gays and lesbians

Brick Top

New Member
forum nazi? site gestapo?

apparently, you have not heard of this thing they have on forums called moderators. they are there to make sure immature, trollish drivel like this does not clutter up the site, and that the kiddies that post it are banned.

I am very aware of a moderators duties. I have been one several times on grow sites and a little over a year ago when asked to be one here and saying I would. Later though I changed my mind.

But unless a member is being continually rude and abusive there is no reason for any member to be a tattletale and notify a mod and infer that they believe something devious and wrong is going on. Why would someone want to play forum junior G-Man or moderators little helper when there is no cause to?

I could understand it if this had been one of those threads where someone offers to sell various strains of pot and various types of drugs. Even if those are only troll threads something like that could cause a serious problem for a grow site, so reporting something like that so it could be deleted as quickly as possible would be wise. But unless someone just gets off on ratting people out why bother to report someone or a thread that did not break any rules or guidelines and that was not continually rude and abusive just because you, or someone, might suspect a recently banned member is who started the thread?

You questioned if I knew about mods and what their duties are, but clearly you do not. It is a mods duty to scan threads/messages and know what is going on. If they see something that breaks rules/guidelines or causes them to suspect that possibly a banned member has returned it is their job to see if others higher up the ladder want to investigate and see if it is a formerly banned member. Since this thread was moved it is clear that a mod has been doing their job, at least how they see it, and if they saw no reason to take further action there is no reason why any member should stir the pot and make accusations about a member that are pure assumption and speculation.

but in your world of hyperbole and purple prose, we are equivalent to mass murderers.

No. I'd say more like toadying little sycophants more than anything else, like those who attempted to get in good with Nazis by ratting out anyone and everyone without any evidence and at best only wondering if something might possibly being going on.
but do articulate on how you feel this thread makes any worthwhile contribution to these forums. this promises to be GRAND.
"These forums?" Unless I missed it this thread is only in this one single forum, and only here because it was moved, so what influence or impact, either positive or negative could it possibly have on any other forum here?

And if a thread had to make a contribution to be acceptable, then a large number of threads on this site would need to be deleted daily since they do not actually contribute anything and are nothing but discussion and the exchanging of opinions on some subject, like the best guitarist or drummer ever, or someone attempting to sell glass pipes they make. Neither, nor anything similar to them, contribute anything of any worth or value to the site. One is a way for people to pass the time telling each other who they think is the best and the other is a way for someone to make money selling their product.

What contribution is made to the site when about the 2000th thread on should fan leaves be removed or not is started? The very same for and against arguments are made and it always degenerates into an argument.

What contribution to the site is made when about the 1500th 'this seedbank is better than that seedbank' or 'this breeder is better than that breeder' or 'this strain is better than that strain' threads are started? Again, you see the exact same arguments put forward as in every previous thread like it and again, it always degenerates into an argument.

What great contribution to the site comes from the oh so frequent 'I just placed an order with XYS Seeds, I'm getting (fill in whatever stains you want)' and then we get a daily update on if the order has shown up on the tracking information and where it is and how excited the person is and how they can't wait to get their seeds .. and then we get the big YIPPEE message were we are all told how the beans arrived and what condition they were in, and in some cases how they were packaged.

Is a thread asking the question, who will beat the Packers greatly contributing to the site?

How in the wide, wide world of sports could any of those very typical, very often seen threads be rightfully defined as contributing to the site or forums?

Even in threads where an argument could be made that there is a contribution most of what is said is if not totally inaccurate it is at least partially inaccurate. So, how much of a contribution to the site is inaccurate information?

So, just try and tell me just how much a thread has to contribute to the site and or forums for it to be worthy of being started and or remaining?


Well-Known Member
I am very aware of a moderators duties.
then you should know the signs of an obvious sock puppet account.

derp dee der.

