1st annual RIU after harvest BBQ! Sat Dec 10th!

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Well-Known Member
I agree with that....South of the Grapevine...SoCalBetween the Grapevine and Sacramento...Central CalAnd everything north of that is...NorCalNot sure where this conversation is going, but I thought I'd chime in with my 2cents!TMB-
This would be correct. And the wind is kicking ass down here again. My hoop house is douched and blew over all my plants and the big greenhouse is slowly peeling away the Ag film. Yesterday I blew out half the house and Flower room plugging in the shop vac And took two hours today to chase down a bad socket and my Medijuanas haven't popped yet and it's day 4/5. Had to go to a company party tonight at the claim jumper and almost never made it home in time to make it to the can. I don't know if it's the soap resteraunts use or what but it happens all the time. LOL. It's been a rough day. LOL :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I know this wind is crazy, I am super happy your power is back on now though, I just hope and pray the greenhouse and fence make it though this weather ;) As long as all the girls are ok then everything can be made better Hehehehehe!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
There is still ice and cold beers in the cooler from last weekend. That's how cold it's been. Been running a heater in the hoop house. We hit the weather window perfect for the first annual ! :peace:


Well-Known Member
OK, Is there anyone in Sac area or near, that want or need a ride to FDDs on Thursday, let me know. I also would like to follow someone that knows where they're going, from Sac or surrounding area. DJJ , I don't know when your heading out, but maybe I can follow you guys??

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
lookin forward to seeing you guys not baked outa my head! can finally share alil somethin! wheez,id say its so simple, especially with gps.but then again,re calculating carol had fdd and i screwed up going to the bbq! lmao


Well-Known Member
lookin forward to seeing you guys not baked outa my head! can finally share alil somethin! wheez,id say its so simple, especially with gps.but then again,re calculating carol had fdd and i screwed up going to the bbq! lmao
I'm not worried about getting lost or anything, I drove semis for 12 years on and off, so I can find an address haha.....even stoned.bongsmilie I just don't want to drive all the way all by myself:cry::sleep::-(


Well-Known Member
I saw jj last night sayin he might ride with a wheez. the guy sneaked texted sayin he wanted to go. should we have him pm ya fdd? I am shooting to be up there wensday night.


Well-Known Member
Dam one hit of the lavender and i am like not typing right lol. sneaky posted on here a few post back hes in sac to double jjs friend. i was sayin double jj said last night he might ride with you wheezer. little bit more understandable lol
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