My Baby Has Been Stolen From Me!!! WTF!!

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
You either chalk it off completely, or fuck him up so bad and convince him that any retaliation is gonna result in more harm to him and his family that he won't go to the cops. It's an all or nothing scenario. You throw a brick with a note, or just beat him up and you got realtime cop problems. When I say fuck him up, I mean baseball bat and put him in traction kinda action. Break knees, collar bones, elbows and ankles, maybe even ham string him. Kick him to sleep, and then keep kicking. That kind of a beating makes a huge psychological impact, and will take the manhood away from him, by turning his bowels into water at the very thought of you. At this point, it's not just a matter of the one plant, but the marking of you as a good target for the next guy who wants your shit. This day and age of gangs and all, you meet violence with extreme violence, or just lay down and take your knocks. It could very well escalate and be bad for you, but usually they will respect you all the more and leave you alone from then on.


Well-Known Member
you do understand i dont smoke cigarettes right? so quit trolling me
You're trolling. I don't have a smokers cough and I smoke cigs and weed. You probably have a bronchial infection.

You're trolling. YOU'RE TROLLING WTF!!!!


Well-Known Member
I like the meatball with provolone, but my absolute favorite is the subway club, with spinach, nothing else. Well, I mean, salt + pepper, and parmasean. Provolone cheese and on a sourdough roll.
Its pretty healthy for you too, especially since I leave off all the sauces and bad shit
Just saying.... :hump:


Well-Known Member
i rarely eat subway... anywho, this thread is about some guy getting his plant taken, back to that
Yes back to that, I offer you 6 dollars for a meal at Subway to put things right for this man who had part of his livelihood taken from him.

You sounded really gangsta and I only want gangsta ass thugs doing this.


Well-Known Member
lol fear you got the wrong impression of me. but where im from if someone does something like this, they end up with the brakes beaten off of them. its about respecting other people


Well-Known Member
Sorry for screwing up your thread dude, but here is some good advice.
Two wrongs dont make a right. If you dont have anything to lose and you dont mind jail or prison or fueds with neighbors then confront him and demand payment for the plant nhe stole and then be prepared to take it out with a beating.

If you actually have a life then you have to be more careful about your illegal grow. He could just have easily been a snitch or a cop who found your plant.
You have to learn from it and move on.


Well-Known Member
If anyone here remember my first grow, I had my plants stolen by one of my good friends (at the time). I did that to him except I threw it in the back window of his car.
He never spoke to me again and ended up selling the car for like a thousand less than he paid for it.
Damn son, you're one stone cold mother fucker. +rep


Ursus marijanus
You either chalk it off completely, or fuck him up so bad and convince him that any retaliation is gonna result in more harm to him and his family that he won't go to the cops. It's an all or nothing scenario. You throw a brick with a note, or just beat him up and you got realtime cop problems. When I say fuck him up, I mean baseball bat and put him in traction kinda action. Break knees, collar bones, elbows and ankles, maybe even ham string him. Kick him to sleep, and then keep kicking. That kind of a beating makes a huge psychological impact, and will take the manhood away from him, by turning his bowels into water at the very thought of you. At this point, it's not just a matter of the one plant, but the marking of you as a good target for the next guy who wants your shit. This day and age of gangs and all, you meet violence with extreme violence, or just lay down and take your knocks. It could very well escalate and be bad for you, but usually they will respect you all the more and leave you alone from then on.
I would not like to see you angry. cn


RIU Bulldog
I'd just like to add before someone gets hurt, that I knew the guy wouldn't retaliate. I mean I didn't 100% know for sure, but I was pretty positive he wouldn't do anything once he found out I knew it was him. If you do something, be prepared for retaliation.


Well-Known Member
thats a hoe ass nigga for you
sums it up right there. i wouldnt get physically violent with him dude it will only lead to bad things even if he doesnt call the cops. i dont think many on this earth would get beatin to a bloody pulp and not do anything about it shootin you in the face. be slick about it dude just for a couple of months do shit to his car and house that he can never pin it on you and will equal out money wise with the plant he took. you can put nails under his tires, sugar in the gas tank, tear up his front lawn basically make his life annoyin as fuck for a month or two. you gotta beat him at his own game he knows you cant go to the cops for takin that and he cant go to the cops for random shit gettin messed up on his house/cars.

fuckin with a person mentally messes with them WAY more than physically