Do You Support The "Occupy"Protests?

Do you support the global "Occupy" protests?

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I'm really curious the ratio of "homeless and partying" to "actual protestor"...... I bet its like 50/50, or 99/1 in San Francisco! :) (Last time I was in San Francisco downtown about ten years ago all I remember is SOOOOO many bums always asking for money.......)

during the american "great depression" Woody Gunthrie sand about all the poor caused by the great depression, those poor and homeless built little shelter towns for themselves. Dubbed Who villes for president Hoover's roles during the depression. those Whoville people showed such strength and society that Dr. Suez used it as a model for his story.. All the who's down in who ville..

the homeless have as much of a fight (maybe more) than anyone else.
Where did you get this information? I have never heard "Hoover Town's" referred to as Who Ville's. I have never heard that this was the inspiration for the town in the Grinch either. Any sources? Curious.

I have seen "Hooverville" used as a term, but never seen a connection to Who Ville from Dr. Suess.
i'll look for the source, but i know i saw it in a woody gunthrie documentary. I'll try and find an online source..

interesting fact huh? Dr. Suez was super political (obviously)
I have heard speculation that people believe that may be where he got the name, but I've never seen an actual connection or any proof. Other than the names sounding similar...
I'm having trouble on google, but i know it was in a documenatary on the book channel about woody gunthrie.. the same time they where explaining "this land" and revealing its "hidden" verse.. I'll keep looking but my google fu is weak.. As i have been looking more and more makes it seems a very likely connection. but i'll try to find the actual fact, i know its in a new book, I saw the doc a few weeks ago..
I have been on this search in the past. That's why it caught my eye. Someone else made this claim a couple of years ago and we couldn't corroborate it.
during the american "great depression" Woody Gunthrie sand about all the poor caused by the great depression, those poor and homeless built little shelter towns for themselves. Dubbed Who villes for president Hoover's roles during the depression. those Whoville people showed such strength and society that Dr. Suez used it as a model for his story.. All the who's down in who ville..

the homeless have as much of a fight (maybe more) than anyone else.
Hoovervilles where horrible encampments that the poor set up because they had nothing. Starvation and crash crime was rampant.
Read John Steinbecks book
Grapes of wrath
exactly. look at how this is a reference to the 99%! the point was that these people don't count because they are made up of homeless people. I never said being homeless was a good thing, nor that a camp of homeless people would be a good place to be, merely that they have a dog in this fight, and that discounting them as non-protestors or activist is a time long tradition. Much like in Dr. Suez's stories (both horton hears a who and grinch) the who's are being threatened by those more powerful and in one case they don't even believe they exist (Horton)...
so I do appreciate the reading recommendation, and it is a good book. thank you

but the point is, even more than if it was the intent of the Dr (and i think it proves pretty likely) or that of the conditions of the hoover villes is that homeless people are part of our society and count in a true democracy..
how long has this been going on now?

what exactly has "happened" because of it?

if it all simply ended today, would anyone care?
I think it's a little too soon to tell what kind of an affect it's had in the big picture, but I don't think all these people are just going back to the illusion of a life they thought they once had. Without anything dramatic changing, there's no other option but to protest.
I think it's a little too soon to tell what kind of an affect it's had in the big picture, but I don't think all these people are just going back to the illusion of a life they thought they once had. Without anything dramatic changing, there's no other option but to protest.

if it was an illusion to begin with, ...

these people do not mean enough to society to cause those who do to care.

it's just how it is. humans are evil creatures.
I wonder how the fraction actually breaks up? i keep hearing about being in the other 99%, but where in that 99% am I? A starving African would surely be in the bottom 5%, maybe even the bottom 1%. Somebody from the US and ENgland, an average working man... where in that percentage would he be? We also need to take into account people that work 15, 16 hours a day for $20 a month and things like that. I bet, the average working man in the US and UK would be pretty high up the list, maybe event he top 20%.

is that so bad?

Trouble is people are too concerned about what they don't have instead of what they have... it is also this very greed and ignorance that is destroying other people all over the world. People in other countries go hungry even though they work every hour they can, yet even the poorest here can afford to eat if they budget their money properly.
It used to be that when you saw someone successful and more well off then you, you told your child "See that man? He's successful, he's smart and you should learn from that man". Now parents teach their children "See that man? He has more than us, it's because he has him that we have less." which is of course bullshit.
when people talk of a distribution of wealth, they're not thinking of the starving Africans, they're thinking of getting more for themselves. Exactly the same thing they accuse the top 1% of.

it's all about greed and selfishness. How come I have to drive a BMW, I want a Lamborghini! Let's have a protest!
My problem with the tax system is that my $1.00 after taxes is around $.40 when the extremely wealthy's $1.00 is around $.99 it definitively stacks the odds in favor of the uber rich. What excuses can be used to explain why my dollar Has to be worth less than bill gates's dollar.
My problem with the tax system is that my $1.00 after taxes is around $.40 when the extremely wealthy's $1.00 is around $.99 it definitively stacks the odds in favor of the uber rich. What excuses can be used to explain why my dollar Has to be worth less than bill gates's dollar.
Your dollar isn't worth any less than his........he just has a whole lot more of them than you do.;-)