Keep Failing At Cloning

rooting clones is the fail proof...... get a 1 gal Hawaiian punch bottle..... cut a flap in the front..........this is your humidity dome.........get your clones cut them about 4-7 inches long i dont cut the leaves off i never do and it helps once it roots it already has the big fan leaves........dont complicate it you dont need anything just dip the tips in the rooting gel or powder put them in the dome tape the flap down make sure the cap is on and put them under a cfl and forget about them dont mist rotate nothing
UPDATE: Not even two days in, and I've already got about four clones completely flopped over an limp.

I haven't removed them or touched them at all. They were dipped, planted in rw, and placed under the dome with a heat mat.

I see this happen alot - second of third day in and some just start flopping right over.
you said youre using t5s right? way too much light. they need VERY LITTLE light for the first week at least. No bullshit, that light will flop them over on you.
mine are done under a 600 much light?
to me with no pics or not knowing all the info ill make a guess it sounds like your loosing the humidity or as if there is no dome on the clone tray. i see that alot
just go out and get some MG seedling mix water it down till and stir soil till you can make a fist and you here a squishy sound and little water seeps out i think the problem your having is your medium is not wet enough once you got that done place them into your trays pack the soil down firmly not to much use a toothpick then make your hole approx 3/4 of a inch or half the depth of your soil

now get your cutting useing a sharp razor take your cut dont worry yet about your angle cut once you got cutting take approx half of all the bigger leafs and useing scissors cut them in half now useing a cutting board place some of your rooting hormones on it thats where your going to work on the stem part place stem into the rooting gel on cutting board now cut your 45 degree angle cut also slightly cutting upwars like making fish hook once done place it in your soil firmly pinching around stem as to make it air tight mist lightly clone and dome leave it for 3 days then misting it 2 times a day there forward pay attention to the soil and every so on mist soil to keep it damp after 8th day dome should be taken off
Try losing the dome and the heat mat. Especially the heat mat.

I rarely use a dome and never past the first 2 days if I do. I've never used a heat mat. I don't mist, ever.

Very low light, T-12's, 24" or so away. T-5HO, 28-32" at least. I have both, and the lower powered T-12's work better.

I use a 400w MH about 3 feet away, is that not too much light by the same logic?

why do you feel the nedd to troll everywhere i go dood., does it make you feel like an adult. sure not acting like one. your not worth my responce nor help. you seem to know more than scientist and nute makers and bio chemist by always telling me post after post were wrong. with no proof yet and been asked about 30 times now. when are we going to see anything to back what you say. ive been showing mine. carry on troll
A batch of clones in rockwool by Al B Fuct in the Hydro section.
Follow and get results. Don't follow and struggle. I learned the hard way too. I never had success w domes. Just built a four sided area that is 24 inches tall with T12's on top (4). Heat mat was essential.
Tried the DIY cloner too. Just hated cleaning, rinsing, neoprene collars, etc.
maybe tthis is the whole issue. trying to do what others do but it isnt for your set up. theres so much that can cause it to fail we are all just guessing from past exp is all.
Yes, the variance in opinions expressed in this thread alone is quite substantial. Thus my confusion on the topic. I try one method, fail, then move on the next method, and fail, and so on and so forth.

So let me focus this a little more then - how do I get cloning success using JUST the method of taking a cutting, dipping it in gel, and placing it in a medium. Let's leave out all typed of cloning 'machines' and just focus on the basics.

If anyone wants me to post up progress pictures of my cloning process and try and help me through it, then let me know and I will start a little cloning journal.
post up dood. i hate seeing guys not get something. well leave the overpriced cloners out of
might try even no gels or powders. they do root without that stuff on their own and sometimes just as easy and fast to
Rockwool soaked at 5.5 ph water with 29% H2O2 @ 1.7 ml per gallon overnight. Spun for excess water.
Clean scalpel or razor blade wiped with alcohol and allowed to dry.
Cut 45 deg, scrape outside lower inch of stem, slice up middle 1/2 inch.
Dip in gel immediately (i prefer the cheap Walmart powder).
Place in rockwool, lightly pinch just around stem for stability if your clones are tall.
I do no light for 6 hrs, then 18/6 for 7-10 days until roots POP.
I use 6, 4ft T-12 flouros mixed (daylight, sunlight)
No foliar spray, no dome, hand fan area daily when watering
Check cubes twice daily. Just dip corners in same soaking solution.
Using tap water through simple scale filter, exits at 129ppm.
I follow that routine and get great results. I only process one clone cutting at a time. I only need 7 every couple of weeks, but cut 12 just to make sure.
I have only been cloning for a few months and have a 90% success rate with a simple bubble cloner and plain tap water PH'd
Well, this is another failed attempt.

Half of my tray is dead. Flopped over, mushy stems.

Humidity dome has been on from the start, with the vent hole open.. Dome constantly has moisture on the sides. Haven't disturbed them at all. Heating mat keeps them at 79-80 degrees consistently. T5 fluoros are 24" away. 3 days and they're already fucked.

What the fuck is going on here?

Im seriously stressing about this. I've got a couple plants that I MUST take clones from. They should have been flowering already, but I don't want to flower them until I have managed to get at least two successful clones each. I can't keep these plants in veg much longer otherwise I'm going to run out of room, but I can't root a fucking clone to save my life.

Please help!

what does mom look like your cutting from. something looks like your to wet and is rotting. maybe have something so the dome isnt closed always. i see you keep the vents open and still keep it good and sweaty inside. so maybe this is to wet. put a stick or something maybe at an end of the lid and tray to let air in a bit more. take lid off more often throughout the day maybe to. give more air., and this may take up to a couple weeks to root. not all strain can root fast nor is easy. some just have hard time cloning.
dont give up and dont change styles. stick to one till you have it. youll get it.....dont over think can be done with a cup of soil and water. the gels and so on help but they still root regrdless
T5s that close is still too much light. I use t8s and cant put them under them till they are like two weeks old. If I try, they just want to fall over. They need VERY LITTLE light. Telling ya, thats your problem bud. All they need is some ambient light from a fixture across the room.