Keep Failing At Cloning

< snip > all clone solutions are is a bottle of NAA. dont mater brands. other is fillers as they arent eating yet with no roots anyways

Actually, there are differences in the ingredients from brand to brand.

I've tried many different types of powders and gels, hell I even tried Willow Water a couple times, and have never had the success rate as I do now with Clonex.

Normally I'm the first person to steer people away from the expensive stuff, but this shit works, period.
Ok what you are doing wrong first is putting nutrients in your growing medium. If you don't have nutrients in the medium the plant will grow roots to look for food. You could also try growing in sand or make a machine.
I made a hydro cloner for about 40 bucks. I use clonex gel and gently score the stem with my razor blade all the way around this helps the gel soak in don't cut into it you just want to scratch it. If you cut below a leaf node and cut the leaf tips on that node, you can get roots to come out of the nodes.I never take a clone smaller than 10 inches. One more thing never dip a clone in the container that has the root hormone it will contaminate it. i did that once and ruined a full bottle of clonex. This happened in 4 days

just cause you have better sucess at one over another dosent mean its diff. ratios may be slight diff is about all or less or more fillers. in rooting compounds there realy isnt to many secret items in those. gell works best for me but budy here pwder works betetr for him and not gel. so its us not relay the products.....not always though but in most cases this stuff is about same across the board
just cause you have better sucess at one over another dosent mean its diff. ratios may be slight diff is about all or less or more fillers. in rooting compounds there realy isnt to many secret items in those. gell works best for me but budy here pwder works betetr for him and not gel. so its us not relay the products.....not always though but in most cases this stuff is about same across the board

I'm not here to argue with you. You've convinced yourself that you know everything there is to know so there's no reason for me to waste my time educating you. People like you will never learn.
never seen that happen yet to anyone, i call myth on that. cant say factual but my opinion as ive yet to see it nor would even know what it looked like 9it it happened. we blame alot we dont know on things. kinda like god lovers..if it cant be explained it must be god...sometimes things just happen
I'm not here to argue with you. You've convinced yourself that you know everything there is to know so there's no reason for me to waste my time educating you. People like you will never learn.

its not that dood. im not arguing. why is it guys think if someone says diff info its an you see me shouting at you???. no i dont know everything. i do workl aorund bio chemist and dr on this and guys that do the research writting we read online. so much has been taken out of context for grow info...just as you think im arguing. we all put our own twist to the info anbd im just trying to clear up the info..
i was working in a nute shop so i kinda knew what was in them is why i know its mostly all same stuff. so if the general public seems to know more oin whats in our stufgf then i appologize for trying to share the info
Ive had a plant grow from powder hormone it finished out I pulled the plant and it never had roots.It had a bud but no roots just stem. Gel sticks better than powder.
and i dont mean they are all identical for all brands and all ingredients. some of the ingredients just do nothing for rooting but looks good on a label. and i said ...same FOR THE MOST PART .
Rapid Rooters ph'ed and soaked in dilluted clonex liquid. Cut it, TRIM it, dip it in gel, stick it in the rapid rooters, 100% success for me. Dont give them too much light. Very little light and keep em warm and wet. Full roots in four to five days. good luck and good growing
Rapid Rooters ph'ed and soaked in dilluted clonex liquid. Cut it, TRIM it, dip it in gel, stick it in the rapid rooters, 100% success for me. Dont give them too much light. Very little light and keep em warm and wet. Full roots in four to five days. good luck and good growing

Nice. Similar to how I do it, but I go straight into dirt.


The key is warm and wet, but not too wet.
Too wet and the odds of rot increase.
Nice. Similar to how I do it, but I go straight into dirt.


The key is warm and wet, but not too wet.
Too wet and the odds of rot increase.
I let them root out a bit in a tray with a humidity dome then right to dirt. 50 50 promix and Roots organic.
i think thats guys biggest fail is to wet.

Thanks for all the great advice folks.

I know I am overthinking things, but can you really blame me? I mean, look at all the different methods suggested in this one thread, it can be mind numbing!

The fact of the matter is, even when I have success, it always take longer than two weeks.

Moisture may be my problem, but in the past when I've stopped misting and just let them be, they wilt and die.

The other problem is the rotting stems, they often get squishy within a few days and die. This would be caused by too much moisture right?

My cleanliness is impeccable, and I sterilize everything before taking clones, so it's not a hygiene issue.

I think it comes down to proper temp and proper moisture. So how do I dial these two factors in?

Again, just using rockwool or peat pellets, as those are the mediums that I have readily available in my area.
it dosent need to be. its to stop algae..the green cubes we see. light and to much moisture makes algae grow. ive never seen anyone cover for just cloning. more for the whole grow in bigger blocks, they actualy sell a plastic cover for them.
try a heat pad if you can. more important to keep under the tray warm than above.