Snake Oil, Horticultural Myths, Horticultural Urban Legends, and Persuaders


Well-Known Member
We are actually identical twins separated at birth.:o:mrgreen::mrgreen:

Like, 'A tale of two growers' LOL

Question though. If you don't use rockwool, what do you use? That Clonex solution drops my tap down to ~5.8 or so. Just right for the RW, but when I use jiffy pellets, it's K-L-N, which is much more alkaline and works better with the peat.

I use Rapid Rooters for cloning. Honestly I don't check the pH anymore at all. I use RO water and I wind up at 6-6.5 pretty consistently, at least it used to, I haven't checked it in a while. That's strange that it drops your tapwater so severely, but barely budges my RO water. It works, so I guess I haven't thought to check it lately, but I may out of curiosity now. I wonder if my pH meter still even works... haven't used the thing in over a year.

edit: I should add, just thought about it some more, I don't use anywhere near what it says on the bottle. Maybe 1/4-1/2 of that, which could be the reason.


Well-Known Member
Could be, I use slightly more, 9tsp (3tbl), rather than the 8 recc for a gallon. Again, laziness. Easier just to do 3 light tbl.



New Member
This may be an answere to earlier posts but god damn people need to stop with the poisons in nutes and shit that will give me cancer. I work in an oil field and let me tell u the plastics u eat and drink from are made with these exact chemicals along with washing soap, detergents, car emissions, some clothes u wear , shaving creams ,some peoples ground water they drink to the food u eat I laugh my ass off when everyone disses nute manufacters because of the chemicals they use I laugh so hard do research it's a company called agrium they used to be out of Alaska but they ran out of gas and went back to Canada. But anyways as I was saying agrium used natural gas to make ammonia for commercial fertilizer that is USDA approved Lmfao and they were the biggest fertilizer producer in the world lmfao who sells there products to small company's that then turn it into there special blends god damn people wake the fuck up lmfao everything has chemicals that will cause cancer smoking pot can cause cancer lmfao hahahahaha


Well-Known Member
Smoking pot doesn't cause cancer you mad thing.

Maybe a tinfoil hat can protect us? Can I borrow yours? ;)


New Member
Lol carbon monoxide along with thousands of other chemicals that are known carcinogens u must be a tree hugger living under rocks man ur funny as hell god damn me and the boys are laughing our asses off wow I like u hahaha I bet u also believe that cigarettes don't cause cancer either hahahahaha do research and find out what known chemicals cause cancer then come talk to me


New Member
Here ya go funny guy living under rocks The greatest health danger of marijuana is due to smoking, like cigarettes. While THC is a relatively safe drug, smoked marijuana is hazardous. Careful scientific analyses have identified at least 6,000 of the same chemicals in marijuana smoke as are present in tobacco (Iversen, 2008). The main difference between the two is THC in marijuana and nicotine in tobacco. Otherwise, smoked marijuana and smoked tobacco are chemically very similar.

Furthermore, one of the most potent carcinogens in tobacco smoke, benzo(α)pyrene, is present in even greater amounts in marijuana smoke. As marijuana smokers frequently inhale and hold the smoke in their lungs, this increases the amount of tar deposited in the respiratory system by about a factor of four. No wonder, research shows that approximately 20% of regular pot smokers (and it only takes 3 to 4 joints a day) complain of chronic bronchitis, coughing and excess mucus (Tashkin, 2005).

A burning tobacco cigarette can be thought of as a "miniature chemical factory" (Iverson, 2008). The process of combustion creates extra chemicals on top of those already present in the plant material. Smoke consists of two components. They are minute droplets in the particulate phase and volatile gases in the vapor phase. Experienced pot smokers inhale more deeply and hold their breath longer when compared to cigarette smokers. Wu el al. (1988) compared the amount of particulate matter (tar) and carbon monoxide absorbed in volunteers who smoked both pot and tobacco. Compared to tobacco, smoking pot resulted in 5 times the amount of absorption of carbon monoxide and four to five times more tar being retained in the lungs.

Some studies indicate that when pot with a higher THC content is smoked users take smaller drags and don't hold it in as long (Matthias et al. 1997). Experienced users know how to adjust their smoking to attain a certain high. It may be that smoking joints with higher THC content results in less tar intake. Water pipes, filters, and vaporizes may also reduce the tar before it reaches the lungs.


New Member
Ignorant people need to wake up I love pot and don't care if it gives me cancer I have accepted it but ignorant and stupid people who say smoking any thing won't cause cancer is just plain morons I find it so funny when people jock nutes because of chemicals as they sit there and eat a meal off styrofoam plates that contain the exact chemicals they are afraid of woooooooo what a joker u are doc.


New Member
Sorry doc I'm really stoned I ment that for the other joker not u your cool I apoligize sincerely doc I got names confused with all do respect my kind sir


Well-Known Member
Lol carbon monoxide along with thousands of other chemicals that are known carcinogens u must be a tree hugger living under rocks man ur funny as hell god damn me and the boys are laughing our asses off wow I like u hahaha I bet u also believe that cigarettes don't cause cancer either hahahahaha do research and find out what known chemicals cause cancer then come talk to me
Damn, man. You and "the boys" sit around and read RIU? I'm impressed.


New Member
Yeah isent that what your doing duh why else would this be a forum ummm maybe for reading and talking with other growers wow real smart wolverine u got me there !!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Sorry, it just seems odd to me to have multiple people staring at one computer screen chatting on a message board. Unless you meant something else.


New Member
So u never had people over to smoke a joint and open up the laptop and start showing good friends some good threads I mean by all means I must just be plain crazy and stupid for doing such a things as this what's the world coming to


New Member
Wow ur real cool jumping in on stuff u have nothing to do with yeah dude ur real cool I can tell ur feeling lonely u know they have a hot line for u to call just don't start making skin dresses there buffalo bob or do ur mangina dance lmfao u must be 12 oh and by the way yeah I do smoke bud smart guy along with everyone in rollitup


New Member
Lol u must be the kid that always got picked on and him have no friends so him have to make up friends on da Internet lolhahaha but for the sake of rollitup I'm gonna ignore u Im not here to argue like a little kid like ur self I'm here to spread truth and stop ignorance and sorry man ur far to gone to save PS my girlfriend is a stripper at the bush company the most famous bar in Alaska lol