Be Prepared for more Of this in 2012

By the way a government issued photo ID costs money, consider that a poll tax?

The courts will decide that. It should be though. If you're forcing people to buy something just so they can vote, I don't see how that can be considered anything but a poll tax. That is exactly what a poll tax is. Paying to vote.
So this leads down the obvious road to a national ID card. No charge involved, same concept as social security card, with photo and/or other verification features. Solves both issues, doesn't cost anything so it's not a poll tax and you can't get one if you aren't legal, so it ends voter fraud.

Then we make it a requirement for everything, like getting a job, buying groceries, riding the name it. Wouldn't have to deport a single illegal alien, they would have no choice but to leave on their own. So many problems solved for the low, low price of more of our freedom...yippee. Next step, tattoos, just like in Idiocracy. Welcome to Costco, I love you.


The fingerprint idea is interesting, until they start harvesting people's thumbs. Damn, dirty pollicus thieves.
Paranoia is all it every other country in the world you need photo ID to vote, why is it such a strange concept to you Americans?

It's not a "poll tax" it's called common sense.
And duke, it is ok to just link to an article and then maybe copy a couple of relevant paragraphs to make your point. There is no need to copy/paste the whole thing. It just makes the thread hard to read.
Exactly the point, Id read it if it was nicely organized at the least...shortened and summarized ideally, other then that I never read yours or bricktops copy paste jobs. No offense, its just that its a huge wall of text. Its like looking into the matrix. What if I want to turn and sip my coffee for a second, Id be fucked cause Id lose my place.

I mean I could understand if its a chart and its all messed up copy or something and that copying and pasting to here doesn't always work out really well, and that fixing it can often be very time consuming...... but at least give us enough respect to click at the end of a few sentences and press enter...
Exactly the point, Id read it if it was nicely organized at the least...shortened and summarized ideally, other then that I never read yours or bricktops copy paste jobs. No offense, its just that its a huge wall of text. Its like looking into the matrix. What if I want to turn and sip my coffee for a second, Id be fucked cause Id lose my place.

I mean I could understand if its a chart and its all messed up copy or something and that copying and pasting to here doesn't always work out really well, and that fixing it can often be very time consuming...... but at least give us enough respect to click at the end of a few sentences and press enter...

Voting Fraud is a myth

google search terms are "voter fraud myth"

Pick any website you want on the front page
Ok who is going to pick a website and read?
Just look at Texas to prove my case. You can use your gun permit as a form of ID but you can't use a picture ID issued by a public college. That is unmistakably trying to prevent democrats from voting. There is no other reasonable explanation for that.

????? republicans carry guns and democrats go to college????????
statistically inaccurate
Voting Fraud is a myth

google search terms are "voter fraud myth"

Pick any website you want on the front page
Ok who is going to pick a website and read?

Anita Sanchez of California was elected through voter fraud. It wasn't challenged because the Dems would have screamed "RACIST" to anyone speaking up. I watched official Democratic party reps taking bus loads of mentally challenged patients from the local group home to the polls where the drivers went into the voting booth with the patients (allowed because they're handicapped and unable to vote on their own) . Talking to the inmates (they let them out in public in the daytime), none had any idea who they voted for. So don't tell us voter fraud doesn't exits just because the media says it doesn't. More people voted for Prez Kennedy in Chicago than actually lived in Chicago. There are numerous documented cases of voter fraud. Google lied for years about keeping records of every thing you ever searched for, now they're a reliable source? If you don't want any type of I.D. required for voting, you must WANT voter fraud. Perhaps you would prefer to live in some third world country where voter fraud is the norm.
yes all the administrations for the last 16 years have investigated and found .0007% voter fraud mostly from ex felons who were inelgible to vote

But its all a Big Cover up
Quote Originally Posted by Dan Kone View Post " Just look at Texas to prove my case. You can use your gun permit as a form of ID but you can't use a picture ID issued by a public college. That is unmistakably trying to prevent democrats from voting. There is no other reasonable explanation for that." " ????? republicans carry guns and democrats go to college???????? statistically inaccurate " Whenever someone says "there is no other explanation" to prove a point, all they've proved is they don't know the explanation. Colleges don't require ANY evidence of identity to issue a picture I.D., that's why it isn't acceptable. All he's really proved is that he's a bigot. Still like your avatar, Nodrama!
What's your big objection to photo ID tho? It's not an infringment of your rights, it's common sense to have some form of photo ID so as not to preclude yourself from certain actions requiring it. The US is honestly probably the only nation in the world where ID isn't required to vote, it's a bizarre concept for most of us even.

