If the State ran the dispensaries..would you be good whith that?

bob harris

Well-Known Member
affordable for the rich.without being able to secure a housing loan it does not matter how cheap they are.i would say 75% percent of my friend's rent because they are unable to get a housing loan.they pay more in rent then i do for my mortgage,that's sad paying more for something you will never own.

Bad credit isn't the governments fault. Bad credit in this country was created by people over extending themselves. Sure, credit card companies and mortgage companies extended easy credit..but you're still supposed to monitor yourself.


Active Member
none of them have bad credit.most of them have no credit.all them are highly skilled worker's,most of them are fellow welder's or machinist.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
It's not going to happen that way. The state would employ a certain number of large commercial growers and eradicate all patient home grows so that everyone had to give their money to the state.

However if they did come out with an opportunity like you say, I would not oppose that. They can test my shit all day. I do not use any poisons and have a climate controlled grow so I have no mold issues either. I would like to legally be able to sell overages to SOMEBODY!!

But yeah, there is no way the state would participate in your business model.

On a side note, something is in the works because one of my customers at work who owns a marijuana related .com site just had an offer from Pfizer to buy his domain name for $3000, 3 months after he paid $17 for it.
Speaking of people I wouldn't trust to run a dispensary........! I've known too many big pharma cats to want them anywhere near cannabis if I can help it. Just watch what happens to the prices people think are crazy right now if big pharma gets involved.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
And for the "no taxes' crowd...how would you propose infrastructure be paid for?..you know, highways, streets, bridges even back roads. How about the military, which if we didn't have, would mean we'd be run by Nazi or Japaneses rule? (remember that whole ww2 thing...had we lost, I'm sure you'd be happier with the Government that took over)
I want to know where the money we curently pay is going. The website says how many patients are registered and that's 25 or 100 every person, every year. The website (when I last read it a while back) was complaining basicaly about being understaffed. looked like to me close to 100,000 patients times $100 since 2009. now....my math is not the greatest but I think that should afford us some sort of staff and speed in the processing which I just don't see. Not to be a hippie freak tripping on gov but they have a knack for making loot disapear into a cloud of bullshit and promises. in short-keep it free as free can be and out of the hands of the gov IMO. Put it up on the shelf at meijer like booze but not some state run liquor store like in Canada (I can't ever remember to buy my 10pm beer before 10pm when I'm in town)

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Let me put my two cents in, please. The USPS has to give the military preferential treatment in hiring. And if they remain in the Military Reserves while they work for the post office then the legislature made them responsible for both pensions - USPS and Military. I've included an excerpt from a Congressional hearing from a number of years back. The taxpayers should pay for the military pensions and the rate payers should pay for the USPS pensions. If they did that it would help immensely.

"The postal service believes it should not be responsible for funding Civil Service Retirement System [CSRS] retirement benefits earned by postal employees while they served in the military," USPS postmaster general John E. Potter told the panel. "We disagree in the shift in the obligation from the taxpayer to the ratepayer."

The Administration, however, "opposes any effort to shift the roughly $27 billion of military costs back to the taxpayer," said Treasury Secretary John W. Snow.

Edit: $27 billion is a lot of stamps.

USPS is going broke because private industry has taken the profitable business from them. Leaving usps just the 50 cent letter part..the most labor intensive and service oriented part. If usps does go under, that 50 cent letter will be no more private carriers would want $2.50 for that same letter.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Speaking of people I wouldn't trust to run a dispensary........! I've known too many big pharma cats to want them anywhere near cannabis if I can help it. Just watch what happens to the prices people think are crazy right now if big pharma gets involved.
The difference is that big pharma would be running something whrere the cost to produce is already know. They can't artifically run up cannabis prices. It's a crop, and the cost to grow is too easy to figure. No R and D to bury...not inventing anything..why do you think they keep working on synthetics? Morinol, Sativex

bob harris

Well-Known Member
I want to know where the money we curently pay is going. The website says how many patients are registered and that's 25 or 100 every person, every year. The website (when I last read it a while back) was complaining basicaly about being understaffed. looked like to me close to 100,000 patients times $100 since 2009. now....my math is not the greatest but I think that should afford us some sort of staff and speed in the processing which I just don't see. Not to be a hippie freak tripping on gov but they have a knack for making loot disapear into a cloud of bullshit and promises. in short-keep it free as free can be and out of the hands of the gov IMO. Put it up on the shelf at meijer like booze but not some state run liquor store like in Canada (I can't ever remember to buy my 10pm beer before 10pm when I'm in town)
The dispensary program is up 8 million over it's three years. That's no money to the State of Michigan. Barely buys an new bridge. You do expect drivable roads don't you? States annual budget is in the 50 BILLION range. Where's the money going? to pay back the 1 Billion in INTEREST, on the unemployment the State's paid out. Get over the State's money. State's have no money unless someone pays taxes, or they profit on something they do. lotto makes 750 MILLION a year. The 2.5 Million per year that the mmj office makes is nothing. Quit thinking about only yourself.

