Muslim prayer room wanted for Catholic University.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
It's just the beginning. Did you see the other story WinterWoman posted? ~~~>
Which Shariah law? Like the one trying to be introduced in Mississippi that would deny women the right to an abortion regardless of the circumstance? If a woman is raped, too bad. If she is the victim of incest, so fucking what. If her life is in danger, tough luck. Not to mention that in vitro fertilization will be against the law. Birth control methods would be outlawed as well. Or how about the abortion and anti-gay laws being implemented throughout the country? We have more to worry about from Christian fundamentalists than we ever will with Muslims.


Well-Known Member
Which Shariah law? Like the one trying to be introduced in Mississippi that would deny women the right to an abortion regardless of the circumstance? If a woman is raped, too bad. If she is the victim of incest, so fucking what. If her life is in danger, tough luck. Not to mention that in vitro fertilization will be against the law. Birth control methods would be outlawed as well. Or how about the abortion and anti-gay laws being implemented throughout the country? We have more to worry about from Christian fundamentalists that we ever will with Muslims.
Almost enough to make me wanna write a lobster to my congressman!

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Please don't defend Islam by attacking Christians.

I've said it before, 'Vote them all out of office'
Which Shariah law? Like the one trying to be introduced in Mississippi that would deny women the right to an abortion regardless of the circumstance? If a woman is raped, too bad. If she is the victim of incest, so fucking what. If her life is in danger, tough luck. Not to mention that in vitro fertilization will be against the law. Birth control methods would be outlawed as well. Or how about the abortion and anti-gay laws being implemented throughout the country? We have more to worry about from Christian fundamentalists that we ever will with Muslims.


Pickle Queen
Dear god not the muslims complaining for priviledges again ;) this happened in my school (private french catholic school) 2 boys immigrated here assumed their "wealth" and religious beliefs trumped everyone elses, including the schools lmfao, Their parents wanted them to be able to leave class for prayer when ever they needed,( also have a room for them with no catholic religious symbols) asked they have their own lunch table, and requested they be in all male classes (which the school did not eve offer hahaha ) Oh i did not mention that the only reason they attended our school was because the could only speak french. Well ends up our super religious principal (think hair always in a bun, long ankle skirts NEVER pants type lady) tells them that they are welcome to stay in our school if the will accept that their views and beliefs conflict with ours, they were not given persmission to disrupt everyones daily routine and we would not accomodate their religious beliefs because they were in a CATHOLIC SCHOOL!!!!! Ya it's that simple, but they did stay and both attended all our religious events. Same thing happened at work but dude decided he would pray anyways and was fired for keeping a client on hold over 5 mins while he prayed in the middle of the isle lmfao


Active Member
Fuck the Muslims, they're so fuckin emo, you dis the prophet they wanna blow shit up...fuck em all especially the prophet mohammed... now come blow me to fuck up.
fuck you.just respect man noone cares your ass to blow up.why you most think all muslims are terrorists like usame agent?we all worried and cursed the terror at 11 december in my country as like when you tortured and raped the civils at ıraq,also when your jewish brothers killed palestine civils.ı dont know about schools in usa.but muslims in your country are mostly the poor emigrantsı..and there are people who lives their beliefs on tops at every religion.dont think we are all the same.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
So you are slamming Christians as away to defend the Constitution? Is that right? The fly in the ointment is that it is a private Catholic school. What about their rights to use their property as they see fit without interference, especially by another religion.

I'm defending the constitution. And pointing out the fly in America's ointment isn't "attacking Christians."


Well-Known Member
So you are slamming Christians as away to defend the Constitution? Is that right? The fly in the ointment is that it is a private Catholic school. What about their rights to use their property as they see fit without interference, especially by another religion.
Im thinking he's meaning that there should be no relgious influence in law, whether it be islamic law or christian principles.
Law should remain secular and not be made based off of religious values


Well-Known Member
Which Shariah law? Like the one trying to be introduced in Mississippi that would deny women the right to an abortion regardless of the circumstance? If a woman is raped, too bad. If she is the victim of incest, so fucking what. If her life is in danger, tough luck. Not to mention that in vitro fertilization will be against the law. Birth control methods would be outlawed as well. Or how about the abortion and anti-gay laws being implemented throughout the country? We have more to worry about from Christian fundamentalists that we ever will with Muslims.


Sector 5 Moderator
aren't there places where certain types (religion, race, gender) aren't even allowed to enter? a lot of these being in the muslim world? fuck em I say, fuck all bible thumpers of any kind.anyone that allows a religion to control them or relies on a religion to practice morals and ethics, fuck em.
That's sooooooooooooooo discriminatory!!!


Well-Known Member
Christians are filed period telling everybody how to live there lives and your a sinner if you don't follow the so called BOOK of GOD lol the greatest story ever told period
So you are slamming Christians as away to defend the Constitution? Is that right? The fly in the ointment is that it is a private Catholic school. What about their rights to use their property as they see fit without interference, especially by another religion.


Well-Known Member
I'm someone wanted Muslim area, why the hell would they go to a Catholic school? There are plenty of Muslim churches. Can you imagine a posse of Catholics wanting to do the same at a Muslim University?


Sector 5 Moderator
Muslims murder thousands of Christians every year. They are right up there with the haters here with their prejudice.


Well-Known Member
Christians are filed period telling everybody how to live there lives and your a sinner if you don't follow the so called BOOK of GOD lol the greatest story ever told period
STEREO TYPE!! STEREO TYPE!! STEREO TYPE!! when im out and about and talking to people never once do i force anything into any bodies mind of call them a sinner. IM A CHRISTAIN AND.. I AM A SINNER!!!!!!!! ill be the first to call myself out before i call anyone else a sinner. i only tell my story and share how god has worked threw my life and what he's done to teach me. dont defecate your bad experience just cause you didnt like what they said and couldnt speak in a manner of which that would politly turned their own hypocrisy back on them. god that day BROTHER was trying to speak threw you to them and hand them their wrongs and hatred. be stronger than that!