WWW III has started


Well-Known Member
Willyßagseed;6698116 said:
I'll take playing with explosives over being a glorified rescue medic that parachutes any day. (Yes,, I know they do more than that now) Not dissing Red Berets but bombs/IEDs are more fun to play with.
no way, mk19, m2, 240b, and tow... those systems alone make the job the best, a security clearance, barely working humvees and an ass crack chronically chafed with sand.. combat arms all the way, usually a medic would be in one of the trucks playing hide and go fuck yourself along with us. lol stepping out into complete darkness at 1280ft is a rush you can never find anywhere else man.. id never want to take apart bombs and blow them up at a safe distance.. that's not for me. however those skills probably make employment in the civilian world more interesting. where as if your a scout, medic, arty, 11b, or an mp your kinda fucked looking for work, for there are no civilian equivalents except mp, but most police units wont hire mps. iraq sucked, but i wouldn't trade my experience for anything. it still feels like yesterday.


Well-Known Member
-Conspiracy Freaks

it aint Freedom if the Goverment lets those with the Money controll everything
Its Bad Now But Ron paul WOuld be even worse
And your point is????? Our current govt. already allows this! lmfao!!!!! How is Ron Paul going to be ANY WORSE than any of the other major party Bozo's? You think he will just hand control over to Wall Street and the banks? Maybe he will, maybe he won't. We just can't tell with ANY politician, but he is consistent in his beliefs and what he says, and has integrity, something severely lacking in most politicians these days. Look at all the B.S. Obama promised that hasn't happened. The irony is that things have gotten WAY WORSE under the Obamacrats, yet you're concerned with it getting even WORSE under Paul? Something has to change. We've had nearly a hundred years of the same old crap (repubs and dems). Hell, I'd give Colonel Sanders a shot if I thought things would change (and if he was still alive. lol!)!:o


Well-Known Member
no way, mk19, m2, 240b, and tow... those systems alone make the job the best, a security clearance, barely working humvees and an ass crack chronically chafed with sand.. combat arms all the way, usually a medic would be in one of the trucks playing hide and go fuck yourself along with us. lol stepping out into complete darkness at 1280ft is a rush you can never find anywhere else man.. id never want to take apart bombs and blow them up at a safe distance.. that's not for me. however those skills probably make employment in the civilian world more interesting. where as if your a scout, medic, arty, 11b, or an mp your kinda fucked looking for work, for there are no civilian equivalents except mp, but most police units wont hire mps. iraq sucked, but i wouldn't trade my experience for anything. it still feels like yesterday.
I've got plenty of grunt friends who got out and couldn't do shit except construction or some unskilled bullshit labor jobs. There just aren't too many careers that use explosives or rifles. I, however, got out after 8 years as a Corpsman and immediately found work at a hospital. I also entered the firefighter hiring process and was picked first round, in large part, because of my military and combat experience. $50,000 a year to start out with......not too shabby for a young guy just out of the military with no private sector experience. Yeah, we had a lot of those types that liked to ride in Humvees and shit, but I wasn't attached to a grunt unit. We usually didn't have a Humvee to ride in. ;-)


Well-Known Member
Though the space agency classified the asteroid as a "potentially hazardous object," it posed no threat of a collision, according to NASA's Near Earth Object Program.

Lol don't go listening to everything you hear buddy. That shit was not even a threat. That's why they didn't tell us. It was smaller than an aircraft carrier. After entry it would have been a lot of small peices.
I remember hearing about it before it passed.:shock:


Well-Known Member
And your point is????? Our current govt. already allows this! lmfao!!!!! How is Ron Paul going to be ANY WORSE than any of the other major party Bozo's?
abolishing public education would be a good start.

You think he will just hand control over to Wall Street and the banks? Maybe he will, maybe he won't.
i lean towards 'he definitely will'. left as completely unregulated as a ron paul wet dream, it is a certainty.

We just can't tell with ANY politician, but he is consistent in his beliefs and what he says, and has integrity, something severely lacking in most politicians these days.
does penning a racist newsletter, defending it, and then denying writing it AFTER having defended it fall under consistency and integrity?

Look at all the B.S. Obama promised that hasn't happened. The irony is that things have gotten WAY WORSE under the Obamacrats, yet you're concerned with it getting even WORSE under Paul?
yeah, i remember he promised us all those tax breaks. oh wait, i got those. not sure how that made things way worse.

i also remember that humdinger about pre-existing conditions. oh wait, that was done away with. again, not sure how my wife being able to buy health insurance made things way worse.

remember when he told that lie about improving the infrastructure? oh, wait. they just added more lanes to the highway into town. i'm not sure how not sitting in traffic so often, not idling and wasting gas so much, falls under "way worse".

i guess you have a more vivid imagination than i do.

Something has to change. We've had nearly a hundred years of the same old crap (repubs and dems). Hell, I'd give Colonel Sanders a shot if I thought things would change (and if he was still alive. lol!)!:o
and an ineffectual, extremist ideologue who glues on his eyebrows is the answer?



Well-Known Member
abolishing public education would be a good start.

i lean towards 'he definitely will'. left as completely unregulated as a ron paul wet dream, it is a certainty.

does penning a racist newsletter, defending it, and then denying writing it AFTER having defended it fall under consistency and integrity?

yeah, i remember he promised us all those tax breaks. oh wait, i got those. not sure how that made things way worse.

i also remember that humdinger about pre-existing conditions. oh wait, that was done away with. again, not sure how my wife being able to buy health insurance made things way worse.

remember when he told that lie about improving the infrastructure? oh, wait. they just added more lanes to the highway into town. i'm not sure how not sitting in traffic so often, not idling and wasting gas so much, falls under "way worse".

i guess you have a more vivid imagination than i do.

and an ineffectual, extremist ideologue who glues on his eyebrows is the answer?

