Insomniacs Unite!!!!

LOL!! Hell yeah, blame that on me bro. That sounds like a plan. I haven't met Woodsmantoker yet but I'm sure we will meet up at some point after the weather warms up a bit. There are a couple or three other guys here too that I'm looking forward to meeting and smoking out with. It's like living on another planet up here but I'm not complaining; it's awesome in almost every way. The laws are very cool up here too so the last thing I'm worried about is the cops. Having one oz on you is not even an offense!! I've got a webcam and Skype but have never used it. The cam kept crashing my computer and I just got the fix for that this week. We can do that thing! PM me.
I don'tuse skype, e-mail, facebok, I hate all thet shit...But I have it all on my comp, I even have a 50" we could skype on if this hasppens. I'll PM you when i know more.That would be cool if a bunch of us here could skype you guys that couldn't make irt.
simulcast drug party...thats fuckin pimp!
hell ya. we're doing this shit..1st R.I.U. cannabis cup...everyone bring samples, and non-growers can try shit out. I got the room for 100 + people no problem...there probable only be 5 of goodies for us
drugs for us!!
hell ya. we're doing this shit..1st R.I.U. cannabis cup...everyone bring samples, and non-growers can try shit out. I got the room for 100 + people no problem...there probable only be 5 of goodies for us
drugs for us!!
5 stoner, 100 stoners...its still a party ...and less is more drugs for us ..ill be whippin something up for the shin dig to.
Not much... Sadly just starting to feel like I need to lay myself down for a nap... gotta be somewhere in 6 hours and I look like something the cat dragged in...
Hey guys, did you know there's another insomniacs unite thread? I did a search for my thread and came upon it lol. It has zero replies though, that's surprising.