I want to start an Aquarium...


Well-Known Member
...^^...see, you've went from a 20 to a 30, to a 36 already...lol...I told you...lol
Well, EVERYONE says bigger is better, and it's only like 17 dollars more than the 30 gallon, and only 50 more than the 20 gallon...PLUS it's a bowfront...Some people don't like the distortion, but I'm buying a fishtank to stare at fish while I'm stoned, distortion is good!

EDIT: I just wanted to add, I'll be VERY disappointed if i don't get this aquarium tomorrow...I get off work late, and Petsmart closes at 9...If the one close to work doesn't have any in stock, I'm gonna be pissed...lol


Active Member
You could always put a ad on craigslist to get cycled filter media or substrate to help speed the cycle along. I can count at least 3 people ive met and gave them media to cycle a tank. Aside from "seeding" your new tank with old media make sure you dont cut too many corners when cycling,its the most important part.


Well-Known Member
Stoners and fishtanks go together well ...I've sat in front of mine for hours stoned. I had some crayfish from the baitshop one time, I made the mistake of feeding them to my Oscars and one of my favorite ones choked and croked...I guess the pinchers should of came off first, found that out later...lol...but I did keep the other 3 crayfish around in a guppie tank I had. Very cool pets !!...I had good flor. lights...and evey kind of fish food possible...so I just fed them a variety of shit...even worms sometimes...and as they shed their old shells, the all turned a turquoise blue...they are really cool. Then I see the pet stores selling fresh water "blue lobsters" a year or so later...I think the fuckers stold the idea from me!!...I spent years in there,then I do the crayfish thing, then a year later they have them for $20 a piece?...I got mine at the bait shop for $2 a dozen...lol.


Well-Known Member
You could always put a ad on craigslist to get cycled filter media or substrate to help speed the cycle along. I can count at least 3 people ive met and gave them media to cycle a tank. Aside from "seeding" your new tank with old media make sure you dont cut too many corners when cycling,its the most important part.
Well, might have to do that...lol...My co-worker/buddy said he could get me some cycled medium and water(I didn't think the water had much bacteria in it...) from a few different people he knows, or he gave me the idea of going to a mom and pop Aquarium store that knows their stuff, and offering to buy some off them for cheap.


Active Member
1st your right,not much healthy bacteria in water if any. 2nd dont buy the stuff you can get it for free! If you get some from a store make sure theyre reputable or youll be bringing parasites home to a brand new tank. Too bad it wouldnt last long enough i'd send you a filter thats running on my tank just in case i need to cycle a new one.

HATE TO DO IT but its media not medium when talking about filter innerds. Or if you mean medium as the gravel,thats substrate. Sorry but i had the oppurtunity to teach SOMETHING FINALLY.


Well-Known Member
Well, might have to do that...lol...My co-worker/buddy said he could get me some cycled medium and water(I didn't think the water had much bacteria in it...) from a few different people he knows, or he gave me the idea of going to a mom and pop Aquarium store that knows their stuff, and offering to buy some off them for cheap.
watch out for dieseses and prasites when getting that shit from people...things like ich will fuck your tank up, and some of the treatment are not safe for plants...etc...it can be a nightmare....I would only use sealed up stuff from the store, I just wouldn't trust other peoples water. Some shit can lay dormant in one tank, and thrive in another, so someone may not even be aware they are giving contaminated shit...IMO


Well-Known Member
1st your right,not much healthy bacteria in water if any. 2nd dont buy the stuff you can get it for free! If you get some from a store make sure theyre reputable or youll be bringing parasites home to a brand new tank. Too bad it wouldnt last long enough i'd send you a filter thats running on my tank just in case i need to cycle a new one.
Well, i would love that, but yeah...I'd definately get it from someone reputable...Same as getting clones, don't wanna bring the baddies into your clean environment.


