A way For you Ron Paul Supporters to end the Federal Reserve

V0te r0n paul 2012!!!!!!!!! Hes 0ur last h0pe

a bit off topic, but you mentioned on another thread that your wife broke your "o" key on your keyboard. you might want to put that bit in your sig before the grammar police discredit everything you say based on your spelling...
There was actually deflation on most things something like say a hammer or bucket or a dozen eggs would have cost more in 1850 than in 1900
Then what caused inflation when gold backed our dollar. I keep hearing this "fiat" buzzword
I keep hearing about how since we dont have the Gold standard anymore
That our COuntry has gone to shit. I hear The Federal Reserve is what Drives Inflation.
Empowers the jews and Causes Tooth decay.

So I have a solution. Since you Think our money is worthless.

Stop working for money.

Its so simple. And since most of you probably dont have a job or the Skills to work one.
(genaralizing is fun!)

It should be a no brainer for ya

So condescending, coming from a stoner anyways.
I am so glad that I don't live in America


Are you from Somolia? Every 1st world nation practices perpetual debt.
I keep hearing about how since we dont have the Gold standard anymore
That our COuntry has gone to shit. I hear The Federal Reserve is what Drives Inflation.
Empowers the jews and Causes Tooth decay.

So I have a solution. Since you Think our money is worthless.

Stop working for money.

Its so simple. And since most of you probably dont have a job or the Skills to work one.
(genaralizing is fun!)

It should be a no brainer for ya

Duke, your still not getting it man. You can back up the currency with anyting. Lets back it up with Kryptonite. Doesn't matter. If the people don't own their own money it doesn't matter. Its perpetual debt that is the problem, not what the perpetual debt is backed up with.

That 20 dollar bill in your wallet cost your government $20.41 to purchase and put into circulation. It makes no difference if that $20.41 is backed up by gold or silver, your still a slave.
Oh im sorry. This thread is about all the paulbots blaming the Fed for inflation empowering the jewish/ rothchild secret underground and fiat dollars causing all our problems.
Are you from Somolia? Every 1st world nation practices perpetual debt.
I fucking love Somalia
Somalia rules- true freedom, much rep to the good peole of Somalia
Liberia and Etheopia are both pretty fucking cool tp
Did you know in Lyberia when the women want something they organise sex strikes untill the men go along with what they want- thats genious and works out good for everyone- after the guys agree with the women they get sex- brilliant women they have in Lybeira
"It is well that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." -- Henry Ford