If they see something that breaks rules/guidelines or causes them to suspect that possibly a banned member has returned it is their job to see if others higher up the ladder want to investigate and see if it is a formerly banned member.
thanks for agreeing with me on the entire point i am making.


...toadying little sycophants ... get in good with Nazis by ratting out anyone and everyone without any evidence
you done with the insults yet?

So, just try and tell me just how much a thread has to contribute to the site and or forums for it to be worthy of being started and or remaining?
a thread asking if you think the packers will win is a sincere question and generates positive traffic to this site.

as far as "how much" a thread has to contribute to be worthy, i'll answer quite simply.

more than this one does.

any other questions?


Brick Top

New Member
then you should know the signs of an obvious sock puppet account.
It is not obvious. It is pure speculation on your part, an assumption that you believe to be valid enough to base an accusation on it.

Originally Posted by Brick Top

You questioned if I knew about mods and what their duties are, but clearly you do not. It is a mods duty to scan threads/messages and know what is going on. If they see something that breaks rules/guidelines or causes them to suspect that possibly a banned member has returned it is their job to see if others higher up the ladder want to investigate and see if it is a formerly banned member.

thanks for agreeing with me on the entire point i am making.
That was an extremely weak ploy on your part, one that trolls heavily rely on, quoting only a portion of a full statement and then attempt to redefine what was actually said in a way so you can then wrongfully claim it was in agreement with what you said. I was not at all in agreement with you.

you done with the insults yet?

Hearing the truth about yourself really stings at times, doesn't it? Sometimes the truth might be ugly, but nonetheless it remains the truth.

a thread asking if you think the packers will win is a sincere question and generates positive traffic to this site.
So now that you cannot prove a contribution you have changed your position to something generating positive traffic. Nice sidestepping there.

But what about the other examples I asked about? You totally ignored them, you failed to say so much as one single word about them.

How about thread about the best guitarist or drummer ever, or someone attempting to sell glass pipes they make. Neither, nor anything similar to them, contribute anything of any worth or value to the site. One is a way for people to pass the time telling each other who they think is the best and the other is a way for someone to make money selling their product.

What contribution is made to the site when about the 2000th thread on should fan leaves be removed or not is started? The very same for and against arguments are made and it always degenerates into an argument.

What contribution to the site is made when about the 1500th 'this seedbank is better than that seedbank' or 'this breeder is better than that breeder' or 'this strain is better than that strain' threads are started? Again, you see the exact same arguments put forward as in every previous thread like it and again, it always degenerates into an argument.

What great contribution to the site comes from the oh so frequent 'I just placed an order with XYS Seeds, I'm getting (fill in whatever stains you want)' and then we get a daily update on if the order has shown up on the tracking information and where it is and how excited the person is and how they can't wait to get their seeds .. and then we get the big YIPPEE message were we are all told how the beans arrived and what condition they were in, and in some cases how they were packaged.

None of those contribute one single iota to the forum and most always degenerate into arguments, so how will you spin arguments into being; "positive traffic to the site" now after painting yourself into a corner on the contribution thing that you were forced to drop that position and think up a new one to attempt to validate your position with?

Originally Posted by Brick Top

So, just try and tell me just how much a thread has to contribute to the site and or forums for it to be worthy of being started and or remaining?
as far as "how much" a thread has to contribute to be worthy, i'll answer quite simply.

more than this one does.

Who and what made you the arbiter of worth and value on this site? How and why do you believe that your own personal opinion is more valid, more accurate and more important than others, and to a point where you believe you have the right to proclaim what someone else says unimportant and unworthy of existing?

