KonaGirl420 1st Grow All By Myself


Well-Known Member
Best info for cloning for a noob u can't fuck this up is take a cup put ur cutting in it after removing it from the plant make sure you cut at a 45 degree angle split it on the bottom of the stem in half up to the top of the 45 or further and scrape some of the "bark" (the proper term eludes me at the moment) off til it looks shiny and wet now that you removed the skin drop it in the cup of water make sure no light gets to the root area put it in a corner of your veg room and change the water every day or every other day in about a month you will see a root comn out most likely. Now plant it in some good soil like roots organic and put it back in the corner it will start growin within a week. You can speed that process up using cloning solution water. Ph any water you use to 5.5 until you plant it in the soil then use normal 6.5 or ro water
right on Kaptain, thanks for the info bro! my buddy has a bottle of that cloning powder shit...recomend using that or no..?

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
right on Kaptain, thanks for the info bro! my buddy has a bottle of that cloning powder shit...recomend using that or no..?
That works too but you do it probably without a water cup and use a cube or soil or somthin with powder I jus have u the simplest method IMO to play with but there's all sorts I ways to do it. I could tell you how to clone and get roots before you remove it from your mom


Active Member
I have rooted in water, and have used gel for years....but switched over to "Woods Rooting Compound" and won't go back!

You mix some up in water, (follow directions) cut and dip for like 10 seconds. Place in dirt.... they don't even wilt! You still need to keep them humid for a few days, but I have not lost one cutting since using the Woods. After mixing, I keep it in a covered jar.... have been using the same "dip" for almost three months....this stuff goes a really long way!

" How Wood's Rooting Compound Works! Wood's Rooting Compound is so effective because of its unique formulation and because it is distributed as a liquid concentrate which is easily diluted for any plant type. From succulent to woody cuttings, the liquid concentrate can be diluted to the precise concentration needed. Unlike powders that provide only a single concentration, Wood's is ideally suited for all cutting types.
Another key element of Wood's success is that because it is an alcohol based solution the cuttings absorb it instantly which completely sanitizes them from pathogens."


Active Member
That works too but you do it probably without a water cup and use a cube or soil or somthin with powder I jus have u the simplest method IMO to play with but there's all sorts I ways to do it. I could tell you how to clone and get roots before you remove it from your mom
Air layer!! Fun stuff Kaptain! I have been playing around with grafting lately. Have one I just put in the flower room with 4 different strains :-) Mostly I am grafting to hold strains without so may numbers....but figured it would be fun to bud one out!

Thinking about numbers, graft and air layer!!!


Well-Known Member
I found info on it....Damn the Ganja Gods are with me!

Hawaiian 5-O (Northern Lights#5 x Hawaiian Indica) 55-60 Flowering time!

Northern Lights is my favorite strain!




Well-Known Member
That works too but you do it probably without a water cup and use a cube or soil or somthin with powder I jus have u the simplest method IMO to play with but there's all sorts I ways to do it. I could tell you how to clone and get roots before you remove it from your mom
BEFORE removing from the mother??? That sounds like some "grow a nose on the back of a rat" sci-fi shit...!!! Crazy!!!! Would def like to see that....your way sounds easier and more reliable than the powder anyways....is that aerocloner thing the setup using a airstone and whatnot?


Well-Known Member
Air layer!! Fun stuff Kaptain! I have been playing around with grafting lately. Have one I just put in the flower room with 4 different strains :-) Mostly I am grafting to hold strains without so may numbers....but figured it would be fun to bud one out!

Thinking about numbers, graft and air layer!!!
How long does it take for a clone to graft to a plant? Do you use tape to seal it??


Well-Known Member
That works too but you do it probably without a water cup and use a cube or soil or somthin with powder I jus have u the simplest method IMO to play with but there's all sorts I ways to do it. I could tell you how to clone and get roots before you remove it from your mom
A month is a long time to root some clones, use some clonex and rapid rooters in a humidome and you can have roots in as little as 6 days.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Ok man no duh but if u took the time to read it was the simplest method a humidor and clonex is not lol way more complicated with a. Cup of water u don't have to do anything if u want it to root faster use cloning solution. I didn't say the fastest


Active Member
How long does it take for a clone to graft to a plant? Do you use tape to seal it??
Here is a thread from this site (marijuananation) https://www.rollitup.org/advanced-marijuana-cultivation/403595-how-easily-graft-marijuana-plant.html....close enough to the way I do mine for me to say I am sure it works.

The only thing I do that makes it easier for me is use an aquarium instead of a dome for my clones, so it's large enough to put my grafted plants in instead of trying to use baggies for humidity. I also use medical paper tape, but I don't think the type of tape you use is a big deal....and I like to use tops, when I top a plant, I save the tops for grafting. Takes about the same time it takes to root a clone, except I don't use any rooting hormones...don't use anything :-)

Here is a before/after. Base plant is NYCD, she has a top from Jack Herer, Pez and Big Band on her making 4 strains total.