What exactly would stop voter fraud if someone wanted to do it? It might not happen often, by what excludes it's possibility?
yes all the administrations for the last 16 years have investigated and found .0007% voter fraud mostly from ex felons who were inelgible to vote

But its all a Big Cover up

"93% of all statistic quoted on the internet are just made up" - Abraham Lincoln
Of course the Republicans passing these laws never acknowledge their real purpose, which is to turn away from the polls people who are more likely to vote Democratic, particularly the young, the poor, the elderly and minorities. They insist that laws requiring government identification cards to vote are only to protect the sanctity of the ballot from unscrupulous voters. Cutting back on early voting, which has been popular among working people who often cannot afford to take off from their jobs on Election Day, will save money, they claim.
None of these explanations are true. There is almost no voting fraud in America. And none of the lawmakers who claim there is have ever been able to document any but the most isolated cases. The only reason Republicans are passing these laws is to give themselves a political edge by suppressing Democratic votes.
The most widespread hurdle has been the demand for photo identification at the polls, a departure from the longstanding practice of using voters’ signatures or household identification like a utility bill. Seven states this year have passed laws requiring strict photo ID to vote, and similar measures were introduced in 27 other states. More than 21 million citizens — 11 percent of the population — do not have government ID cards. Many of them are poor, or elderly, or black and Hispanic and could have a hard time navigating the bureaucracy to get a card.
In Kansas, the secretary of state, Kris Kobach (who also wrote Arizona’s notorious anti-immigrant law), pushed for an ID law on the basis of a list of 221 reported instances of voter fraud in Kansas since 1997. Even if that were true, it would be an infinitesimal percentage of the votes cast during that period, but it is not true.
When The Wichita Eagle looked into the local cases on the list, the newspaper found that almost all were honest mistakes: a parent trying to vote for a student away at college, or signatures on mail-in ballots that didn’t precisely match those on file. In one case of supposed “fraud,” a confused non-citizen was asked at the motor vehicles bureau whether she wanted to fill out a voter registration form, and did so not realizing she was ineligible to vote.
Of course the Republicans passing these laws never acknowledge their real purpose, which is to turn away from the polls people who are more likely to vote Democratic, particularly the young, the poor, the elderly and minorities. They insist that laws requiring government identification cards to vote are only to protect the sanctity of the ballot from unscrupulous voters. Cutting back on early voting, which has been popular among working people who often cannot afford to take off from their jobs on Election Day, will save money, they claim.
None of these explanations are true. There is almost no voting fraud in America. And none of the lawmakers who claim there is have ever been able to document any but the most isolated cases. The only reason Republicans are passing these laws is to give themselves a political edge by suppressing Democratic votes.
So are Democrats unable to get ID? None of them drive? Have a passport?
When the Department of Justice under President Bush launched a crackdown on fraud in 2002, five years later it only had 86 convictions to show for the effort. That's .00007 percent of the 122 million people [pdf] who voted for president in the 2004 elections.

So you're saying they caught every single fraudulent voter. I notice you don't respond to any comments made here. Can't refute any arguments against your ridiculous assertions?
Of course the Republicans passing these laws never acknowledge their real purpose, which is to turn away from the polls people who are more likely to vote Democratic, particularly the young, the poor, the elderly and minorities. They insist that laws requiring government identification cards to vote are only to protect the sanctity of the ballot from unscrupulous voters. Cutting back on early voting, which has been popular among working people who often cannot afford to take off from their jobs on Election Day, will save money, they claim.
None of these explanations are true. There is almost no voting fraud in America. And none of the lawmakers who claim there is have ever been able to document any but the most isolated cases. The only reason Republicans are passing these laws is to give themselves a political edge by suppressing Democratic votes.

The only reason Democrats oppose these laws is keep the political edge they enjoy because of voter fraud.
So this leads down the obvious road to a national ID card. No charge involved, same concept as social security card, with photo and/or other verification features. Solves both issues, doesn't cost anything so it's not a poll tax and you can't get one if you aren't legal, so it ends voter fraud.

I'm fine with that. But of course none of this has anything to do with what's going on now so it's irrelevant. The ONLY reason these laws are coming up is to stop democrats from voting, it has nothing to do with voter fraud.
Paranoia is all it every other country in the world you need photo ID to vote, why is it such a strange concept to you Americans?

It's not a "poll tax" it's called common sense.

If this isn't to stop democrats from voting, then why are college ID's not allowed but gun permits allowed as ID for voting?

It is a poll tax if you have to pay a fee to get an ID to vote. You're charging people to vote. That's what a poll tax is.