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Parents of Baby Adolph Hitler Lose Custody

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Well-Known Member
Ud thiink they'd learn from the first child they took away but guess not.

They have all 4 of their children named with nazi names and in foster care. Dumb parents

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
They need counseling and for someone to ask the Parents...Why do you want make a hard road harder to hoe? I mean the first 30 seconds are never taken back and first impressions are "First impressions" Sarcasm-Why not tattoo their faces like Chuck Mansion and be done with it. Talking about being alienated because of your family.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Ud thiink they'd learn from the first child they took away but guess not.

They have all 4 of their children named with nazi names and in foster care. Dumb parents
Not dumb parents. Fucked up government. They want to be nazis, who cares! If you don't like it, again who cares. It's none of your concern. Just don't associate with people you don't like. I learned that in pre-school. You do your own thing and leave other people the hell alone. This is why so many thousands die in the military, Americans as a whole don't understand the simple concept of mind your own business. I would think 100% of marijuana advocates would understand.

Another thing, they're home schooled. They only hang around other Aryan Nation children. If the children want to change their name once they turn 18, that's their choice.

There is no proof there was abuse. Any proof was denied by a gag order. Gag orders are supposed protect victims. In this case it's to protect a racist government who denies freedom the constitution protects. The government is the boogie man. This bullshit is on par with countries like Poland who imprison holocaust deniers for stating an opinion. It doesn't matter if in your opinion it's the wrong one. It's just as racist to imprison racists for opinion alone. You're imprisoned for acts, otherwise it's at most defamation and a civil matter. Other backward countries have laws denying unpopular opinion in order to enslave it's people, like how the North Korean government teaches fairy tales about how once a pine cone transmuted into a grenade, saving many. You go to prison if you call bullshit. This isn't supposed to happen in America, the not so great anymore.


Well-Known Member
Maybe becuase their choice of names is tantamount to child abuse?
Ya think?
In what way? I could name my kid Dick and he would get ridiculed as well. Does that constitute child abuse, too?

What abuse would the child face from having that name? Don't use the job excuse because if the kid doesn't want the name when he is 18, there are a million judges who would be willing to allow him to change it.

So of course the only true abuse you can find is the ridicule from other children. Well, maybe we shouldn't be so focused on taking away ammo from kids, but we should learn how to fucking raise our children to respect each other.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Not dumb parents. Fucked up government. They want to be nazis, who cares!
You guys are all operating under the assumption that the only thing these parents did wrong was choose to give their children horrible names.

Let me ask you this, do you really think this is the only bad choice those parents made? They didn't take away the kids when they heard about the names. They just looked into the situation. Rightfully so too. You've got to question the parental decision making abilities of a couple who thought it was a good idea to name their child Adolph Hitler. Who knows what else was going on in that house...

You guys are all taking this couple's word for it that nothing else was wrong and the government took away their kids because of their names. How you could believe these people (who btw also denied being neo-nazis) is beyond me.

According to these people, who obviously can't be believed since they denied being nazis, they did nothing wrong.

According to child protective services there was abuse/neglect at the home.

A jury ruled that the couple suffered from both physical and psychological disabilities that put their children at risk.

Now, in order for you to go on with your nutty anti-government conspiracies, you're willing to take the word of neo-nazis who deny being neo-nazi's even though they obviously are.

While the government may do a lot of bad things, it's not being ran by a bunch of cartoon ultra villains who exclusively do evil. Sometimes child protective services really does want to stop child abuse.

The fact that you guys are so willing to believe this couples story without question makes me wonder about some of you. Very disturbing.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member

Other parents who have their children taken away for abuse don't get them taken away for over two years and no visitation. When custody is taken away like this, it's for abuse so horrible the parents go to jail. Otherwise parents are put into programs which show the correct parenting ways. But, these parents are free but without children and not given a court ordered path to how to be the government's bitch?