Remember how I asked if the about 2000th thread on should fan leaves be removed or not could be considered a contribution? After posting my last message and I went to the main page and sure enough there was yet another thread about removing or not removing fan leaves. The exact same points both for and against have been made in it as in the near countless other exact same threads. Now that you abandoned your indefensible argument of something needing to be a contribution to be a worthy topic and switched to if something "generates positive traffic to the site," how is about the 2000th thread on the very same topic with the very same arguments in it generating positive traffic? All that is being generated in worthless repeated traffic. It is generating positive traffic on this site about equal to than of Abbott and Costello's "Who's on First" skit. The same things are being said over and over just like each and every single other time the a thread was started on the same topic. So where is the generation of positive traffic? If there were positive traffic the question would be resolved and laid to rest.

any other questions?

Yes. Why do you care what the topic of this thread is? If it is not to your liking no one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to join in. You have all the control you need and that is the ability to ignore/not join in threads that are not of interest to you or that in your personal opinion are stupid.

There is no need or reason for you to be a toadying little sycophant troll threatening to report, or reporting, the thread starter based solely on what you imagine might be the case or for you to muck up the thread throwing it totally off topic with your complaints that are based on your own personal opinion and what you imagine might be the case.

Its members like you that make this site the snake pit that it is. Members like you always believe their own personal opinions and what they imagine makes them better than other members and gives you the right to go on rants like the one you are on in this thread as you try to destroy or have killed/deleted a thread you personally do not like. Your inane feelings of superiority to others and your absurd belief that you should or need to tell others what is acceptable or not acceptable is beyond just being obnoxious. It is detestable, hateful and it is disruptive for the site. Such odious abhorrent behavior insults and upsets others and once that starts it spreads and spreads and spreads making everything worse for everyone.

It's holier than thou members like you who deem themselves to be superior to others, especially to those with a low post count, that keep me asking myself why in God's name do I keep coming back here after each time some galling irritating nettlesome pestiferous member such as yourself gets me so fed up that I never want to even think about this site again, let alone come here.


Well-Known Member
It is not obvious. It is pure speculation on your part, an assumption that you believe to be valid enough to base an accusation on it.

That was an extremely weak ploy on your part, one that trolls heavily rely on, quoting only a portion of a full statement and then attempt to redefine what was actually said in a way so you can then wrongfully claim it was in agreement with what you said. I was not at all in agreement with you.

Hearing the truth about yourself really stings at times, doesn't it? Sometimes the truth might be ugly, but nonetheless it remains the truth.

So now that you cannot prove a contribution you have changed your position to something generating positive traffic. Nice sidestepping there.

But what about the other examples I asked about? You totally ignored them, you failed to say so much as one single word about them.

How about thread about the best guitarist or drummer ever, or someone attempting to sell glass pipes they make. Neither, nor anything similar to them, contribute anything of any worth or value to the site. One is a way for people to pass the time telling each other who they think is the best and the other is a way for someone to make money selling their product.

What contribution is made to the site when about the 2000th thread on should fan leaves be removed or not is started? The very same for and against arguments are made and it always degenerates into an argument.

What contribution to the site is made when about the 1500th 'this seedbank is better than that seedbank' or 'this breeder is better than that breeder' or 'this strain is better than that strain' threads are started? Again, you see the exact same arguments put forward as in every previous thread like it and again, it always degenerates into an argument.

What great contribution to the site comes from the oh so frequent 'I just placed an order with XYS Seeds, I'm getting (fill in whatever stains you want)' and then we get a daily update on if the order has shown up on the tracking information and where it is and how excited the person is and how they can't wait to get their seeds .. and then we get the big YIPPEE message were we are all told how the beans arrived and what condition they were in, and in some cases how they were packaged.

None of those contribute one single iota to the forum and most always degenerate into arguments, so how will you spin arguments into being; "positive traffic to the site" now after painting yourself into a corner on the contribution thing that you were forced to drop that position and think up a new one to attempt to validate your position with?

Who and what made you the arbiter of worth and value on this site? How and why do you believe that your own personal opinion is more valid, more accurate and more important than others, and to a point where you believe you have the right to proclaim what someone else says unimportant and unworthy of existing?