Shelf at Miejer's? Like alcohol? It's medical mj, that's "prescription" stuff...It needs a dispensary.

Back to where does the money go....Bridges, food stamps, emergency aid for utilities to the low income families. State has a lot more on their plate then medical mj. They need to get your brothers unemployment check out.

In short..they are far more concerned with the "good of the many" than the "good of the few"..or "one" as Spock once said...

You continually seemed to be concerned with the "good of the one"..hence, my dislike for you.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Let me put my two cents in, please. The USPS has to give the military preferential treatment in hiring. And if they remain in the Military Reserves while they work for the post office then the legislature made them responsible for both pensions - USPS and Military. I've included an excerpt from a Congressional hearing from a number of years back. The taxpayers should pay for the military pensions and the rate payers should pay for the USPS pensions. If they did that it would help immensely.

"The postal service believes it should not be responsible for funding Civil Service Retirement System [CSRS] retirement benefits earned by postal employees while they served in the military," USPS postmaster general John E. Potter told the panel. "We disagree in the shift in the obligation from the taxpayer to the ratepayer."

The Administration, however, "opposes any effort to shift the roughly $27 billion of military costs back to the taxpayer," said Treasury Secretary John W. Snow.

Edit: $27 billion is a lot of stamps.
That's a pretty legit gripe. In the big picture it's just shifting money for accounting purposes....freeing up tax money, and replacing that tax money by forcing the usps to raise prices..a tax increase that wasn't approved is the result to the average citizen. Pretty shady on the higher ups in GOVT, but not directly the post office doing anything wrong.

Post office handles all deployed military personnel mail for free. ups going to do that?

Bottom line is the Government doesn't have ANY money without a tax base. And the tax base isn't big enough to run the government. The Infrastructure in America is falling apart. Yes, the rich need to pay more taxes. But the reality is anyone making less than 40k a year, gets a lot more for his tax dollar the he paid in.

Having roads to drive on, and a military to defend and Fire departments to save your ass, wasn't worth the $1000 you paid on that 40k?
There are so many tax credits available that low income people can get money back for FREE. Yet somehow the one that squak the loudest about "unfair taxes and government"....are the very people incurring the most expense to the government. It's kind of ironic...

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
The difference is that big pharma would be running something whrere the cost to produce is already know. They can't artifically run up cannabis prices. It's a crop, and the cost to grow is too easy to figure. No R and D to bury...not inventing anything..why do you think they keep working on synthetics? Morinol, Sativex
They bury advertising into R and D, that's all the fuck they do is bury sht in R and D to cover up the sick amounts of money they don't actually use to research and develop.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
I've worked for both CRO (contract research orginization) and Pfizer, seen both sdes and you really....REALLY do not want them involved. If you think fairly priced pot for seriously sick people is hard to find now, just let these cats get involved. Believe me, the FDA doesn't turn down studies and as for your thought that they won't be burying cash in RD; they will use the guise of safety like they do now to run study after study at inflated prices and hide dollars that way as well as advertising and packaging...yeah packaging is considered "development" that D is a giant umbrella.


Well-Known Member
Just a thought..looking for opinions.Not stupid arguments from anti government paranoids.

But if the State opened dispensaries, supplied patients for a reasonable donation, and bought overages from people with cards for fair prices, (State would want testing to determine value, and even if it's useable) would you think that was a decent compromise?

