Lets Stop Immigration To Help Eliminate Unemployment And Raise The Standard Of Living


Well-Known Member
You must be to dense to understand cause and affect
Try to answer the question, why are this guys crops rotting, look beyond a bill cracking down on illegal immigrants- look for the root of the problem


New Member
You must be to dense to understand cause and affect
Try to answer the question, why are this guys crops rotting, look beyond a bill cracking down on illegal immigrants- look for the root of the problem
Root of the problem is no one wants to do the eork
end of discussion racist


Well-Known Member
Root of the problem is no one wants to do the eork
end of discussion racist
If the work does not get done in the free market, it's not worth doing, so what if this guys crops rot, maybe the berries are not in demand, or maybe he is not willing to pay enough to attract employees, either he needs to pay more or find another thing to do that is in demand, has he offered benifits? has he offered overnight hours to employees?- berry picking is very temporary work, maybe people are unwilling to give up their current jobs for a job that only lasts a month, maybe he needs machinery to pick his crops- maybe the farmer should have thought of this before he built a buisness that depends on illegal workers paid an unfair wadge in order to make a profit- I have no love for a greedy farmer taking atvantage of people and screwing over his own countrymen in order to turn a "profit"


Well-Known Member
Take illegal immigrants and government programs out of the equasion and the work that needs to get done gets done and waste gets eliminated


Well-Known Member
bring me your tired, your poor.

...i wonder.. if america´s downfall isnt due to its more and more closing borders..

the timings certainly seem to fit.

lost everything that made it great?


Well-Known Member
Wow,,,Beardo,,,You are Lost kinnda like "Ron Paul"...
Next you will be trying to tell me having women in the workplace hasn't lowered our standard of living.
Heres the thing with the berrys, they do not sell for a fair price and the workers are not paid a fair wadge and the whole berry industry has been screwed up by a abundance of cheap illegal labor and govt subsidies and our work force is spoiled because these same conditions remove their motivation and incentive to do the work that needs to be done.
But instead of telling people this they want to trumpet that crops are rotting and people are losing money because of enforcement of immigration laws.
Do you realize that with their strict immigration controlls and one child policy Chineese workers can look forward to an increasing standard of living and payscale and will see a further decrease from their allready low unemployment.


New Member
Y'all need to do some research on the free market and the laws of supply and demand
I guess my business degree with a minor in economics does not hold water for you? From what you have written so far in this thread, you have supplied no evidence of your higher education on ANY subject, including English. So, please, explain to me how much you understand about macro and micro economics with a brief statement on the subject?


Well-Known Member
..then you might as well say that america really started to go downhill when they abolished slavery..

"its all womens fault!" lol


New Member
If the work does not get done in the free market, it's not worth doing, so what if this guys crops rot, maybe the berries are not in demand, or maybe he is not willing to pay enough to attract employees, either he needs to pay more or find another thing to do that is in demand, has he offered benifits? has he offered overnight hours to employees?- berry picking is very temporary work, maybe people are unwilling to give up their current jobs for a job that only lasts a month, maybe he needs machinery to pick his crops- maybe the farmer should have thought of this before he built a buisness that depends on illegal workers paid an unfair wadge in order to make a profit- I have no love for a greedy farmer taking atvantage of people and screwing over his own countrymen in order to turn a "profit"
You have no idea what you are talking about, dude. What guys like you are missing is this.....White Americans are not willing to do the backbreaking work out in the fields....and just to point out to you.....under your STUPID ideas, your cost of ALL foods would skyrocket! You silly, little man. You obviously have no education on business, economics, or even common sense, dude! Anyone with a brain can see that you are a racist, and like most racists you feebly disguise yourself with these silly, irrational arguments.

What is your top level of education, just to clarify? Do you have any basis of knowledge on this subject, or is this all born out of ignorance and hostility?


Well-Known Member
Women in the workplace raised my standard,,,Just ask my wife,,,She's the smart one and bread winner.,,,and durring ww2 the women were working the Idustrial war machine,,,that won the war,,,But wait?,,,That's bad...woman's right's or Men's war's?