Remember how I asked if the about 2000th thread on should fan leaves be removed or not could be considered a contribution? After posting my last message and I went to the main page and sure enough there was yet another thread about removing or not removing fan leaves. The exact same points both for and against have been made in it as in the near countless other exact same threads. Now that you abandoned your indefensible argument of something needing to be a contribution to be a worthy topic and switched to if something "generates positive traffic to the site," how is about the 2000th thread on the very same topic with the very same arguments in it generating positive traffic? All that is being generated in worthless repeated traffic. It is generating positive traffic on this site about equal to than of Abbott and Costello's "Who's on First" skit. The same things are being said over and over just like each and every single other time the a thread was started on the same topic. So where is the generation of positive traffic? If there were positive traffic the question would be resolved and laid to rest.

Yes. Why do you care what the topic of this thread is? If it is not to your liking no one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to join in. You have all the control you need and that is the ability to ignore/not join in threads that are not of interest to you or that in your personal opinion are stupid.

There is no need or reason for you to be a toadying little sycophant troll threatening to report, or reporting, the thread starter based solely on what you imagine might be the case or for you to muck up the thread throwing it totally off topic with your complaints that are based on your own personal opinion and what you imagine might be the case.

Its members like you that make this site the snake pit that it is. Members like you always believe their own personal opinions and what they imagine makes them better than other members and gives you the right to go on rants like the one you are on in this thread as you try to destroy or have killed/deleted a thread you personally do not like. Your inane feelings of superiority to others and your absurd belief that you should or need to tell others what is acceptable or not acceptable is beyond just being obnoxious. It is detestable, hateful and it is disruptive for the site. Such odious abhorrent behavior insults and upsets others and once that starts it spreads and spreads and spreads making everything worse for everyone.

It's holier than thou members like you who deem themselves to be superior to others, especially to those with a low post count, that keep me asking myself why in God's name do I keep coming back here after each time some galling irritating nettlesome pestiferous member such as yourself gets me so fed up that I never want to even think about this site again, let alone come here.
Then WHY keep coming back???? I mean, you keep saying this, yet I see YOU come into threads like these and start arguments with people. WHY????? You made a goodbye thread. Yet here you are. You say shit like: "It's holier than thou members like you who deem themselves to be superior to others, especially to those with a low post count, that keep me asking myself why in God's name do I keep coming back here after each time some galling irritating nettlesome pestiferous member such as yourself gets me so fed up that I never want to even think about this site again, let alone come here" yet here you are. Why do you not have the ability to just not post in threads like these? Or walk away from them???? You disappoint me Brick.:roll:


Well-Known Member
Then WHY keep coming back???? I mean, you keep saying this, yet I see YOU come into threads like these and start arguments with people. WHY????? You made a goodbye thread. Yet here you are. You say shit like: "It's holier than thou members like you who deem themselves to be superior to others, especially to those with a low post count, that keep me asking myself why in God's name do I keep coming back here after each time some galling irritating nettlesome pestiferous member such as yourself gets me so fed up that I never want to even think about this site again, let alone come here" yet here you are. Why do you not have the ability to just not post in threads like these? Or walk away from them???? You disappoint me Brick.:roll:
the mans main problem is how he comes off with his flaws first... he is ok in moderation..... even though he is a wealth of information threw experiance or copying and pasteing shit not many can digest his attitude long enough to get anything positive outta his long ass boring posts


Well-Known Member
the mans main problem is how he comes off with his flaws first... he is ok in moderation..... even though he is a wealth of information threw experiance or copying and pasteing shit not many can digest his attitude long enough to get anything positive outta his long ass boring posts
...........and he's a hypocrite to boot!


Well-Known Member
So because it is a new member with only one post that makes it a troll thread? What if it had been someone with 10,000 post who started the thread? Would that then mean it was not a troll thread? What makes a troll thread? Topic? Intent? How long someone has been a member? How many posts they have?

