The Republicans Presidential Candidate


Well-Known Member
One has taken money from a drug company and then mandated that people be injected with there products. One who has tried to pass a death penalty for marijuana, one wants a new federal sales tax. One says corperations are people and is super rich and came up with a plan and says it doesn't work. One is a globalist who worked for Bush. Their is the Governer with a good platform but no name recognition and no media coverage-
Is their One i'm forgetting......
One who could win?


Well-Known Member
Only Romney has maintained a semi-reasonable position that he can walk back in the general election. But he can't get the support of the insane R base. The rest of them are covered in sticky rhetorical mud that will probably sink them with independents, giving Obama the victory again.

Bom Shankar

Romney HATES marijuana smokers. He's a total jackass. Ron Paul and Gary Johnson are the best, but the asshole republican party and media won't give them any media. Gary Johnson pledges to totally remove marijuana from DEA Schedule I AND pardon all non-violent marijuana offenders that are imprisoned. These are the guys to vote for. The rest are stupid clowns who don't stand a chance against lying Obama.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Even though I have a lot of respect for Johnson and he was a great governor, I'm still voting for O'Bama.

Bom Shankar

I don't like Obama for the very fact that when he campaigned, he stated that DEA raids against state-approved dispensaries is "not a good use of federal resources". He also stated that we need to rethink how the Drug War is handled. In the beginning of his term he wrote a letter to ALL of the U.S. Attorney Generals saying NOT to raid dispensaries and users who are following state law. What a f'in liar!!! Despite the letter, the DEA still raided dispensaries and clinics in California and Colorado. NOW the same U.S. Attorney Generals in California stated that ALL dispensaries in California are to close or face prosecution. Also letters were given to all the landlords stating that unless they evict the dispensaries, they also will face prosecution and seized property and assets. Also a letter was written to all the banks stating that they are not allowed to service the business needs of the state-approved clinics AND if that wasn't enough... The federal government stated that dispensaries were not allowed to claim business expenses on their tax returns and now tons of back taxes are due. What an dickhead! I will never vote for a president who doesn't respect the 4th and 10th Amendment. Obama is a traitor and a tyrant! Plus many other reasons to not vote for him...


Well-Known Member
I don't like Obama for the very fact that when he campaigned, he stated that DEA raids against state-approved dispensaries is "not a good use of federal resources". He also stated that we need to rethink how the Drug War is handled. In the beginning of his term he wrote a letter to ALL of the U.S. Attorney Generals saying NOT to raid dispensaries and users who are following state law. What a f'in liar!!! ..
I'm with you. Obama has proven himself to be a total political animal, moving to the "center" at election time, regardless of who it hurts or of promises not kept. But it could be worse.


New Member
I don't like Obama for the very fact that when he campaigned, he stated that DEA raids against state-approved dispensaries is "not a good use of federal resources". He also stated that we need to rethink how the Drug War is handled. In the beginning of his term he wrote a letter to ALL of the U.S. Attorney Generals saying NOT to raid dispensaries and users who are following state law. What a f'in liar!!! Despite the letter, the DEA still raided dispensaries and clinics in California and Colorado. NOW the same U.S. Attorney Generals in California stated that ALL dispensaries in California are to close or face prosecution. Also letters were given to all the landlords stating that unless they evict the dispensaries, they also will face prosecution and seized property and assets. Also a letter was written to all the banks stating that they are not allowed to service the business needs of the state-approved clinics AND if that wasn't enough... The federal government stated that dispensaries were not allowed to claim business expenses on their tax returns and now tons of back taxes are due. What an dickhead! I will never vote for a president who doesn't respect the 4th and 10th Amendment. Obama is a traitor and a tyrant! Plus many other reasons to not vote for him...
You mean back when the Idea of marijuana Dispensaries was to distrubute Medical cannabis to sick and needy people?
Or you mean the drug dealers using medical marijuana as a front and advertising it on radio and newspapers like Lite Beer.
I think medical Marijuana is a crock of shit.
They should legalize the Growing and possession for personal use

Bom Shankar

I agree with the medical mj... All uses of cannabis should be legalized. But still there is an issue with state's rights. According to the constitution, it should be California that decides how to regulate and the federal government shouldn't interfere. Also, all the broken promises and lies show that Obama is NOT supportive of MJ; he's nothing but a hypocrite and untrustworthy liar. The only hope is Paul or Johnson from the republican party and it looks like they don't have a chance. As far as I'm concerned the rest from both tyrant parties could go to hell.


Well-Known Member
Only Romney has maintained a semi-reasonable position that he can walk back in the general election. But he can't get the support of the insane R base. The rest of them are covered in sticky rhetorical mud that will probably sink them with independents, giving Obama the victory again.
Which position? romney flip flops too much. He has no backbone and panders to whomever he is speaking too at the time.


Well-Known Member
It'd be extremely difficult to fail any worse at running a country than Obama. Rampant unemployment, HUGE deficits, no solution in sight, no clue how to "solve it" except by taking from some and giving to others. Gimme a break. Only a fool would vote this guy into office, especially a second time.


Well-Known Member
Which position? romney flip flops too much. He has no backbone and panders to whomever he is speaking too at the time.
I'm just comparing him to the rest of the insane republican field. Compared to them he has been a paragon of virtue.