My Baby Has Been Stolen From Me!!! WTF!!


RIU Bulldog
Just wait for him to walk out of a bar one day and catch him slippin. You'll have to ride around the block for a while looking for him, but when catch him alone and you got a baseball bat, the revenge is sweet.
Idk though, you don't sound nearly as mad as I was when it happened. I was like a man possessed. I felt nothing but rage and am insatiable desire for revenge.
When I left my house @ 3 in the morning that day the streets were bare. Quiet. Deserted even.
In my neighbor hood, police presence is palpable. You can just tell when they're burning up the block. You can feel it. That morning there were no cops within a miles radiusl I would've staked my life on it. There were a few people walking back from bars and parties, but no police. The weather was perfect with the wind was blowing ever so softly over the mountains. I new as soon as I walked out of the house that this was the night. I should mention that I searched my house high and low for any kind of flamable liquid. My plan that night was to burn down his car, but thankfully there was nothing in the house that would work fast enough. No kerosene, no butane, no gas, hell, no alcohol. I truly believe God had my back that night. He knew that the man had raped me f my privacy and he was totally out of line, and that he had to pay. And I would be his implement for retribution.
I took my bike so I could make a clean getaway on foot if I had to. I rode a half mile to his house and drove by, peeping out the scene, driving by and around the streets by his house to see if there was any action. The guy's a tweeker so he's prone to late night wanderings around the 'hood. He's sort of well known for it.
Nothing. The streets were dead and he was no where in sight. I couldn't believe it.
I rode around looking for a stone that would do the trick. Not to heavy that I can't lob it while riding my bike, but not so small that it bounces off the window.
I found my huckleberry and wrapped a letter around it with a few thick rubber bands. It's was to damn hard to throw the rock while riding so I had to stop in fromnt of his house, stand there, and throw.
The glass shattered like a dream, it was perfect. And the best part was like an hour later it rained like it was the apocalypse, falling so hard that it completely ruined his custom interior and his expensive amp and speakers.
It was possible the sweetest revenge of my life.
Did i feel bad about in the long run? Yeah I actually did. Like I said, I'm not really like that....but I was insane with rage. I felt bad because the man is just a pethic tweeker, and that's all he'll ever be. He's 27 and has absolutely no future, and the worst part is, he doesn'[t care. All he wants is to get fucked up. I stayed his friend because we were buddies before he became a hopeless drug addict. I knew the real him. He was one of my oldest mates. I wanted to help him.
There but for the grace of God go I - you know?
Oh well.