Would you trust them?
Would you be ok with testing?
What would you consider a fair price for A+ meds, under a "no risk" program?
At the end of the year, the State sends you a 1099 for what they paid you, you get all your deductions, but claim the income...would that be OK?
kinda like what the state of washington is/was thinking about.They were talking about putting it in the liquor stores! Washington has state run liquor stores (Washington state seal on the door), you cant by vodka or anything like that at a regular grocery store there are a few (maybe 10 in the whole state) that are private and run under a special license that are run and look the exact same as the other stores! thay aren't open Sundays, only 10-9 m-t and 10-10 friday and saturday! Here in Cali. I can go to my local grocery/corner store and pick up a bottle of liquor until 2 am! If I needed a place to get my meds I would trust the state! They would most likely be cheaper than the clubs and have high quality stuff. like you were talking about demanding testing and such, the state wouldn't want the backlash from selling bunk shit! I don't live in your state so you can ignore me, just letting you know other states were kinda thinking the same thing and most patients I've talked to in washington were totally up for it on the thoughts that the state wouldn't have to worry about keeping control of the clubs selling to people without permits, It would be a state verified thing and the state would bring in all the profit and tax money helping the budget!


debt per citizen in Michigan is $7321 (but is actually slowly dropping!)


debt per citizen in Washington is $10,259 (but it's actually gaining a little faster than you guys are dropping! Lucky You!)


Well-Known Member
State's have no money unless someone pays taxes, or they profit on something they do.
thats not entirely true. research the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. CAFR the government has a lot more money than they tell you about. A annual budget has nothing to do with how much cash you have, its just what you plan to spend.

Just because 99% of the people are fooled doesnt make anything we have been told true. We are treated as slaves, and they want to milk as much out of us as possible. its the way it is now, the way it has always been, and I dont see that goin to change ever. humans are pathetic, self serving, egotistical beings. the only ones ever going to complain about it are the ones that let themselves be controlled.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
They bury advertising into R and D, that's all the fuck they do is bury sht in R and D to cover up the sick amounts of money they don't actually use to research and develop.
That's true. Pharma spends twice as much on advertising as they do R and D. Just so they can run commercials, convince you you have a problem, and tell you exactly what to ask your Doctor for. Learned that when I was buying advertising.

Seems like you wouldn't need to advertise medicine. People have a problem, they go to a Doctor, Doctor knows what medicine..that's why he's the Doctor.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
I've worked for both CRO (contract research orginization) and Pfizer, seen both sdes and you really....REALLY do not want them involved. If you think fairly priced pot for seriously sick people is hard to find now, just let these cats get involved. Believe me, the FDA doesn't turn down studies and as for your thought that they won't be burying cash in RD; they will use the guise of safety like they do now to run study after study at inflated prices and hide dollars that way as well as advertising and packaging...yeah packaging is considered "development" that D is a giant umbrella.

I still think big pharma would rather work on synthetics...way more opportunity gouge. You can only bury so much bullshit cost into a plant. But I get your point about big pharma.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
kinda like what the state of washington is/was thinking about.They were talking about putting it in the liquor stores! Washington has state run liquor stores (Washington state seal on the door), you cant by vodka or anything like that at a regular grocery store there are a few (maybe 10 in the whole state) that are private and run under a special license that are run and look the exact same as the other stores! thay aren't open Sundays, only 10-9 m-t and 10-10 friday and saturday! Here in Cali. I can go to my local grocery/corner store and pick up a bottle of liquor until 2 am! If I needed a place to get my meds I would trust the state! They would most likely be cheaper than the clubs and have high quality stuff. like you were talking about demanding testing and such, the state wouldn't want the backlash from selling bunk shit! I don't live in your state so you can ignore me, just letting you know other states were kinda thinking the same thing and most patients I've talked to in washington were totally up for it on the thoughts that the state wouldn't have to worry about keeping control of the clubs selling to people without permits, It would be a state verified thing and the state would bring in all the profit and tax money helping the budget!


debt per citizen in Michigan is $7321 (but is actually slowly dropping!)


debt per citizen in Washington is $10,259 (but it's actually gaining a little faster than you guys are dropping! Lucky You!)
Washington and Colorado are doing the best so far with dispensing regulations. Thanks for the post.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
thats not entirely true. research the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. CAFR the government has a lot more money than they tell you about. A annual budget has nothing to do with how much cash you have, its just what you plan to spend.

Just because 99% of the people are fooled doesnt make anything we have been told true. We are treated as slaves, and they want to milk as much out of us as possible. its the way it is now, the way it has always been, and I dont see that goin to change ever. the only ones ever going to complain about it are the ones that let themselves be controlled.
Yes, budgets ARE about how much you plan to spend...and they usually spend MORE than they budget.But I don;t think we are treated like slaves. I think many people expect too much for free. People feel ENTITLED to good roads, and public infrastructure. People want healthcare, protection from harm (both military and local police) Fire departments...yet don't want to pay taxes.

Boggles my mind how they expect these things to be provided. Humans are pathetic, self serving, egotistical beings when left un checked.. That's exactly why governments were formed. To put some sense of order in society.