Attitude Seedbank sucks


Active Member
On nearly every web page on RIU there is an ad for Attitude. Within 5 minutes of me posting a thread of my experience with Attitude, RIU had erased the thread. Conflict of interest with an advertiser I'm guessing.

Anyway, Attitude is a waste of money, they do not back up their products. An entire package of 5 fem 8 Ball Kush were duds and another seed as well. Wrote to them stating my dissatisfaction, they replied with what amounts to 'too bad.'

I won't be spending my money with them any longer.

EDIT- found my thread in a different area, not sure how that happened. Can't edit the title of this thread, nor do I know how to erase completely. Oops!

Bottom line, Attitude sucks and isn't worthy of your hard earned cash. I find it funny that when I went to edit, Attitude was being advertised at the bottom of this post.
....the attitude is the middle man....they are not the ones who produced the seeds, they sell you the seeds that were produced by others......the attitude fucking ROCKS......every single seed I've ever ordered through the attitude has germinated.....maybe you need to look into a better germination techinque.
Yeah man im pretty sure it wasnt just the seeds.. as already suggested check into other Germination tech's...
An entire package of 5 is all duds, and you think it's my germ technique? Not likely. No problems with my VK or PC (other than one mutant), or any of my freebies.

A middle man has a job, replacing product is a part of middle man service. That's part of why they get paid. They deal directly with BF, I deal directly with them.
isisyogi, i responded in another thread that you posted in, but i might as well leave the same answer in your thread too.

"some of these threads just make me facepalm. if you buy seeds from the tude, and they don't pop, that is the breeders fault, NOT attitudes fault. stop blaming Attitude because you picked a bad breeding company from the long list of companies.

now, if you received the wrong seeds, or seeds that were crushed or dead or in some way, the attitude usually replaces the order. however you will have to send back the original order. with some of you people it seems you have never ordered anything over the internet. if you purchased a pair of jeans from an online store, and upon arrival the jeans didn't fit, or were damaged, the clothing company would also make you send back the clothes before the order was replaced... how is that concept so hard to grasp?

as far as attitude knows, if you do not send back the beans, attitude could perceive that the seeds arrived just fine, and that you are trying to scam them (attitude) out of a second order at no charge. do you have any concept of an idea how fast Attitude would go out of business if they didn't require some form of proof to validate your claim? common sense should be a tool more often deployed from your toolbox of life.

you people need to stop and try to analyze the situation from both sides of the fence before you go all full retard and start throwing around bad reviews like they were pudding in a food fight.

Your thread was most likely killed off because it was a big rant about something you knew nothing about, some term these kind of foundless accusations as slander.

A middle man has a job, replacing product is a part of middle man service. That's part of why they get paid. They deal directly with BF, I deal directly with them.

Right up until you violate their terms and conditions and policies. LOL.
....the attitude is the middle man....they are not the ones who produced the seeds, they sell you the seeds that were produced by others......the attitude fucking ROCKS......every single seed I've ever ordered through the attitude has germinated.....maybe you need to look into a better germination techinque.

The Attitude sucks and Atheism is a religion.
On nearly every web page on RIU there is an ad for Attitude. Within 5 minutes of me posting a thread of my experience with Attitude, RIU had erased the thread. Conflict of interest with an advertiser I'm guessing.

Anyway, Attitude is a waste of money, they do not back up their products. An entire package of 5 fem 8 Ball Kush were duds and another seed as well. Wrote to them stating my dissatisfaction, they replied with what amounts to 'too bad.'

I won't be spending my money with them any longer.

EDIT- found my thread in a different area, not sure how that happened. Can't edit the title of this thread, nor do I know how to erase completely. Oops!

Bottom line, Attitude sucks and isn't worthy of your hard earned cash. I find it funny that when I went to edit, Attitude was being advertised at the bottom of this post.

I find it very amusing they bought your sig.
They did the same to me after I posted about them not honoring the delivery assureance policy they have. And yes it is was marked as delivered but after speaking with the USPO they tell me its common practice to mark everything that leave the office as delivered weather it makes it to the person it shoudl or not. So the fact is it could have been brought back to the office but would still be marked as delivered cause it marked like that b4 it even left the office.

The bottom line is I ordered from them. Spent 180.00$ and paid extra to assure I got it. I didnt get it now they refuse to refund or resend. Thats a scam. Now they are telling me they will send me free barny seeds with my next order. WTF you just stole 180$ from me and you think I am going to spend more money under the ruse that I will get free seeds.

These guys must be high.

I used them before and had no issues. The first time I do they piss on a loyal customer. Thats poor service all the way around. I can say for 100% that the delivery assurence is a scam. They wont honor it so dont bother paying for it.
No, the scam is USPS stating packets are delivered when they are not. USPS will be telling them that it is delivered, as far as they are aware the contract has been concluded successfully.
", the attitude usually replaces the order"

Sort of. I had a crushed pineapple chunk they wanted me to send a pic of, i did. They said they would replace it next time i order. Better then nothing i guess,but i offered to mail it back. Was during the cannabis cup winner promotion. Rest of seeds were fine fyi.Already made an order from herbies before that, doubt i need to order anything for a while. So telling me next time really didn't help. I get they get tons of people that try and scam them,but telling me to buy something else and they will fix the problem can be hard to swallow for a already paying customer
uuuuuu idk who at the po told you it was common practice to mark em' "delivered as they go out on the truck is BS. I deal with USPS all the time with tracking and have rarely had that happen. I understand when it says "delivered" as far they know it's delivered. I handle my business the same way. If it says delivered, you better find it cause your paying for it! That's the main reason I use tracking, so I no one can tell me they didn't get it, when the po says they did.
Attitude just ships the seeds, they are a shipping company, it's not their fault if the seeds don't germ.
What breeder did you choose? See if you can get their contact information from Attitude
How did you germ the seeds? Someplace dark, wet, warm? You can try germinating them for up to 72 hours.
Seeds not germing is a breeder issue or it's a lack of skill on the part of the grower, either way I would search the web and see if other people with that breeder had the same issue.
Ive ordered from tude multiple times. My last order was 5 8ball from bf and 2 free autos. All were duds except 1 of the femmed 8balls. I blame tis on barneys farm and not the tude, who just resells. Coulda been old seeds, or exposed to excessive heat or something. the one 8ball needed pampered, but once rooted is fine. Sad though, glad i germed at 2 dif times, or i may have lost all 5. Normally i would have just gotten clones, but was looking to compliment my garden with something no one else has local. Try TGA beans, subcool is an exceptional breeder and frequents here, and ive never had any issues with his beans from the tude.
I just recieved my beans from Attitude and everything was perfect! It was fast, discreet, and I am 100% satisfied. Took 14 days from the day I ordered, CANT complain about that!