The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

Does that meen he's the next president? When are they putting him in power? Will they wait untill after the election and say he won? It would make sence since he did work for the fed and we just took over Greece and Italy, maybe bankers are going to openly take over?
Congressman Ron Paul delivered a speech for the National Association of Home Builders at the 29th Annual Cato Monetary Conference yesterday. The key topics were the US monetary policy and the Federal Reserve
If you pay attention to the republican Debates , you WILL notice that all the presidential nominees copy Ron Paul's answers to the Questions in the debates. It's pathetic.
If you pay attention to the republican Debates , you WILL notice that all the presidential nominees copy Ron Paul's answers to the Questions in the debates. It's pathetic.

They realized his ideas and policys are popular, true, and logical-
So they have tried to make it seem as if they are their positions and ideas rather than try to go against them
New Ron Paul song and video "where does Ron Paul's ideas come from?"
New Ron Paul song and video "where does Ron Paul's ideas come from?"

Is that PeeWee Herman in the bottom right? I always knew he must be some sort of genius since he was so fucked up. Hey, and is that guy beside him the one from Seinfeld? I think that might be Orville Redenbacher in the top left.
Well it's not like I wrote some Newsletters. Or never turned away Donations from a White Supremacist site
Or advocate for Discrimination as long as a state says its legal

Ya know?

And Please dont deny we have some 88s on this board
Well it's not like I wrote some Newsletters. Or never turned away Donations from a White Supremacist site
Or advocate for Discrimination as long as a state says its legal

Ya know?

And Please dont deny we have some 88s on this board

Not going to argue the newsletters that were written in his name. Been there, done that. i win when debating this topic with most people but you are, well, unique i guess.

As for turning donations away, you know how the political money game goes and even withstanding that do those people not have a right to voice their opinion and have it heard? You know that when he accepted donations, or more accurately was paid to give his standard Liberty speech (enterprising fellow ain't he?) that he did not alter it to the crowd he was addressing right? He never does. He's not a panderer like that.

States rights is states rights. That's what made America beautiful. Out of 50 states, i'm sure you could find one or two that were in line with your political/social leanings.

As for the 88's, i have never heard the term personally or don't remember hearing it. i assume that it refers to white supremacists or racists? i would say there's a few of them on just about ANY board.
As for the 88's, i have never heard the term personally or don't remember hearing it. i assume that it refers to white supremacists or racists?

Had to look it up myself :) I think it means neo-nazi. H being the 8th letter, it stands for Heil Hitler. According to Wiki anyway.
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That is a great commercial and all of that is true... didn't I hear he wrote that he hated black people though?:o

You know, only one this really makes me feel better about the US. If they continue down the path that they are on the entire country collapses and there will be a civil war. At least the Democrats don't have guns.
Very old strategy. When people think everyone is bad they tend to either not vote OR vote against the incumbent.
Ron Pauls only real purpose is to split off some Democratic votes