, and the more likes a message gets the more valid what they said is seen as being in the eyes others, and of course also their own, and of course in this day and age all the puppies desperately need instant recognition and validation for everything they do or say.

But things like +-rep, karma, mojo, etc. and likes have a negative side to them, a dark side, a damaging side. On sites like this there are always groups of members that stick together like a school of fish or a flock of birds. When one write something, say for example a piece of advice, advice that is inaccurate. Just because it came from one of the school or flock the others +-rep them and give them likes. For those who do not know the advice was inaccurate they see the likes and the messages saying how +-rep has been given and they take that as proof, as validation, that the inaccurate advice was actually sound accurate advice. They follow it and the end up with problems, or if it was about solving a problem their problem only gets worse.

+-rep, karma, mojo, likes and everything else like them are part of what is wrong with grow sites today.


Well-Known Member
Not a single one ... and I have never sent a friends request either. I have been very clear on why that is, numerous times I have bee clear about it. Friends. +rep, likes, mojo, karma and whatever else different sites chose to call it is nothing more than junior high school-like popularity crap. I wish none of it had ever been thought up and implemented on any grow site, so I do not use it. If someone sends me a friends request I will not be rude and reject it, but I do not seek them and I do not send them. And when it comes to likes, I have no control over what others do and since it's clear that many people like and appreciate the things I post I have ended up with a fairly large number of likes. The same goes with +-rep, which was used more prior to the adding of likes here.

But it is all based on an infantile insecurity based need to feel like you are accepted and that you fit in with the crowd and that people like you. Basically everything anyone posts is up for a public vote and if people give likes then that is a positive vote and validation of what the posting person wrote, and the more likes a message gets the more valid what they said is seen as being in the eyes others, and of course also their own, and of course in this day and age all the puppies desperately need instant recognition and validation for everything they do or say.

But things like +-rep, karma, mojo, etc. and likes have a negative side to them, a dark side, a damaging side. On sites like this there are always groups of members that stick together like a school of fish or a flock of birds. When one write something, say for example a piece of advice, advice that is inaccurate. Just because it came from one of the school or flock the others +-rep them and give them likes. For those who do not know the advice was inaccurate they see the likes and the messages saying how +-rep has been given and they take that as proof, as validation, that the inaccurate advice was actually sound accurate advice. They follow it and the end up with problems, or if it was about solving a problem their problem only gets worse.

+-rep, karma, mojo, likes and everything else like them are part of what is wrong with grow sites today.
Oh the irony! So, once again, why do you feel the need to point out how many "likes" you have if you consider it to be "nothing more than junior high school-like popularity crap"?

BTW, BT, I'm not giving you the +rep I promised since you don't think too highly of it in the first place.