Well-Known Member
Have you ever considered not being a stupid racist?
I'm glad I didn't attend more school or else I to might have ended up stupid and ignorant
Have you ever considered not being a stupid racist?
Ever hear of Subsidies?Smartphone missed a number.
gold is trading 1800 an ounce
The English destroyed the white house, then a hurricane and tornado kicked their ass?What happened in 1812!!
Nowhere in my post did I say that Christians are the minority.
I am pointing out that you could consider David Duke a representitive of minorities, in that he was a Klan leader and Klansmen and those who share their ideals are a minority and as a successful politican and scolar Dr David Duke could be considered one of that groups few representitives.
I was just defending David Duke, I think it was you who asked who thought christian fundementalisim is good- and I was pointing out that i'm sure Christian fundamentalists do. I think I was trying to respond to several posts at once. I would also say real Christians who follow the literal word of the bible are a small minority- so maybe Christians are a minority once you discount those who mearly identify themselves as Christians.
I saw this guy on the news he said he was going to burn korans for 9/11 but now he says he won't. you cant hype something up and then not do it
Next you will be trying to tell me having women in the workplace hasn't lowered our standard of living.
Heres the thing with the berrys, they do not sell for a fair price and the workers are not paid a fair wadge and the whole berry industry has been screwed up by a abundance of cheap illegal labor and govt subsidies and our work force is spoiled because these same conditions remove their motivation and incentive to do the work that needs to be done.
But instead of telling people this they want to trumpet that crops are rotting and people are losing money because of enforcement of immigration laws.
Do you realize that with their strict immigration controlls and one child policy Chineese workers can look forward to an increasing standard of living and payscale and will see a further decrease from their allready low unemployment.
A Jewish ladys poem that was placed on a luciferian statue that France gave us because the intended reciepant didn't want it- Is Not What Our Country Was Founded On. Or Built Upon- Is is the ORIGONAL Constitution and Declaration of Independance and Bill of rights you should quote
their was a time i lived in Mexico and worked as a driver, I eventually ended up being stopped at the border with eight people hidden in the vehicle, - just thought some of you might find that chapter of my life interesting if your looking for perspective
Your reading comprehension and retension really sucks- You are lying or you are unable to read or unable to understand what your reading - I never said that and never wrote that.
I did say Hitler is misunderstood a fact you illistrate very well with your total lack of understanding of how he rose to power and how he was able to have done what was done.
Because Hitler acted single handedly- guess he was the only one to blame? It was the Germans that elected and fought for Hitler and.supporded him and his views and goal. The US and the German people supported Hitler if they did not he never would have been able to do what he did. , I keep seeing the term Americans in this thread- do any of you realize that Americans come from many different countrys spread over two contents? Think it pisses anyone off when we refer to ourselves as Americans as if the USA was the only country in the Americas?
Your so lost it's funny, at least your consistant
Nowhere in my post did I say that Christians are the minority.
I am pointing out that you could consider David Duke a representitive of minorities, in that he was a Klan leader and Klansmen and those who share their ideals are a minority and as a successful politican and scolar Dr David Duke could be considered one of that groups few representitives.
I was just defending David Duke, I think it was you who asked who thought christian fundementalisim is good- and I was pointing out that i'm sure Christian fundamentalists do. I think I was trying to respond to several posts at once. I would also say real Christians who follow the literal word of the bible are a small minority- so maybe Christians are a minority once you discount those who mearly identify themselves as Christians.
I saw this guy on the news he said he was going to burn korans for 9/11 but now he says he won't. you cant hype something up and then not do it
Next you will be trying to tell me having women in the workplace hasn't lowered our standard of living.
Heres the thing with the berrys, they do not sell for a fair price and the workers are not paid a fair wadge and the whole berry industry has been screwed up by a abundance of cheap illegal labor and govt subsidies and our work force is spoiled because these same conditions remove their motivation and incentive to do the work that needs to be done.
But instead of telling people this they want to trumpet that crops are rotting and people are losing money because of enforcement of immigration laws.
Do you realize that with their strict immigration controlls and one child policy Chineese workers can look forward to an increasing standard of living and payscale and will see a further decrease from their allready low unemployment.
A Jewish ladys poem that was placed on a luciferian statue that France gave us because the intended reciepant didn't want it- Is Not What Our Country Was Founded On. Or Built Upon- Is is the ORIGONAL Constitution and Declaration of Independance and Bill of rights you should quote
their was a time i lived in Mexico and worked as a driver, I eventually ended up being stopped at the border with eight people hidden in the vehicle, - just thought some of you might find that chapter of my life interesting if your looking for perspective
Your reading comprehension and retension really sucks- You are lying or you are unable to read or unable to understand what your reading - I never said that and never wrote that.
I did say Hitler is misunderstood a fact you illistrate very well with your total lack of understanding of how he rose to power and how he was able to have done what was done.
Because Hitler acted single handedly- guess he was the only one to blame? It was the Germans that elected and fought for Hitler and.supporded him and his views and goal. The US and the German people supported Hitler if they did not he never would have been able to do what he did. , I keep seeing the term Americans in this thread- do any of you realize that Americans come from many different countrys spread over two contents? Think it pisses anyone off when we refer to ourselves as Americans as if the USA was the only country in the Americas?
Oh and you proved I was right and telling the truth about you trying to misquote me and quote me out of contextI fucking rule-
Did you ask your mom about the Golden Penis?
Have you been to Toke N Talk lately?
I figured I would bump a thread to make your life more exciting, and maybe save some lives.
How confused can one person be?What I could find in 5 minutes
How confused can one person be?
I'm saying ain't no homos down here and we all keep family close, you know how it is when your a teenager and everyones got faimly thats their for them in times of need-
I think his numbers were way low, I would say it's only the weirdos who haven't had some cousin or half sister lovin
No way will they allow the gold standard. I bet we go to World currency, not gold. But in the meantime gold will continue to be a fantastic investment for your Federal Reserve rounds.
(buy bullion if your going to buy, not certs)