They aren't nazis either. They admit to being of the Aryan Nation. They even have a Aryan Nation lawyer. Why are you people so hung up on nazis? Nazi and neo-nazi is a term you use against them. Whether I, you or Anti-Defamation League condifers them nazis, it's what they call themselves. Everyone is so hung up on labels. Once a person gets a label, fuck them, they got what they deserved, like the OP and you cry. You also don't have the facts. But, I even state we are denied the facts by a hateful government. Give us the facts so everyone can decide. I can only go by the facts given which is the government is an oppressive entity which demands obedience, all the while hiding the truth, so it wants you to believe, for my sake and others. Our government has a terrible track record of oppressing its own people. Like Ruby Ridge, which murdered a mother and child and later lost a massive lawsuit. If the government was in the right, why is Randy Weaver free and tax payers paid his family $3.1 million? This same hateful government who wants to make a death penalty law for plants, yet you don't get why I take the word of a "nazi" over this screwed up sham of a system?

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
if you name your children after famous Nazis then well i guess you choose your path of karma

so fuck em hope the children can at least try and lead normal lives with the most fucked up names

Politically Correct Ass Clowns

fucking arguing devils advocate ass's for once be objective and view life without your shithole filter

"i should be able to do what ever i want becuase im a free man" news flash retard nothing is free and life aint easy

so lets make it harder on ourselves and name our kids fucked up shit, and get rascist tattoes and have domestic violence be apart of our lives

oh wait i want my rights as a human being, but i dont have to act like one i can act like a little bitch and then wave the bill of rigths in your face and use it as TP and wipe my ass

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
They aren't nazis either. They admit to being of the Aryan Nation. They even have a Aryan Nation lawyer. Why are you people so hung up on nazis?
You've got to be kidding me. They named their kid Adolph freakin Hitler and you're wondering why people think they're nazis? GTFO, seriously, GTFO.

Nazi and neo-nazi is a term you use against them.
Well to be fair I didn't come up with the term Nazi, it was Adolph Hitler, you know, the guy they named their kid after.

Whether I, you or Anti-Defamation League condifers them nazis, it's what they call themselves. Everyone is so hung up on labels.
lol. Really? You know the Nazis killed 6 million jews right? This guy thinks that was such a great idea he named his kid after their leader.

Not all labels are meaningless. Nazi is a pretty meaningful one.

You also don't have the facts.
Nor do you, yet you're pretending you do.


Well-Known Member
It's amazing how many people here support the fact these people have allegedly abused their kids but have never been taken to court over it...without a conviction everything else is bullshit. I guess you should have your car taken away cos the Government just said you were drink driving?

Secondly, when should you're Government start drafting the list of "ok names" for people to name their kids? This is one step from that.

Thirdly, who cares if they're proud of their racial heritage? Who cares about their views on other races? Are we judged on our thoughts or our actions nowadays? If so I must be a murderer, Iv thought to myself "I'd love to kill that fucker" before, guess the Thought Police should start persuing me too now?

Endless erosion of civil liberties and most of you people are just lapping it up...most of the world used to look at America and think "God damn, they know what they're doing, freedom to do and think and say what they want as long as they don't harm others!". Guess the grass always just seems greener on the other side.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
It's amazing how many people here support the fact these people have allegedly abused their kids but have never been taken to court over it...
One of the quotes I posted to earlier was from the court they were taken to over it. So not true.

Has everyone here lost their common sense? Do you really think it's likely these people are outstanding parents other than their choice in names? Come on people....

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member

Liberal and pro-medical marijuana, oh my! Just goes to show child protective services should have taken over. Bet their lives as former white supremacists would have been better in foster care. Where no one gives a shit about you. Atleast taken away they had a chance at a better life with a higher risk of molestation and rape. But that would be better than a life of hate and racism, huh? That case proves families torn apart from CPS end up much happier than when left alone.


Well-Known Member
ruining inspirational quotes for other people.

(apparantly its the hobby of some guy over on imgur.com but hey, i thought this was pretty cool.)

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
It's amazing how many people here support the fact these people have allegedly abused their kids but have never been taken to court over it...without a conviction everything else is bullshit. I guess you should have your car taken away cos the Government just said you were drink driving?

Secondly, when should you're Government start drafting the list of "ok names" for people to name their kids? This is one step from that.

Thirdly, who cares if they're proud of their racial heritage? Who cares about their views on other races? Are we judged on our thoughts or our actions nowadays? If so I must be a murderer, Iv thought to myself "I'd love to kill that fucker" before, guess the Thought Police should start persuing me too now?

