...do you have any inclination as to why one needs to 'turn of the brain'? Also, any idea on how it is done?
Not easy.
its easy, "god moves in mysterious ways"
"he´s too big and wondrous for us to understand"
"it will all make sense one day in heaven"
along with not answering questions like
allknowing dude, creates beings and tells them not to eat some fruit he places Right in the middle of the garden
and then allows some snake access to the garden (all knowing remember)
and then punishes them all for not listening to him.
and the stories dont make sense in many other ways.
the jews, actually See The Ocean Being Parted, food just appearing from thin air, some dude tapping a rock in the name of god and they see many wondrous other things
and yet.
moses is gone 2 days and immediately the people lose faith in this god and start worshipping a golden calf they made in half a day (musta looked like shit)
that kinda does not make sense.
plus the fact that god kills alot of them for this (or moses pleaded with him to spare them, i forget..(the allknowing, allloving allforgiving being, had to be pleaded with to be nice.
...im rather of the opinion that this is made up bullshit by "priests" (rabbi´s) made in the sole purpose of controlling gullible and superstitious people.
stories and legends that grew, mostly because the "rabble" was more or less illiterate and so easily manipulated thus.
the bible as a whole, does not fit, the god of the old testament comes out as a 3 year old egomaniac with way too much power.
and in the new testament, jesus refers way too much to the old testament to be taken serious.
particularily because many of the finer truths in the bible are really too similar to buddhism (be nice to one another and all that)
while the rest smacks of judaism and other middleeastern religions.
christmas for example is a solely pagan tradition, the festival of the light (a celebration of the "death" and "rebirth" of the light)
and much about the jesus legend is similar to the corngod (every year he dies and is reborn in the spring (Easter is a celebration of this.. (the bunny is a fertility symbol))
so basically christianity is a hopscotch mixmatch of many religions.
and its fairly obvious its a tailor made religion to control the masses.
an "inspired" creation of the last roman emperor and the first pope
who claimed he had a dream of his soldiers winning a battle under a flag with a cross (knowing his soldiers were mostly christian which he was not till he "had that dream")
and somehow charismatically made them forget jesus preached nonviolence and forgiveness (Even died for it)
and thats how it all began.
it even had rebirth as part of the plan. (because it was a really popular belief at the time)
but then they really got obsessed with control (because they had gained so much), and made it illegal to read latin for anyone but nobles and priests (

guess why

and then reincarnation was written out and heaven and hell put into its place and then began the bloodbath that lasted centuries and that still in some ways continues today..