Maybe the guy thought he found a cool laid back place where interesting open minded people like to discuss almost anything in a polite and rational manner so he asked a question that has been on his mind?

If anyone in this thread is trolling it is you. If you did not like the topic you didn't have to write anything here. Instead you decided that you have the right to pass judgement on what someone else does and in a rude manner call the topic stupid and the guy who started the thread a troll.

Are you just homophobic so you don't like such things talked about? Maybe you are battling latent homosexual tendencies and the thread makes you feel uncomfortable about your own sexuality? Maybe it hits to close to home with something you have experimented with and have never come to terms with and the thread causes you to suffer feelings of remorse and guilt? Or maybe it lights a fire under your desires making you want to again do something you have not yet come to terms with since the last time you did it?

Did you ever consider that maybe the topic isn't stupid to him. Maybe he's just genuinely curious what others think? Maybe he's trying to figure something out about himself and wanted the input of others to see what they think?

Why don't you cut the guy some slack and stop trolling the thread?
So much hostility. Why are you getting your thong all wadded up over a troll?

Are you conflicted?

My first post in this thread was in answer to another member.

My second post was in answer to you. This thread is waddling like a duck, swimming like a duck, and quacking like a motherfucking duck. According to you, no ducks here.

Where is the homophobia on my part? Example please. Illuminate me.

Is it even possible to troll a troll thread? :lol:

Brick Top

New Member
Then WHY keep coming back????

I came back for one reason. I have several people I have been helping in PMs and I felt bad abandoning them. I had no intention of getting involved in threads, but it still happened.

I mean, you keep saying this, yet I see YOU come into threads like these and start arguments with people. WHY?????
Read back through this thread. I did not start an argument I joined in and it was others who started bitching, pissing and moaning. I asked them why, and their responses were pure holier than thou bullshit and I have a low tolerance level for pure holier than thou bullshit.

You made a goodbye thread. Yet here you are.

And I said why above.

You say shit like: "It's holier than thou members like you who deem themselves to be superior to others, especially to those with a low post count, that keep me asking myself why in God's name do I keep coming back here after each time some galling irritating nettlesome pestiferous member such as yourself gets me so fed up that I never want to even think about this site again, let alone come here" yet here you are. Why do you not have the ability to just not post in threads like these? Or walk away from them????
Reread the thread Doc, I had joined in, as in on topic. When things went south was when the holier than thou thread storm trooper trolls started bitching about someone with a low post count starting a thread with a topic they did not like. I asked them what you asked me, why did they join in if they did not like the thread? Why didn't they stay out of it? Why didn't they just ignore it rather than troll it?

You disappoint me Brick.
And you have disappointed me. I failed to see where you asked those trolling the thread and who were bitching about how a new member with a low post count starting a thread with a topic they didn't like why they didn't ignore the thread and stay out of it and leave it peaceful for those few of us who were involved and remaining on topic.

I guess in the eyes of an inexperienced inept mod who lacks the aptitude for the position, meaning you of course, their complaining and making accusations about the thread starter based on pure assumption and trolling the thread is totally Kool and the Gang, but when someone, meaning me, asks them why they felt they had the right to deem what topics of threads are worthy and what members are worthy to start threads and why they couldn't just stay out of the thread and let those few who were involved and on topic enjoy it and it it got boring or went sour let it die a natural death, rather than them trolling it, that is what you see as being unacceptable.

But maybe the reason you took the position you have taken is they are your little junior G-Men who play assistant mod and rat people out to you so you do not have to waste your time actually moderating, well attempting to moderate anyway since you have made it clear that you do not know how to do the job the way it needs to be done so you do not end up part of the problem rather than being a solution, and instead inflame things rather than calming things down before they get heated.

You and the position you took on this is a perfect example of how this site has gone from bad to worse and how pathetic this site has become.