Endless erosion of civil liberties and most of you people are just lapping it up...most of the world used to look at America and think "God damn, they know what they're doing, freedom to do and think and say what they want as long as they don't harm others!". Guess the grass always just seems greener on the other side.

this is a fact, but when has the gov been fair ever, i mean mabe if you have money or connections but this is how they work


Well-Known Member
more and more it seems like having a government is about as clever as trying to use a cat as a bong.


Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
One of the quotes I posted to earlier was from the court they were taken to over it. So not true.

Has everyone here lost their common sense? Do you really think it's likely these people are outstanding parents other than their choice in names? Come on people....
Other than the fact you grow marijuana, you'd be an outstanding parent? GTFO! Mit Romney isn't going to buy that for a second.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
did you see the neck tattoo, im sorry but a high percentage of neck tattoos are owned by idiots

and if you add racist tattoos to that list your almost guaranteed to be completely incompetent


New Member

They aren't nazis either. They admit to being of the Aryan Nation. They even have a Aryan Nation lawyer. Why are you people so hung up on nazis? Nazi and neo-nazi is a term you use against them. Whether I, you or Anti-Defamation League condifers them nazis, it's what they call themselves. Everyone is so hung up on labels.

Wow you really are one seriously fucked up racist arent you. Thanks for Confirming my suspicions

Aryan Nations/Church of Jesus Christ Christian
Recent years have not been kind to Aryan Nations, once the country's most well-known neo-Nazi outpost. Bankrupted by a lawsuit from a mother and son who were assaulted by Aryan Nations guards, the group lost its Idaho compound in 2001. Though he continued to serve as Aryan Nations’ leader, Richard Butler suffered the effects of age and ill health, and the group splintered into factions in 2002. Butler claimed to be reorganizing Aryan Nations but died in September 2004, leaving the group’s future as uncertain as ever.

Founder and Leader: Richard Butler (1918-2004)
Splinter groups (and leaders): Tabernacle of Phineas Priesthood ( Charles Juba, based in Pennsylvania); Church of the Sons of Yahweh (Morris Gullett, based in Louisiana)
Founded: Mid-1970s
Headquarters : Hayden, Idaho
Background: Butler first became involved with the Christian Identity movement after serving in the U.S. Air Force during World War II. He studied under Wesley Swift, founder of the Church of Jesus Christ Christian, until Swift died. Butler then formed Aryan Nations.
Media: Internet, videos, posters, e-mail, chat rooms, online bulletin boards, conferences. Ideology: Christian Identity, white supremacy, neo-Nazi, paramilitary Connections: Aryan Nations has had members in common with several other white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups, including National Alliance, the Ku Klux Klan and The Silent Brotherhood/The Order Recent Developments: Once the most well-known neo-Nazi group in the United States, Aryan Nations has suffered substantially in recent years due to Butler’s ill health, and a lawsuit that cost the group its Northern Idaho compound in 2001. Butler agreed to share power with Kreis and Redfeairn later that year, but the arrangement dissolved into internal squabbling. Eventually three groups competed for Aryan Nations' dwindling number of followers. It is unclear how Butler’s death in September 2004 will affect the group.


New Member
In 2010 a New Jersey appeals court ruled that there was sufficient evidence of abuse or neglect in the home because of prior domestic violence - the Campbells have denied despite a gag order - causing the children's removal into foster care.

The authorities had said it had nothing to do with their names.

'Actually, the judge and DYFS told us that there was no evidence of abuse and that it was the names!' Mr Campbell said after last month's hearing. 'They were taken over the children's names,' he insists.

But court records last year stated that both of the children's parents had been victims themselves of childhood abuse and while unemployed, were suffering from unspecified physical and psychological disabilities.

Court records also show that Adolf, five, frequently threatened to kill people.

The mother reportedly had also once given a note to her neighbour saying she was terrified of her husband who had threatened to kill her.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2063487/Parents-named-children-Adolf-Hitler-Aryan-Nation-wont-receive-custody-newborn-son-Hons.html#ixzz1eWr3VIvA
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