Insomniacs Unite!!!!


Well-Known Member
It sounds fun, but how do you think a bunch of newb trippers would feel if they had to trip around others?

We would definetely have to have some sitters and some ATV's so that we won't have a bunch of shroomed out guys and girls fighting with the wild life lol. I'm not saying you have to provide this, I'm saying we need some organization haha. And what about the cops?

catered by hooters sounds awesome BTW ha. You need to start asking for donations and shit though. And the hooters girls need to be cool with all the illegal activity.

everyone should at least bring their own bud and booze to share.

YOU NEED HELP ROWLMAN.... you have to have some people down there helping you set everything up.
There are no cops. And the few that would come if there was problem are cool. Theres no one to call the cops,. People have big barn parties out here all the time. I know a bar owner and his bikinii bar girls,( not actually hootiers) some are dancers, that cater parties( but not sluty, you can bring the wife).the nastys are kept hush hsuh...what we do is private. we,ve used this bar owner and staff of girls to help us with 4 or 5 parties in the past. And the keg store just needs a 2 say notice. I have a few sober friends who just sit back unnoticed and keep things under cotrol...I can handle it, I have help. I used to throw battle of the band will be like a day at church compared to those days.

I'm fuckin serious....sometimke betwee. may and july...I have a

If ypu guys wanna plan this, I got the details under cotroll. If we cater, they have 6-12 foot subs, pizza, and wing.


Well-Known Member
I just woke up, I accually got sleep last night, with some sleep Those #10's dd the trick, after 6 of ' And a 300mg trazodone with tamazapam chasher helped to finish me off.


Well-Known Member
So...I'm planning this party. If anyone is seriouis, lets do do it.I got most of the shit covered as far as food ,beer, shrooms, (if they grow right, never had a prob. with this company yet)...and lots of space for tents, campers, busses, a even a helicopter ( beardo' Just PM me for details, I'm thinking sometime between may and june or later...or even 4th of July weelend is cool out here, they do fireworks everynight in every direction. We can see them pretty good from the yard.
And if you have kids and want to bring them, there will be other kids of all ages with good supevision anmd shit to do...if my cousin somes, he has a moonwalk.

I'm in lower middle michigan about 70 miles west of Detroit.


Sector 5 Moderator
So...I'm planning this party. If anyone is seriouis, lets do do it.I got most of the shit covered as far as food ,beer, shrooms, (if they grow right, never had a prob. with this company yet)...and lots of space for tents, campers, busses, a even a helicopter ( beardo' Just PM me for details, I'm thinking sometime between may and june or later...or even 4th of July weelend is cool out here, they do fireworks everynight in every direction. We can see them pretty good from the yard.
And if you have kids and want to bring them, there will be other kids of all ages with good supevision anmd shit to do...if my cousin somes, he has a moonwalk.

I'm in lower middle michigan about 70 miles west of Detroit.
That would be amazing!!!


Well-Known Member
That would be amazing!!!
Are you close to Michigan...I really want to do this. So far at least 5 people from here are close enough. And if we do a 3-4 day thing, there should be no
I'm getting a band to play from the bar...and the thing will get catered from the same bar. And no cops near me...if so, they'd probable be here parting too.

I tried last year, but everyone backed out. We can all share smoke and get to know eachother, except those in even their safe out here.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Are you close to Michigan...I really want to do this. So far at least 5 people from here are close enough. And if we do a 3-4 day thing, there should be no
I'm getting a band to play from the bar...and the thing will get catered from the same bar. And no cops near me...if so, they'd probable be here parting too.

I tried last year, but everyone backed out. We can all share smoke and get to know eachother, except those in even their safe out here.
even people on the lamb are invited..thats fuckin cool brother lol


Well-Known Member
even people on the lamb are invited..thats fuckin cool brother lol
Hell ya, know one will find ya here....we can even go by user

Poeple who really want to do this, lets fuckin make a dater that works for scedual is open untill Aug.


Well-Known Member
A party bus may go thru the D and pick people up if I can get at least 20 from that area. bus driver/ buddy may even stay for the party, so that would be a ride home too.


Sector 5 Moderator
Are you close to Michigan...I really want to do this. So far at least 5 people from here are close enough. And if we do a 3-4 day thing, there should be no
I'm getting a band to play from the bar...and the thing will get catered from the same bar. And no cops near me...if so, they'd probable be here parting too.

I tried last year, but everyone backed out. We can all share smoke and get to know eachother, except those in even their safe out here.
That would be just the coolest thing ever for me, but I must pass; I live in Alaska. I may talk to some of the guys up here and see if maybe we can plan something for this spring. You guys would be more than welcome too. This is the best vacation spot in the world and I've been on 17 vacations here and lived here three different times. If you need a "tour guide" or advice on how to have a great time here on the cheap, I'm your guy.


Well-Known Member
Okay, I'm not going to start a thread about the party yet....heres what I have so far, and my schedual is pretty flexable....if you drew a straight line frome Detroit to Chicago., I'd be in the middle,closer to detroit...90 miles from the D, 200 from the C., but that part of Michigan, lower middle. I'm thinking people can start to show up on thursday, party will start kickin friday morning( or sooner) and go thru untill suday night(or later). People can hang out, get shit together and stay around till monday or whatever...18.5 acres,it';s not like your blocking the driveway.People who live close can just come out for the day if they want. Theres lots of room for tents. a pond to fish,..(.lake it hard to get to),and motorcycle trails if anyone want to bring their toys.We can shoot any guns, blow up fireworks, play with dynamite....anything we want. AND NO COPS...we don't even have a police station, the city cops never come thru here. Plus, we're on private property anyways, so fuck'em. And the best part will be sharing and comparing meds....we can make a mini R.I.U. cannibis if those pics i see are real...JK.
Think about it....busses are a cheap when you have 10 or more poeple pitching in. I can get free rides to people near me, but you have to stay from friday aftrnoon, untill sunday at noon.And we need at least 20 for it to be free.


Well-Known Member
That would be just the coolest thing ever for me, but I must pass; I live in Alaska. I may talk to some of the guys up here and see if maybe we can plan something for this spring. You guys would be more than welcome too. This is the best vacation spot in the world and I've been on 17 vacations here and lived here three different times. If you need a "tour guide" or advice on how to have a great time here on the cheap, I'm your guy.
Your in you ever talk to wodsmantoker?...he comes around my area on occasion but we haven't met yet...just missed eachother at a compassion club last month.
Since you can't make it here...maybe we can set up couple computers with skype so we can smoke together VIA web, fuck the feds, their to busy for couple stoners sharing an online ol'lady says go for it...I forgot to mention the bikinni girls and stripper pole tough...just a minor a big fat joint and " it was all potpimps idea" can't fix