Insomniacs Unite!!!!

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Well I fixed my sleep schedule again. Will be leaving you insomniacs again for nigh 2 weeks. Was fun reading about MMJ Drunk Misandrist ass. :D


Well-Known Member
what? you can't just change your sleep schedule. you will be back.

what's all this talk about judge judy. why would anyone want to fuck her?

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
what? you can't just change your sleep schedule. you will be back.

what's all this talk about judge judy. why would anyone want to fuck her?
Ya. lol You can. Instead of going to sleep at 6-7 am when I got tired, I stayed up. All the way to 6PM. And went to sleep. Woke up at 6am. :) No I'll go to sleep about 9-10 PM. And wake up around 7am. Stay on that schedule for about 2 weeks. And then slowly veer off. Staying up a little later. And a little later. And a little later. Until finally I have to do it, AGAIN. :) It's been this way since Junior High. ;)


Active Member
Not to be a nerd but I just have to say finding this thread is awesome...knowing I'm not the only one is kind of relieving. I mean some of you are seriously in the same boat as me - like seriously sleep-dysfunctional. Especially when I don't smoke - if I don't smoke I just stay up to like 8am then wake up at noon.


Well-Known Member
Didn't say it is of course.

I wont be around during insomniac times buddy. lol I'll be an early riser again though. ;)
Should we just let this thread be a full time thread; instead of this thread being a night time thread. But then it might destroy the purpose of the thread.... But then again, is night time somewhere.

Ha I guess we will see you in the morning bird time for now on.

Tran Dinh

Well-Known Member
Should we just let this thread be a full time thread; instead of this thread being a night time thread. But then it might destroy the purpose of the thread.... But then again, is night time somewhere.

Ha I guess we will see you in the morning bird time for now on.
i have to cheat the thread rules otherwise there'd be no one in here to talk considering my timezone, im your tomorrow


wait what i dont wanna be your last night if your my tomorrow ha where is everyone tonight its1:22 i cant be the only one here

Big P

Well-Known Member
your not dankinz i stand with you

i was going to go to sleep and give up, but no you have given me strength BONG HITS I SAY!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Whats up. I actually fell asleep around 10pm and slept till 2am...whooo whee!, I'll feel great today. Thats enough to keep me going till tueday