Active Member
Do you even know.what context means. You interprate everything the wrong way. I showed a specific price listing and you still argue that. in the first post I was talking about t5's. In the next one I was using building an led as an example of building a light. So get off your high horse and stop bullshitting to make yourself look better. Even though it doesnt work. Dont say another thing without showing some proof. I looked at your profile and no grow pics......... When I talked about audio school , I was just explaining why I happened to make that. You try so hard to compete with every thing everyone says. You should change your name to Captain One Upper
LMAO "Captain 1-upp3r" good lols
PS Use your spell checker, Kron. It'll make you sound smarter. Now back to our regularly scheduled program [video=youtube;PnBIVmzXLLs][/video]