Well-Known Member
I came back for one reason. I have several people I have been helping in PMs and I felt bad abandoning them. I had no intention of getting involved in threads, but it still happened.Read back through this thread. I did not start an argument I joined in and it was others who started bitching, pissing and moaning. I asked them why, and their responses were pure holier than thou bullshit and I have a low tolerance level for pure holier than thou bullshit.And I said why above. Reread the thread Doc, I had joined in, as in on topic. When things went south was when the holier than thou thread storm trooper trolls started bitching about someone with a low post count starting a thread with a topic they did not like. I asked them what you asked me, why did they join in if they did not like the thread? Why didn't they stay out of it? Why didn't they just ignore it rather than troll it?And you have disappointed me. I failed to see where you asked those trolling the thread and who were bitching about how a new member with a low post count starting a thread with a topic they didn't like why they didn't ignore the thread and stay out of it and leave it peaceful for those few of us who were involved and remaining on topic.I guess in the eyes of an inexperienced inept mod who lacks the aptitude for the position, meaning you of course, their complaining and making accusations about the thread starter based on pure assumption and trolling the thread is totally Kool and the Gang, but when someone, meaning me, asks them why they felt they had the right to deem what topics of threads are worthy and what members are worthy to start threads and why they couldn't just stay out of the thread and let those few who were involved and on topic enjoy it and it it got boring or went sour let it die a natural death, rather than them trolling it, that is what you see as being unacceptable. But maybe the reason you took the position you have taken is they are your little junior G-Men who play assistant mod and rat people out to you so you do not have to waste your time actually moderating, well attempting to moderate anyway since you have made it clear that you do not know how to do the job the way it needs to be done so you do not end up part of the problem rather than being a solution, and instead inflame things rather than calming things down before they get heated. You and the position you took on this is a perfect example of how this site has gone from bad to worse and how pathetic this site has become.
Keep the attacks coming. You'll hang yourself soon enough.
BTW, I love how you seem to KNOW me so well. You have no idea what my experience with moderating forums is.;-)


Well-Known Member
"this site has gone from bad to worse and how pathetic this site has become."

i don't know why you are here with all the bad-mouthing you do about the site. can't you yahoo or gmail your fans that you left that need your help? i don't know you but from reading your posts, it seems to me like you are kinda childish and just look for trouble IMO :peace:


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1943483seems like a good place to me
I agree. A forum, like this one, is only as good as its members. Each and every one of us make it what it is. I think the majority DO like this place, as is evidenced by the amount of time some of us spend on here! lol!
Brick Top, in spite of how you feel about me or the forum, I have no problem with you as a person. You are free to post whatever you wish, as does anyone else, so long as they don't break the rules of the forum. I see you break these rules quite frequently with your attacks/insults, your goodbye threads, and copy & paste/spam. Your negative attitude and opinions of the forum and its members are simply the icing on the cake. You are an intelligent, older guy. Why not set a good example for the other members and practice some of what you preach, instead of adding fuel to the fire?;-)

Merry Christmas Brick.:hug:bongsmilie:peace:


Well-Known Member
I agree. A forum, like this one, is only as good as its members. Each and every one of us make it what it is. I think the majority DO like this place, as is evidenced by the amount of time some of us spend on here! lol!
Brick Top, in spite of how you feel about me or the forum, I have no problem with you as a person. You are free to post whatever you wish, as does anyone else, so long as they don't break the rules of the forum. I see you break these rules quite frequently with your attacks/insults, your goodbye threads, and copy & paste/spam. Your negative attitude and opinions of the forum and its members are simply the icing on the cake. You are an intelligent, older guy. Why not set a good example for the other members and practice some of what you preach, instead of adding fuel to the fire?;-)

Merry Christmas Brick.:hug:bongsmilie:peace:
:clap: yes Merry Christmas BT


Well-Known Member
bahahaaaa, that and a nickle. why don't you got to an LGBT forum to get your sexuality straightened (ooops) out?