New Member
Next you will be trying to tell me having women in the workplace hasn't lowered our standard of living.
Heres the thing with the berrys, they do not sell for a fair price and the workers are not paid a fair wadge and the whole berry industry has been screwed up by a abundance of cheap illegal labor and govt subsidies and our work force is spoiled because these same conditions remove their motivation and incentive to do the work that needs to be done.
But instead of telling people this they want to trumpet that crops are rotting and people are losing money because of enforcement of immigration laws.
Do you realize that with their strict immigration controlls and one child policy Chineese workers can look forward to an increasing standard of living and payscale and will see a further decrease from their allready low unemployment.
You realize that without a Labor supply that pays Minimum wage for a low skill workforce. Agriculture Production will go to other countries
You realize that agribusiness supports more than just producing food
You realize that our way of life is subsidized by our low cost of Food
You realize America is not an Agrarian Society that can subsist on Family farms supporting our Food needs?

Of Course not You are just trying to take a cheap shot at Brown people who do the Work you dumbass racists are too Good To do.
Go back to smoking Meth and Blowing your illuminazis
Your kind are not welcome anywhere. not even the Trailer park anymore


New Member
Who's a rasist?
I never mentioned race-
Do you see any White Americans out in the fields? Not racist. Just a fact.

I noticed again that you avoided the question of your education on the subject.....are you afraid that your ignorance may defeat your silly argument? Honestly, this is like arguing with a 6 year old......what is next, "I know you are but what am I"?

Answer the fucking question.......WHAT IS YOUR EDUCATION on the subject? And if you have no education on the subject, we can all leave you to your ignorant bliss. I am just waiting for you to admit what I already know......you have no knowledge on the subject. And really, you have proven that you have failed to think about this subject very deeply. So, again......what is your education and background, or are you just an ignorant dude spouting off racist crap.


Well-Known Member
Women in the workplace raised my standard,,,Just ask my wife,,,She's the smart one and bread winner.,,,and durring ww2 the women were working the Idustrial war machine,,,that won the war,,,But wait?,,,That's bad...woman's right's or Men's war's?
Yes they were needed in the war, kept us manufacturing, women are capable- the issue is with doubleing the average family income as well as hours worked, which leads to cost of living increases not to mention the creation of daycares and latch key kids and a break from the traditional family.


Well-Known Member
Yes they were needed in the war, kept us manufacturing, women are capable- the issue is with doubleing the average family income as well as hours worked, which leads to cost of living increases not to mention the creation of daycares and latch key kids and a break from the traditional family.
I'm Forward and not looking back,,,It's a different society we live in it's great to look back and say the good old day's,,,But in reality the machine never stop's and to go back in time is devastating for our future,,,bro...


Well-Known Member
You realize that without a Labor supply that pays Minimum wage for a low skill workforce. Agriculture Production will go to other countries
You realize that agribusiness supports more than just producing food
You realize that our way of life is subsidized by our low cost of Food
You realize America is not an Agrarian Society that can subsist on Family farms supporting our Food needs?
Now it's getting good, I edited out the end of your post because it was off topic and inflamatory....
1-What is "Minimum wadge"? Who sets the minimum wadge and how? and at what cost? what is minimum wadge set in-how are you soposed to recieve your wadge- in what form?
And if their is to be a minimum wadge should not it be a living wadge?- If you work "full Time" how much you earn? Who's choice should it be to decide how much you will work for?
2-Do you mean Monsanto or ethanol fuel production or exports to other countrys or algage blooms in the ocean from waste run off or a build up of salt in the farmland from fertilizers or mcdonalds and Ford? or the medical profession and health insurance companys?
3- Yes I do- and yes you are right on our way of life being subsidized
4- why not? why cant it? would we be any worse off? Or would it improve things and raise our standard of living?


Well-Known Member
Answer the fucking question.......WHAT IS YOUR EDUCATION on the subject?

And just what would yours be !!!!!!

Fact!!! Floridians used to pick the strawberries in florida in the 60/70's ,Until the illegals started coming down and doing it for less.


New Member
I'm Forward and not looking back,,,It's a different society we live in it's great to look back and say the good old day's,,,But in reality the machine never stop's and to go back in time is devastating for our future,,,bro...
This is what most conservatives want....to go back to the fifties....back when women knew their place in the kitchen, and blacks in the back of the bus, women oppressed about their bodies(meaning abortion rights), and white men ruled the U.S. The fact that Beardo has overlooked the fact that the average family now HAS to have 2 incomes, and our kids go to daycare because our wages have not gone up with inflation.....mainly because the CEO's and other rich people have chosen to pay themselves more, and pay production workers less.

Honestly, I look at people like Beardo with pity.....they have no idea they are shooting themselves in the foot with the way they vote. Beardo has no higher education, so he seems to rely on Fox News for his information, and that was his first mistake.

Anyone that wants to go back to the fifties is fooling themselves......we can not turn back time, nor would we want to.