Well-Known Member
They're not actually Nazis tho, they're Aryan Nation... Aryan Nation don't wanna kill or hurt other races, they just believe whites are the superior race and want to form a separate white only country for themselves.
Again, not something I'd subscribe to myself but it's none of my business how others live their lives.
Can't remember where I heard this but if the whole world believed it we'd have a pretty decent place to live... "I don't care if you want to fuck a goat, just don't fuck my goat and I'm happy".
...well, what country? the original white country?
aryan supposedly came from somewhere in the caucasian mountains? or something like that?
ok, supposedly being the superior race, they go there.
it doesnt have everything they need.
does a superior race trade with lesser races or just go and kill them?
..though it would be kinda fine if the "aryans" went home to the caucasus mountains

(btw, im about as "aryan" as you can get, not many thousands of people, are more "aryan" than me (and of the people around here? these probably most pure aryans on the planet? nary a single one is racist. and the ones that are are loathed and held in contempt as foolish halfwits

kind of funny when you think about it.
some halfbreed mongrels (in their own words) preening and strutting around , thinking they are pure aryans and so much better for it.
fucking joke