Lace and Frills <3


Well-Known Member
Let's not forget, it's about the panties ON the butt... Not just the butt XP Lol have any of you been paying attention to the clothing at all ^^;


Well-Known Member
Aw guys #^^#

I have that corset (I think) in pink and black lol.

Only she has huge tits 0_0 And lovely curves that go right from waist to knee.

I can't compete but here it is again anyway:

Thanks for the contribution- you must be doing something right if you found a corset similar to one I already own X3 I love the bow stocking as well, I have some with ace of spades appliqués on a black satin bow and spades going up the legs.

Got anything for the Cosplay Corner?

smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
Aw guys #^^#

I have that corset (I think) in pink and black lol.

Only she has huge tits 0_0 And lovely curves that go right from waist to knee.

I can't compete but here it is again anyway:

Thanks for the contribution- you must be doing something right if you found a corset similar to one I already own X3 I love the bow stocking as well, I have some with ace of spades appliqués on a black satin bow and spades going up the legs.

Got anything for the Cosplay Corner?
Your boobs seem to compliment the attire beautifully Kuroi :)


Well-Known Member
Thankies x I saw BOWS on that corset and immediately decided I would wear it and it would be all mine lol. I am a total sucker for bows.


Well-Known Member
This thread would be 10x better if you weren't taking these pictures with a potato.

Get a damn camera!
I don't need a fancy camera for the sole purpose of taking underwear shots for your guys- I'm not even worth that. If i thought I was really 'something' I'd do the tryhard thing, but it's just me, my clothes and whatever equipment happens to be at hand- sorry...

You guys post pictures.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Aw guys #^^#

I have that corset (I think) in pink and black lol.

Only she has huge tits 0_0 And lovely curves that go right from waist to knee.

I can't compete but here it is again anyway:

Thanks for the contribution- you must be doing something right if you found a corset similar to one I already own X3 I love the bow stocking as well, I have some with ace of spades appliqués on a black satin bow and spades going up the legs.

Got anything for the Cosplay Corner?
thats pretty hott stuff


Well-Known Member
I don't need a fancy camera for the sole purpose of taking underwear shots for your guys- I'm not even worth that. If i thought I was really 'something' I'd do the tryhard thing, but it's just me, my clothes and whatever equipment happens to be at hand- sorry...

You guys post pictures.
Never say that.You are pure brown Sugar girl and dont let em tell ya different.We just like to see pure beauty without static.Its our Thang.You are only young for a short time,Make a chronical(sic) of it to look back on.Take care :)))


Well-Known Member
Thanks, hydrotech, It's just the way he put it to me. It just sounded like he was just saying 'your pictures are shit, GTFO' in a way. If people don't want to the pictures at all, I won't post them. But I just went shopping...

I have a nice set of DSLR photos I'm waiting to get back and professional photos (not that I'm anything special). You can see it looks kind of up myself if I'm trying to post perfect photos of my perfect self everywhere, but I get what you mean about having nice photos to look back on.

The underwear shots in my album were taken by a female friend who'd had enough of the self esteem thing. She brought me over, told me to change into the frilly stuff and get on her bed. It did help quite a bit, and it is nice to look back on a decent photo when you don't feel so great about yourself.

Has anyone got any picture for me, then?

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
I already posted my picture for you earlier in the thread... and of course the guys on here want to see more pictures of you... You couldn't possibly think otherwise...

But I'm already obsessed with you...

I'm going to stop thread stalking you...


Well-Known Member
I know you did, Shan-Shan, but what about all these lazy poopies who haven't? Feel free to post pictures of nice lingerie too, I may be persuaded to model it lol

Hey, you've got every entitlement to make yourself right at home in this thread Shan-Shan *fetches your pipe and slippers* x


Well-Known Member
Could you imagine a new form of execution, performed by going down on an exceptionally muscled woman? I think those thighs would cut off more than your blood supply X3
lol that instantly made me think of this video :D. PLEASE EMBED AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Damn you RIU, I can never figure out the video embed thing... :(