Active Member
TRUE!!!! Except that shit in the bottle wont cycle your tank,dont fall for it!!!! But you do know your stuff....cool another fish dork to relate to lol


Well-Known Member
If you set your tank up, and throw a few little feeder fish in ( which can also carry dieses and shit )...so use a coppersafe brand product for new water and this will also take care of any klingons ( kinda like niem oil for plants, safe )...you don't need all that bacteria shit....let it start naturally in your tank, it doesn't take that long. I may be old school, but I never had fish die from this method...and I had a shitfuck load of tanks and different kinds of fish...I breeded for almost 10 years.
The charcoal in your filter will get the water balancing out as the feeder fish ( goldfish or guppies ) eat and do their thing. In a week you'll see brown startng to show on your filter pad...there it is! your bacteria!!...then when you clean your tank the 1st couple times, leave some on the pad.


Well-Known Member
Well, in addition to trying to set up this 36 gallon freshwater tank, I'm thinking about a Pico Reef as well to satisfy my urge for a micro-marine environment....I know it's a lot to start off with, but I'm diligent, and I have a lot of spare time at night(usually spent on RIU) to do all sorts of routine maintenance...


Well-Known Member
i have an alligator gar in my pond thats about a foot long in my pond, i wana put it in a tank.
That is one of those fish that will outgrow a tank...I had one that got so big his dumbass could only turn around like once a week...and he would tear the tank up doing it too. And he was in a 6 foot long, 180 gallon. They eat alot too...probable best to leave him be...and get a needle nose gar...they only get about a foot long and are great for an tank.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
As the years went on and some died off, I would shut down the tank. My arowana jumping out made me lose intrest...it was a major bummer, if you try and move a fish like that, their fins take alot of damage, mine had spent his whole life ( 6 years ) in the same tank...he was priceless...a pretty rare fish, and hard to raise from a baby. I gave my snakehead to a guy who owned a pet store and had 100's of tanks...he kept it as a store pet...it lived over 10 years.
My gars and my pacus went to the Critter Shop, a local pet store I did buisness with over the years, they also went in the stores personal display tanks...500 gallon tank! The black pacu and the gars were still alive about 5 years ago, last time I was there,, and seem to know me!...lol...they swim right up to me!..it would be sad , but they have a good life there, and I gave away all my community fish and a few tanks to family and friends.
I still have a 220, 180, 90, and two 50 gallons stored away...and a 40, 50, and 20 or 29 sitting here in the house collecting dust...there ready for water, I'm scared though...I'm an addict when it comes to pets, espeically fish.

Walking in a pet store again for me would be the equivalent of dropping a former crackhead off in cracktown with $100 and a stem and saying, "have fun!"


Well-Known Member
That damn multiple tank syndrome! I went from a 30 gallon with a lizard in it to 5 nanos, a 40 gallon, a 20 gallon, and a 10 gallon within two months. And now I feel wwaaaayyy overdue for something much larger.

I know someone with this exact kit and they love it -

This is the one i've been looking at...Seems I'll need to add another filter, but thats no biggie......



Well-Known Member
I have a bigass carp in my pond...he skims the top of the water like a shark,it's pretty relaxing to watch him, he's the only carp though...the rest of the fish are good catchin.
When I first moved in I caught him, he's a nasty looking creature with one eye and shit growing all over him...but I spared his life and threw him back in, I stll see him almost everyday.I'm watching him now.


Well-Known Member
That damn multiple tank syndrome! I went from a 30 gallon with a lizard in it to 5 nanos, a 40 gallon, a 20 gallon, and a 10 gallon within two months. And now I feel wwaaaayyy overdue for something much larger.

I know someone with this exact kit and they love it -
Awesome...good to hear it's a decent tank...I've been watching youtube videos of it, that is what really sold me. I have a buffet to put out at 6:30, clean it up at 7:30, hopefully get off work by 8 and get to petsmart in time!


Well-Known Member
Today it's mexican food...Chile Verde, Cheese enchiladas, rice, beans, chips salsa, "mexican" ceaser salad(even though ALL ceaser is officially mexican)...Its for a conference for like 20 dentists, and they come once a month...Last time is was Chinese food...They don't pay much, so they get what they pay for...lol


Well-Known Member
i am definitely getting a nano when i get a new place. i don't want to start it here and then move... i need to be stable to have a nano.