KonaGirl420 1st Grow All By Myself


Well-Known Member
Nice Thread/Journal...I am towards the end of a VERY danky bagseed grow...my first grow as well...got lots of useful info from your journal and all the peeps who so eagerly gave up there secrets to you...helps to be a lady on a forum like this i guess LMAO... take it easy and keep growin'..!!!



Well-Known Member
Thanks man welcome to the thread!!!! Ya there are only a few girls on here, so I guess we do have an advantage, but I have always been about the love of green and love of fun and friendship!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see your stuff..you can post it here if you would like!!!!


Well-Known Member
Right on...I have never had a problem getting along with people who love green, having fun and friendship...guess that would describe most of us in the MJ community..lol...anyway i havent the slightest idea what strain i have on my hands but heres a few pics a snapped the other day...let me know what you think...I started a thread in the Indoor section check it out has lots of pics of the whole grow start to finish...post the link when i find it...LOL :joint:

2011-10-30 10.45.25.jpg2011-10-23 06.54.05.jpgDSCN0656.jpg

BTW... heres where my thread is...


Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Damn phone all these blank posts are gettin to me lol gotta get o. The comp to watch em unless you provide direct link lol =/


Well-Known Member
Hahahahaha oh damn that does suck hahahaha!!!! I will have to see if I can post both from now on and maybe go back and edit and add the links hahahaha!!!!


Well-Known Member
hey kona....I got a 1/4 of OG Kush at the club the other day and last night i found a lone little seed at the bottom...it looks and feels viable (squeezed it a little and it didnt pop)anyway i REALLY wanna crop this out if it pops for me...i remembered seeing this post of yours from back in the day and was wondering how the cloning project worked out for you? never cloned personally but with only one OG Kush seed i would love to mother her out if she makes it...how'd that clone box work for you? and is there any place youd recomend for getting info on cloning? thanks for your help...

keep growin'...bongsmilie

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Best info for cloning for a noob u can't fuck this up is take a cup put ur cutting in it after removing it from the plant make sure you cut at a 45 degree angle split it on the bottom of the stem in half up to the top of the 45 or further and scrape some of the "bark" (the proper term eludes me at the moment) off til it looks shiny and wet now that you removed the skin drop it in the cup of water make sure no light gets to the root area put it in a corner of your veg room and change the water every day or every other day in about a month you will see a root comn out most likely. Now plant it in some good soil like roots organic and put it back in the corner it will start growin within a week. You can speed that process up using cloning solution water. Ph any water you use to 5.5 until you plant it in the soil then use normal 6.5 or ro water


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah cloning is awesome I love it!!!! Not hard at all I use clonex!!!! The last set of pics I posted pages back, the plants that are not flowering are my clones!!!!!!