Aside from this statement right here, I am not interested in sparring with you on this topic. You know where I stand, I know where you stand, we disagree. I said what I said, I stand by it, PERIOD!;-)

EDIT: I just wanted to add, we are obviously not seeing the same thing, because the infrastructure where I live is still crumbling, public education is worse than ever, AND there are still NO fucking jobs! You may have gotten a meager little tax break and if that has vastly improved YOUR life, then I'm happy for you. It's gonna take more than a couple hundred bucks to buy my vote though.


Well-Known Member
Aside from this statement right here, I am not interested in sparring with you on this topic. You know where I stand, I know where you stand, we disagree. I said what I said, I stand by it, PERIOD!;-)

EDIT: I just wanted to add, we are obviously not seeing the same thing, because the infrastructure where I live is still crumbling, public education is worse than ever. You may have gotten a meager little tax break and if that has vastly improved YOUR life, then I'm happy for you. It's gonna take more than a couple hundred bucks to buy my vote though.
add up all the tax breaks and they come out to well over a thousand, almost two (in the last two years).

when you invest that type of money wisely, it pays you back over and over again.

let's not forget that my wife can buy health insurance, either. not happening in a ron paul world, in fact, he would be happy to hand over control of her health care decisions directly to the state. they know what's better for her reproductive health than she does.


Well-Known Member
Spoken like a true coward. "things are bad, but can you imagine how bad things would be if we tried someting different?"

Oh the fear....
that kind of complacency led to a country standing by while their leaders systemically, and efficiently exterminated more than 6,000,000 people. oh yeah, those same families are the richest families in america.. if you left the nazi regime with a fortune america's government will welcome you with open arms.


Well-Known Member
add up all the tax breaks and they come out to well over a thousand, almost two (in the last two years).

when you invest that type of money wisely, it pays you back over and over again.

let's not forget that my wife can buy health insurance, either. not happening in a ron paul world, in fact, he would be happy to hand over control of her health care decisions directly to the state. they know what's better for her reproductive health than she does.
I'm glad your wife can get coverage now, but the ink was barely dry on this healthcare fiasco before the negative fallout began. We will see if you are singing the same tune in, say 4 years? 10 years? I sincerely hope I'm wrong, but everything has unintended consequences and I believe those will be far worse than the intended ones where Obamacare is concerned. And don't start with this crap about people being sick and dying because they don't have coverage. That's bullshit, plain and simple. In over 15 years as a firefighter paramedic, thousands of patients treated and transported to the hospital, I never saw even ONE SINGLE PATIENT refused care. NOT ONE!!!!!!! Coverage is available, and has been available for anybody who seeks it out. You just have to be clever enough and be willing to do a little bit of work. And for the record, I'm not just hating on Obama. I don't care for either major party, especially none of this latest crop of Republican candidates.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
We will see if you are singing the same tune in, say 4 years? 10 years? I sincerely hope I'm wrong, but everything has unintended consequences and I believe those will be far worse than the intended ones where Obamacare is concerned.
we'll see if america still exists in 10 years.


Well-Known Member
add up all the tax breaks and they come out to well over a thousand, almost two (in the last two years).

when you invest that type of money wisely, it pays you back over and over again.

let's not forget that my wife can buy health insurance, either. not happening in a ron paul world, in fact, he would be happy to hand over control of her health care decisions directly to the state. they know what's better for her reproductive health than she does.
........and I meant to ask you what "wise investment" could I put "nearly $2,000 in? I mean, really? 2 grand? I suppose a savings account would be a "wise investment", although I can't currently find one that pays over 1% interest. Stocks you say? Sorry, I'm financially challenged. People who think they are "wisely investing" in the stock market have had their entire life savings wiped out. Diversify you say? Diversify $2,000? LOL!!!!!!! I suppose I could put a couple hundred into Money Markets and I could buy some indexes or mutual funds or something. In like 50 years that $2,000 might actually become like $2,500!:o I'm exaggerating for effect, but you get my point. I shit $2,000 in expenses per week! I'm not exaggerating about this. YOU may think that $2,000 is a lot of money, but it's a drop of piss in the ocean to me bro. :-(


Well-Known Member
We were doomed as a nation when we kicked God out of our schools in the 60's and started sacrificing our children in the womb to Baal. God will not be Mocked and we as a people no longer have Gods hand of protection over us.

That is why evil men rule over us.


Well-Known Member
........and I meant to ask you what "wise investment" could I put "nearly $2,000 in? I mean, really? 2 grand? I suppose a savings account would be a "wise investment", although I can't currently find one that pays over 1% interest. Stocks you say? Sorry, I'm financially challenged. People who think they are "wisely investing" in the stock market have had their entire life savings wiped out. Diversify you say? Diversify $2,000? LOL!!!!!!! I suppose I could put a couple hundred into Money Markets and I could buy some indexes or mutual funds or something. In like 50 years that $2,000 might actually become like $2,500!:o I'm exaggerating for effect, but you get my point. I shit $2,000 in expenses per week! I'm not exaggerating about this. YOU may think that $2,000 is a lot of money, but it's a drop of piss in the ocean to me bro. :-(
wise investment = big fancy lights (and also a greenhouse this year).

cannabis is more valuable than silver, pound for pound.